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2. The kidney filter blood, removing urea, excess water and some ions.
All the glucose also filtered out, but it is all reabsorbed , some water is also
reabsorbed, depending on the state of hydration of the body. On a hot day, more
water is absorbed, resulting in a small amount of concentrated urine. Water is
reabsorbed by the process of osmosis , and white glucose and ions are diffusion
and active uptake

3. a. surplus of amino acids are removed from the blood by the liver and broken
down into urea by the process of deamination
b. 1. Breakdown of poisons or alchohol
2. Controlling levels of glucose in the blood
4. a. Ii. cortex contains glomeruli
Ureter transfers urine to the bladder
b. I. filters the blood, some things that are filtered are water, glucose, urea, and
Ii. nephron function is reabsorbing glucose, most water, and salts.
Iii. passes urine.

1. a. I. a: renal vein, b: left kidney, c: ureter, d: bladder, E, urethra
Ii. amino acids and glucose will be present in par A, and also more salts than part C
Iii. smaller volume, more concentrated, urea also more concentrated
b. vena cava has a thinner wall; larger lumen and contains valves.
2. a. I. a method of removing one or more components from a solution using the process of
Ii. pump: keeps blood flowing through the machine; dialysis fluid: receives wastes/toxins
from the blood by diffusion.
b. i Visking tubing/ cellulose
Ii. provides a large surface area for efficient diffusion
Iii. to maintain a concentration gradient the concentration of removed substance builds
up; so diffusion slows down.
C. expensive to buy or maintain, and really tiring for the user. And also may require a
frequent hospital visit

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