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Author: Usama V
In Mecca, long ago,
There was a little boy, you know,
Born to a family good and true,
Whose name was Muhammad, how do you do?

He grew up strong and brave and kind,

With a pure and gentle heart and mind,
And even as a child, they say,
He loved to help and give away.

One day, while out in a cave,

An angel came, so bold and brave,
And spoke to Muhammad in his ear,
To share the message, far and near.

"Read, O Muhammad, in Allah's name,

And spread His word, forever the same,
For all people, high and low,
To know the truth and live and grow."

And so, the boy who loved to share,

Became a prophet, brave and rare,
And preached the message, pure and true,
To all the people, me and you.

That's the story of the early life,

Of the one who led us through the strife,
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
Whose kindness and faith will never dim.
In a cave on Mount Hira,
Muhammad would often retire,
To pray and think, to meditate,
And contemplate his people's fate.

One night, while he was all alone,

A voice boomed forth, like thunder's tone,
"Read, O Muhammad, in Allah's name,
The message that will bring you fame."

Startled and amazed, he ran,

Back to his home, his heart began
To thump and race, as he told his wife,
About the voice, that had changed his life.

He thought it was a dream, you see,

Until the angel Gabriel he did see,
A sight so glorious and so bright,
It filled his heart with pure delight.

"Recite, O Muhammad, the words I say,

For you are the Prophet, I've come to convey,
The message of Allah, to all mankind,
To help and guide them, and keep them aligned."

And so, Muhammad, with fear and awe,

Recited the message, without a flaw,
The words of Allah, so pure and true,
To share with me and you.

That's the story of the revelation,

Of the message that brought salvation,
The words of Allah, so bright and clear,
To guide us through our lives, my dear


In Mecca, Muhammad preached aloud,
To the people, both humble and proud,
He told them of Allah's power and might,
And how to live with kindness and right.

But many didn't like what they heard,

And tried to stop him with harsh words,
They mocked and teased and called him names,
And put his followers through much pains.

The Muslims were few, but they were strong,

They held on to faith, and stood up for what's long,
They faced the threats and the fear,
With love and courage, so sincere.

Muhammad knew the way was hard,

But he never once let down his guard,
He prayed to Allah, day and night,
And kept on preaching with all his might.

Even when his own family said no,

He kept on going, never letting go,
He knew that Allah was on his side,
And that in His power he could confide.

And so, the struggle in Mecca raged on,

But the faith of the Muslims only shone,
For they knew that one day, it would be clear,
That Allah's message was the one to hear.

That's the story of the struggle in Mecca,

Of the faith and courage that did not flack,
Of the Muslims who never gave in,
And kept on living, with the hope to win.
In Mecca, the Muslims faced much strife,
Their lives were hard, with little life,
The Quraysh, their enemies, were so strong,
They feared for their safety all day long.

Muhammad, too, knew it was time to go,

To a new land, where they could grow,
A place where they could be free,
And practice their faith, with liberty.

The Hijra was the journey they made,

To Medina, a city that would aid,
Their quest for peace and harmony,
And give them shelter and sanctuary.

The journey was long, and full of fears,

But they kept their faith, and shed their tears,
And when they reached Medina at last,
Their hearts were filled with hope, steadfast.

The people of Medina welcomed them,

With open hearts, and open arms,
And soon, the Muslims flourished there,
With new homes, and new farms.

And so, the Hijra was a turning point,

For the Muslims, who found a new joint,
A place where they could live and thrive,
And practice their faith, with joy and drive.

That's the story of the Hijra, you see,

A journey that set the Muslims free,
A journey that proved their strength and might,
And led them to a brighter light.


In Medina, the Muslims lived in peace,
And built a community that would increase,
But soon, they faced a new challenge ahead,
As the Quraysh came to fight, with anger and dread.

The battles were fierce, and the struggle was real,

But the Muslims had faith, and a heart of steel,
They fought with courage, and a will to win,
And never once let their faith grow thin.

The Battle of Badr was the first to come,

A victory that made the Muslims strong,
They faced the enemy with strength and might,
And won the day, with Allah's light.

Then came Uhud, a battle so tough,

The Muslims lost, but they didn't give up,
They knew that Allah was on their side,
And they would always have Him as their guide.

And so, the battles and conquests went on,

As the Muslims fought, and their faith shone,
They conquered new lands, and spread the word,
Of Allah's power, and His message heard.

The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah came at last,

A pact that showed how the die was cast,
The Muslims could practice their faith with ease,
And their enemies would have to keep the peace.

That's the story of the battles and conquests,

Of the Muslims' faith, and their strength and quests,
For Allah's message, they fought so hard,
And spread His word, near and far.
Muhammad, the Prophet, had come so far,
He had spread Allah's message, like a shining star,
He had led the Muslims through battles and strife,
And taught them how to live a righteous life.

In Medina, he lived with love and care,

And showed the people how to be fair,
He prayed to Allah, both day and night,
And lived his life with wisdom and might.

But soon, the time came for him to depart,

And leave this world, with a heavy heart,
He knew that his mission was complete,
And that Allah's love would never retreat.

He spoke to his followers, with love and grace,

And told them how to live in Allah's embrace,
He left them with the Qur'an, so true,
And the Sunnah, to guide them through.

In his final days, he fell quite ill,

But his faith in Allah was strong, still,
He passed away, with a peaceful heart,
And left the world, with a brand new start.

The Muslims mourned, but their faith was strong,

And they knew that Muhammad's message would live on,
They lived their lives, with love and care,
And followed his example, so rare.

That's the story of the Prophet's final years,

Of his faith and love, that conquered all fears,
Of his legacy, that still lives on,
And his message, that will never be gone.


Muhammad, the Prophet, left a legacy so great,
A message of peace, that would never abate,
He taught the world, how to live with love,
And seek Allah's blessings, from above.

His message was simple, yet profound,

To worship one God, and to spread love all around,
To be kind to each other, and to do what is right,
And to follow Allah's guidance, with all your might.

His teachings were captured, in the holy Qur'an,

And in the Sunnah, where his life's story began,
He left a rich heritage, that would guide us through,
And help us live our lives, in a way that is true.

He taught us to be just, in all our affairs,

To be honest and fair, and to show others we care,
He taught us to be humble, and to seek Allah's grace,
And to trust in Him, in every time and place.

He left us with a message, that we must carry on,

To spread peace and love, from dusk till dawn,
To be a shining example, of his noble way,
And to seek Allah's pleasure, every single day.

That's the legacy of Muhammad, you see,

A message of love, and of harmony,
A message that guides us, through every day,
And shows us the path, to Allah's way.


The message of Islam, from long ago,
Is still as relevant, as it was to show,
A message of peace, that the world still needs,
To bring harmony, and to plant new seeds.

Islam calls for justice, and for human rights,

For equality, and to end all fights,
It calls for kindness, and for charity too,
To help others, and to see them through.

Islam teaches us, to respect and to care,

For the planet we live in, and all that is rare,
To treat each other, with compassion and love,
To follow the guidance, from Allah above.

Islam shows us, how to live in peace,

To let go of our hatred, and for forgiveness to cease,
To see beyond our differences, and to unite,
To work together, for a future that's bright.

The message of Islam, is still alive and strong,

And its light will keep shining, for eternity long,
It's a message of hope, and of endless grace,
And it will help us all, to reach a better place.

So let us embrace, the message of Islam today,

And follow its teachings, in every single way,
Let us show the world, what Islam truly means,
A message of love, that forever gleams.

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