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Civil Disobedience

Peaceful Resistance
Civil disobedience is choosing not to follow a rule or law you think is unjust. It is a
nonviolent way to protest. It is a peaceful method to express your discontent over
injustice. Civil disobedience is an important method used throughout American history
as a peaceful method to address problems. Abolitionists used it to protest slavery.
Suffragists used it to demand the right for women to vote. Civil rights leaders used civil
disobedience to demand justice for people of all races and genders. In fact, many people
all over the world have used civil disobedience. It was used in the colonies of Africa and
Asia before the colonies gained their independence.

The Civil Rights Movement

In the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used civil disobedience. His purpose was to
further the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. He wanted people to be treated with justice, no
matter their race, gender, or background. He organized protests like boycotts, sit-ins,
and marches to bring attention to the unfair treatment of African Americans in the
United States. He never used physical violence to get what he wanted. Even though
the law said boycotts and sit-ins were illegal, protesters did them anyway to bring
attention to their cause. Dr. King wrote a letter called "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
after he was arrested for acting out of civil disobedience. This letter became very famous
and still inspires many people today.

Consequences of Civil Disobedience

When people participate in civil disobedience, they
could get arrested. Sometimes civil disobedience
means breaking a law on purpose in a peaceful way.
An example might be blocking a street or refusing
to leave a property. The protesters remain peaceful
and non-threatening no matter what happens.

Positive Changes
Civil disobedience has brought about many
positive changes in the world. Through non-
violent protests, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and
other leaders brought to light the mistreatment
of African Americans. In response to the actions of
the civil rights leaders, government officials changed
the laws to help bring equality to the people of the
United States.

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Civil Disobedience

1. What is an example of civil disobedience?

2. Who used civil disobedience to bring about change during the Civil Rights Movement? 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Abraham Lincoln
3. What does non-violent mean?

not hurting anyone
4. Someone can be arrested for engaging in civil disobedience because,

they are causing violence.

they are causing injustice.
they are breaking the law.
they are not being peaceful.
5. What is the main idea of the text? 

6. What is one example from the text explaining how a law can be broken in a peaceful way?

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Civil Disobedience

1. What is an example of civil disobedience?

2. Who used civil disobedience to bring about change during the Civil Rights Movement? 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Abraham Lincoln
3. What does non-violent mean?

not hurting anyone
4. Someone can be arrested for engaging in civil disobedience because,

they are causing violence.

they are causing injustice.
they are breaking the law.
they are not being peaceful.
5. What is the main idea of the text? 
The main idea of the text is that civil disobedience is a peaceful, nonviolent method used to
protest an injustice.

6. What is one example from the text explaining how a law can be broken in a peaceful way?
One example from the text is a sit-in. Sit-ins were illegal, but the protestors remained peaceful
in their disobedience.


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