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Chiș Miruna

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.”

To allow the world around us to progress, we as a society must be open to the concept of
change, not only to embrace it but also to fight for it. This principle is applicable here as well
because nothing can happen out of nowhere, without blood and sweat being put into it.

One of the most prominent examples among individuals is how we need to work in order to
change and see results, which is prevented by the "all-powerful" procrastination. As a student, I
am all too familiar with the concept of procrastination. However, if we do not complete our
homework or read and learn what the teacher has assigned, change, specifically in grades, will
surely not occur. Working can appear to be a difficult, daunting and overwhelming task, yet
without merely attempting to complete your duties, you will notice no improvement, therefore no

It is simple to stay in your comfort zone. Your assumptions are tested outside of it. Your
thoughts, beliefs, and opinions will be put to the test. You will need to come up with fresh ways
to express yourself and your beliefs. Getting out into the world and doing new things is a
cultivated way of life. In addition, while you are going through a shift, your mind expands in ways
it has not previously. You learn what you are capable of and what you are unable to handle. You
become more aware of your limits. You discover your true nature. You are willing to consider the
possibility that what you have done in the past is not appropriate for the future.

Overall, change is a crucial part of life since it not only helps you grow as a person and, as a
result, the environment around you, but it also helps you better understand yourself.

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