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Format of working paper

Name of committe

Working paper

Submitted by



 Overview of the discussion what happened on day 1 …give an opinion on the discussion
 The committee proceedings consisted of moderated caucuses and speeches from the
general speakers list concerning the racial discrimination, xenophobia and faced by
immigrants and migrants as well as people of colour. The committee also had an extensive
discussion regarding the issues faced by refugees and immigrants. The discussion was
beneficient in helping the delegations propose their stance regarding the motion on the
floor at that moment. The delegation of Ukraine found themselves deeply disturbed by the
case studies and the grave situations faced by people belonging to the minority community
and the people of colour across the world and wish to be a part of the solution.

 The delegation of Ukraine would also like to shed light on the discrimination faced by ethnic
minorities in The Russian Federation. This issue is prominently seen in many case studies like
that of the Crimean tartar people. The Crimean tartar people are an ethnic minority group
who are residing majorly in the autonomous republic of Crimea which was annexed by the
Russian Federation in 2014. Recent community studies and multiple reports show an influx
in illegal, forced and targeted mobilization of this ethnic minority group wherein they are
reported to have been forced to enlist in the army, supporting the Russian Federation, in the
war against Ukraine.

 The delegation of Ukraine finds themselves deeply concerned about the security of many
such ethnic minorities and wishes to suggest some viable solutions like :
 Austere implementation of rules against discrimination or violence against ethnic minorities,
 Representation of ethnic minorities in politics,educational organizations and the media,
 Integration of ethnic cultures in the educational curriculum on an optional basis,
 Increase in awareness among different communities regarding their rights and
 Assimilation of varied ethnic beliefs to promote inclusivity.

 Problems or challenges with examples…problems related to what was discussed in the

 Proposed solution and the plan of action briefly…can also be one liner,come up with a
 Word limit..two sides
 According to an article on this website on this date by this author ..format of citation

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