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Too much too young

Well, I am here to response to your article and give my opinion about this controversial issue
which is affecting more and more to famous youngsters.

We all know that these famous youngsters maybe stopped studying and devoted themselves to
cinema or music when they were children. In addition, it is believed that this situation takes
its toll in the long run, since they don't know how to handle it and it can lead to mental
problems or drugs.

Not only have their parents spoiled them but also they have not taught them the value of
things because with their money they get everything very easily. So parents or guardians
should keep in mind to teach them that everything in life is not easy and that one day they may
lose their fame and have to work.

On the other hand, there are cases of celebrities who have not known how to struggle with
their lives and the fame as the case of Britney Spears. Moreover, it is believed that her father
got her into the musical world, was her manager and controlled all her money. And
unfortunately the singer had to take her father to court for what he did to her since childhood.

It boils down to this: the life of these young celebrities is not as easy and beautiful as it seems
and we should put ourselves in their place and from my point of view, it have never crossed to
my mind to be famous and I prefer to have a normal life.

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