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Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of
global communication for specific professional track.

Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period
independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in
the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks.

Learning Competency
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to apply online
safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of
ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the learners are able to:
1. Determine the network etiquette,
2. apply online safety, security, ethics and etiquette standards
and practice in the use of ICTs; and
3. be responsible in the use of social networking sites.

II. Subject Matter


Learning Resources
Empowerment Technologies Reader (2016)
Self -learning Modules

Activity sheet, chalk, board, laptop, projector

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance

B. Presentation of the lesson

1. What is the importance of ICT in our daily lives?
2. How does your media life look like?
C. Lesson proper
a. Activity (Time Allotment: 25 minutes)
Compare and contrast the scenario in the picture. Describe how
Jimmy and Boggart are the same and different and in using social
media. Plot your answer in the Venn diagram.

b. Analysis
The teacher will elicit answers based on the following questions:
1. What have you observed in the picture?
2. How did Jimmy react to Aaron’s post?
3. How did Boggart react to the post of the Water system?
4. In what way does Jimmy is similar to Boggart or vice-versa in
using the social media?
5. How do they differ from each other?
6. Based on the picture, what is netiquette or network
7. What are the core rules of netiquette?
8. How can you determine netiquette?

c. Abstraction
The teacher will go back to the questionnaire given in How Safe
Are You?
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think is/are the risk of sharing your
information online?
2. How safe are you while using online platform?
3. What are the security measures that you must apply online?
4. What are the ethics and etiquettes in using ICT?

d. Application
Direction: Draw a heart if the statement applies and practice
the ethics and etiquette standards in the use of ICT. Draw a broken
heart if it does not apply and practice.
1. You introduce yourself when you enter a room.
2. Use offensive language online.
3. Giving credit to the original author of the information being
4. Post embarrassing pictures/videos of a relative.
5. Responding to someone’s insult towards you online in the
same manner.

D. Evaluation:
In a ½ sheet of paper, answer briefly the following questions.
1. How can netiquette be beneficial to you?
2. How can you be responsible in the use of social networking sites?

E. Assignment
Create a poster showing the netiquette rules that you use in your
daily online life. Use interactive online tool such as Canva in creating your
Relevance to the topic 30%
Layout and design 40%
Originality 10%
Creativity 20%
Total 100%

The teacher shall apply the responsibilities of a learner stated in Article
VIII Section 9 in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers which state that
a teacher shall insure that conditions contributive to the maximum
development of a learners are adequate and shall extend needed assistance
in preventing or solving learners’ problems and difficulties.

Prepared by:



How safe are you?

Put a check (/) under Shared or Not Shared in the
questionnaire below on how much information you have shared so far
while using the internet.
Type of Information Shared Not Shared
1.First name
2. Last name
3. Middle name
4. Current and previous school(s)
5. Your cellphone number
6. Name of your mother and father
7. Name of your siblings
8. Your address
9. Your birthday

Guide Questions:
1. How many hours do you spend on the internet per day?
2. How many checks did you have for Shared? For Not Shared?
3. What have you observed after answering the questionnaire?
4. Based on your shared information, how safe are you while using the

Prepared by:



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