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Movement in
Relation to Objects
and sounds
Choose from the options in the box the
movements one can make with each other
equipment below.
How does one establish relationship to sounds and
objects during movements?

-Aside from relating your body parts and relating to

persons, you also relate to objects and sounds used
during movement. Relating to sound and music requires
attentive listening and proper interpretation in order to
do the appropriate movement.
Example: Playing Basketball

-the players relate not only to the ball but also to the
basket, ring, and goal. They relate also to their team
mates, coach, referee, and to the sound of the whistle.
Example: Playing Tug of War

-You relate not only to other players but also to the

rope, and to your teacher’s “Go” signal.
When you dance or perform exercises, you can hold a
hoop in front or at the back of your body, or you may
spin it around your waist, neck, or arms. You listen to
music or teacher’s drum beats.
Playing outdoor games with friends is great!
It is not only fun. It also helps keep you
healthy and strong. You even learn important
things. You learn how to play with a team.
You also learn to be a good sport.
Playing outdoor games with friends is great! It is not
only fun. It also helps keep you healthy and strong. You
even learn important things. You learn how to play with
a team. You also learn to be a good sport.
1) Chase

The IT runs after other players to tag.

2) Flee

A player runs away from the IT to avoid getting tagged.

3) Dodge

A player bends or moves the body to avoid being tagged

or being hit by a ball.
4) Lead

The leader makes movements or give commands for

others to follow.
What things do you need to remember to make playing
games fun for you and the people you play with?

1) Observe the rules of the game.

2) Play fair
3) Give others the chance to play.
4) Do not blame teammates for mistakes .
5) Always do your best.
6) Win or lose, congratulate your team and the other
team for a game well players.
What things do you need to remember to make playing
games fun for you and the people you play with?

7) Try your best at a new activity even if it looks hard.

8) Keep practicing a new activity so you can get better.

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