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Paragraph Writing Assignment (10%)

Writing Prompt:

Lowering the voting age in Canada is a great proposal since it would offer young

people greater influence in politics and society. Thirteen nations worldwide already

allow people under the age of 18 to vote. In Canada, the federal NDP and Green

Party have actively advocated for a lower voting age. This, in my opinion, is a

fantastic concept since it allows young people to have their voices heard and have

an influence on the world around them. Second, this is a great idea since it would

allow younger generations to become more active in politics rather than just

sitting at home watching TV all day. Third, this is a fantastic concept because it

will encourage youth to get out and vote for all of those they consider will make
the greatest decisions for Canada's future. Some may claim that those under the

age of 18 do not understand policy or democracy well enough to make informed

judgements. Many Canadian individuals, however, lack fundamental civic literacy.

When it comes to making political decisions, adult voters are not generally better

educated about policy concerns than young people (Clark-Kazak, 2022). Right to

vote in Canada had evolved to become increasingly inclusive throughout time.

Fighting age discrimination in Canada's electoral system might be the next step in

extending and improving national politics.

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