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Unit 7 Lesson 4 Name:


A Read. Then write.

1. How long did it take to build the
Kingdom Center?
e K in gd o m C enter is the tall
S au d i A ra b ia . It is located
building in 3. How tall is the building?
o f R iy a d h . It has a height
in the city
ete rs . It h a s 9 9 floors and
of 302.3 m 2. Where is the Kingdom Center?
rs ! It c o st 1 b illion dollars
45 elevato
c t. In si d e it , there is a mall,
to constru
a p a rt m e n ts . Construction 4. What is inside the Kingdom Center?
hotel, and
a s start e d in 1999, and it wa
finished in 200

B Look at A . Circle the numbers and dates. Then write.

1. How many floors are there in the Kingdom Center?

2. How much did it cost to build the Kingdom Center?

3. How many elevators are there in the Kingdom Center?

C Write about your dream house.

My dream house would be

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