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Name : Lutfia Nur Afriani

Class : 5AD
Attendance Number : 13
NPM : 061930500658
English 5
5th meeting assignment
Questions Dialog 1
1. How does Mary introduce herself? Does she ask about Yadi’s education?
= Mary introduce herself by telling her name only and doesn’t introduce herself more. Yes,
she does. She asked about Yadi’s education.
2. Does Yadi’s current job have anything to do with his education?
= Yes, it does. Because Yadi’s current job is a Division Head of the QC on the Professional
Education in Yayasan LIA, so it is related to his education.
3. How does Mary ask Yadi about his job?
= First, she asked about Yadi’s education based on his resume. Then, when Yadi answered
the question by mentioning his current job, she asked more about the job based on Yadi’s
answer by saying “Could you tell me about your work?”.
4. How does Mary end the interview?
= Mary ended it by asking Yadi when he can be ready, suppose they want him to start
working this month, then giving a chance for Yadi to ask some questions.
5. Are all Yadi’s replies appropriate? Why/why not?
= Yes, Yadi’s replies are appropriate. He answered the questions clearly, without hesitation
and straight to the point.

Question Dialog 2:
1. How does Tim begin the interview? Does Tim ask about Kiki’s education?
= Tim begins the interview by asking Kiki to talk about herself.
No, He doesn’t. He doesn’t ask about Kiki’s education.
2. Does Kiki’s recent job have anything to do with her education?
= No, it doesn’t. He graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring in International
Relation, and her current job is helping the HRD manager with the company training,
employee evaluation, and also compensation. So, her current job is not related to her
3. How does Tim ask Kiki about her job?
= Tim ask Kiki about her job based on her resume. Then, Tim asks deeper about Kiki’s job
based on Kiki’s answer.
4. How does Tim end the interview?
= Tim ended it by asking Kiki when she can be ready, suppose they want him to start
working this month, then giving a chance for Kiki to ask some questions about the job and
the company.
5. Are all Kiki’s replies appropriate? Why/why not?
= Yes, Kiki’s replies are appropriate. She answered the questions clearly, in details and
straight to the point.

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