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Evelyn: Hi Fernanda.

Fernanda: Hi Evelyn, how are you?

Evelyn: I'm fine, how about you?
Fernanda: I feel fine too. Thanks.
Evelyn: You know, I was thinking about what life was like before and after the
COVID 19 pandemic.
Fernanda: I think life before the pandemic was a bit terrible because people
weren't as careful as they are now.
Evelyn: What do you mean by that?
Fernanda: What I'm trying to say is that people learned a lot during the
quarantine, such for example social distancing.
Evelyn: Yes, you are quite right because during the quarantine people also
learned to be more hygienic and kind to their relatives.
Evelyn: And what did you like before and after the Covid-19 outbreak?
Fernanda: I liked face-to-face classes and meetings with my friends. I didn't like
watching the news because it worried me. In your case?
Evelyn: I didn't like the news either, but I did like family gatherings and doing a
lot of activities alone or with my friends.
Fernanda: What activities did you do?
Evelyn: I playing volleyball with my cousins and went shopping with my friends.
In your case?
Fernanda: In my case, I spent my time reading books, studying or editing
Evelyn: Interesting, life before and after the quarantine is so different, for
example before you could go to a party and now you can't, before there was a
lot of pollution and now it's still the same or worse.
Fernanda: Yes, before people worked a lot and now they spend more time with
their family, before there was a lot of citizen insecurity and now it remains the
Evelyn: It's sad
Fernanda: It is, mmm it was nice talking to you. See you Evelyn.
Evelyn: Bye Fernanda.

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