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Gerardo: Hi Manuel, It’s all right?

Manuel: No, because I fell down

Gerardo: ja ja ja how?
Manuel: In the corner, but this reminds me of when I once fell down the stairs at school.
Gerardo: What happend?
Manuel: It's just that when I was in elementary school I fell down the stairs and broke my chin on my
Dayana: wow, how did you feel?
Manuel: I felt bad because I had a patch on my jaw for a week.
Ariana: Why did it change your life?
Manuel: Because it made me realize that I should be less distracted, Gerardo, you have an important
event in your life?
Gerardo:my grandfather's letter
Danyela: what happend?
Gerardo:While exploring the place I stumbled upon a worn wooden box,some yellowed letters lay
about something old
Manuel: How did you feel?
Gerardo: Each piece of advice was like a comforting hug.and I felt a deep connection with him,as if he
were present at my side in that moment
Ariana: What did it change your life?
My grandfather's letter helps me In times of uncertainty, I look for his wisdom in that paper. It
reminded me of the importance of authenticity and being true to myself in a world that often pushed
for conformity.
Ariana: I have a similar experience
Danyela: Oh which?
Ariana: …
Dayana: What happend?
Ariana: …
Gerardo: How did you feel?
Ariana: …
Manuel: What did it change your life?
Ariana: …
Danyela: I hope you can feel better.
Gerardo: Hey tomorrow is the Olympics, let's practice volleyball.
Dayana: Now that you mention it, I also have an important experience in my life.
Manuel: What happend?
Dayana: When I was 12 years old I started to play volleyball, I always played at recess with my friends
from my classroom. I never trained at an academy for different reasons, but I practiced at home or
played with my sister.
Ariana: How did you feel?
Dayana: I really like this sport because it made me discovered my passion and I increment more
Danyela: What did it change your life?
Dayana: It helped me be more communicative and improved my teamwork. I have more self control
and that made me take better decisions.
Manuel: wow, what a fun experience… And you Danyela?
Danyela: My life changed when I entered the University of Callao because it made me realize the
level I had and how much I have to improve and have my goals better outlined
Dayana:oh that sounds very interesting tell us more along the way, let's get going guys

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