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Name : Nadia Khairunnisa

NIM : 1401622069
1. Why citizenship education are importance in Europe?
Anwer : Considers that a minimum understanding of citizenship education should provide a
theoretical understanding of political, legal, social, environmental and economic concepts and
structures, including those pertaining to the European level, as well as global developments,
commensurate with the level of education and training, and coupled with practical
experiences; points out the importance of critical thinking and media literacy as an integral
part of citizenship education; insists on the need for a pedagogical renewal and the adoption
of a theoretical and practical approach to citizenship education in the Union; suggests
utilising the definitions of citizenship education provided by the Council of Europe Charter
on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education and the Council of
Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.
Since then, all institutions have put forward a growing number of political declarations and
policy commitments underlying the need to advance in the promotion of citizenship
education, including European citizenship education.
2. What are the relationship between Citizenship Education and Globalisation in Europe?
Anwer : Citizenship education and globalization are intertwined in Europe and have a
complex relationship. On one hand, globalization has the potential to broaden students'
perspectives and provide new opportunities for learning and collaboration across borders. It
can help foster a sense of global interconnectedness and encourage students to become more
active, informed, and responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.
On the other hand, globalization also poses significant challenges to citizenship education,
particularly in terms of promoting cultural diversity, social justice, and intercultural
understanding. As Europe becomes more diverse, schools are faced with the task of teaching
students about different cultures, values, and traditions, as well as addressing issues such as
discrimination, inequality, and human rights.
3. Why politics need citizenship education?
Answer : Citizenship education is essential for politics because it helps to develop active and
informed citizens, promote democracy, foster social cohesion, and encourage global
citizenship. By investing in citizenship education, politicians can help to build a more
democratic, inclusive, and equitable society for all.

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