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Darlig: hello good morning

angel: hello good morning

Angel: Do you need something or can I help you?

Darling: if it happens that I'm not from the city and I wanted to see if you could help me find a

Ángel: oo I see if I know a very good restaurant that you might like

Darling: Seriously, can you tell me where the restaurant is?

angel: yes of course

Ángel: listen, the restaurant is called en familia, it is located on Guadalupe street next to the
gemini hotel, do you know where it is?

Darling: not really, can you be more specific?

angel: yes of course

Ángel: look, you continue straight ahead about a block from there, you cross the street and you
will see a video game store, where are you located?

Darling: yes, is the restaurant that you indicate me very far?

Ángel: Of course not, it's about five blocks from here

Darling: ok it's ok after that

Ángel: then you go one block until you get to the cinema, from there on the corner you go to the

Ángel: after you are there on the street of the subway two you go one block where there is a
veterinarian and on the very corner you can see the gemini hotel that is on Guadalupe street and
next to it is the restaurant

Darling: ok, thanks a lot for the help.

Angel: ok, no problem, it's a pleasure to have helped you.

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