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SNJB’s Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering, Chandwad.

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Lab Practice – 1 Cloud Computing Laboratory (404186)

Experiment No.- _______


Date of Completion: __________________ Date of Submission: __________________

S.N. Criteria Possible Obtained

Marks Marks

1 Active Participation 8, 10, 15, 20

2 Knowledge about topic / programming 8, 10, 15, 20

3 Timely Completion /Submission 8, 10, 15, 20

4 Performance, Punctuality & Neatness 8, 10, 15, 20

5 Output, Viva and Conclusion 8, 10, 15, 20

Out of 100

Out of 10 Total

Date:____________________ Prof.
(Subject Teacher)
Department: - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Subject: Cloud Computing

TITLE: Install Google App Engine. Create hello world app and other simple web applications using
python / java.

AIM: To study steps of Installation of Google App Engine. Create hello world app and other simple web
applications using python / java.

1. Install and Configure Google App Engine
2. Create a simple code in python on Github and execute on Google App Engine

2. Login to your Gmail account

What is Google App Engine?
Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App Engine) is a cloud computing platform as a
service for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Applications are
sandboxed and run across multiple servers. App Engine offers automatic scaling for web applications—as
the number of requests increases for an application, App Engine automatically allocates more resources for
the web application to handle the additional demand.
Google App Engine primarily supports Go, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, .NET, and Ruby applications,
although it can also support other languages via "custom runtimes". The service is free up to a certain level
of consumed resources and only in standard environment but not in flexible environment. Fees are charged
for additional storage, bandwidth, or instance hours required by the application. It was first released as a
preview version in April 2008 and came out of preview in September 2011.
Runtimes and framework
Python web frameworks that run on Google App Engine include Django, CherryPy, Pyramid, Flask,
web2py and webapp2, as well as a custom Google-written webapp framework and several others designed
specifically for the platform that emerged since the release. Any Python framework that supports the WSGI
using the CGI adapter can be used to create an application; the framework can be uploaded with the
developed application. Third-party libraries written in pure Python may also be uploaded.
Google App Engine supports many Java standards and frameworks. Core to this is the servlet 2.5
technology using the open-source Jetty Web Server, along with accompanying technologies such as JSP.
JavaServer Faces operates with some workarounds. A newer release of App Engine Standard Java in Beta
supports Java8, Servlet 3.1 and Jetty9.
Though the integrated database, Google Cloud Datastore, may be unfamiliar to programmers, it is accessed
and supported with JPA, JDO, and by the simple low-level API. There are several alternative libraries and
frameworks you can use to model and map the data to the database such as Objectify, Slim3 and Jello
The Spring Framework works with GAE. However, the Spring Security module (if used) requires
workarounds. Apache Struts 1 is supported, and Struts 2 runs with workarounds.
The Django web framework and applications running on it can be used on App Engine with modification.
Django-nonrel aims to allow Django to work with non-relational databases and the project includes support
for App Engine.
Reliability and support
All billed App Engine applications have a 99.95% uptime SLA.
App Engine is designed in such a way that it can sustain multiple datacenter outages without any downtime.
This resilience to downtime is shown by the statistic that the High Replication Datastore saw 0% downtime
over a period of a year.
Paid support from Google engineers is offered as part of Premier Accounts.
Differences with other application hosting
Compared to other scalable hosting services such as Amazon EC2, App Engine provides more
infrastructure to make it easy to write scalable applications, but can only run a limited range of applications
designed for that infrastructure.
App Engine's infrastructure removes many of the system administration and development challenges of
building applications to scale to hundreds of requests per second and beyond. Google handles deploying
code to a cluster, monitoring, failover, and launching application instances as necessary.
While other services let users install and configure nearly any *NIX compatible software, App Engine
requires developers to use only its supported languages, APIs, and frameworks. Current APIs allow storing
and retrieving data from the document-oriented Google Cloud Datastore database; making HTTP requests;
sending e-mail; manipulating images; and caching. Google Cloud SQL can be used for App Engine
applications requiring a relational MySQL compatible database backend.
Per-day and per-minute quotas restrict bandwidth and CPU use, number of requests served, number of
concurrent requests, and calls to the various APIs, and individual requests are terminated if they take more
than 60 seconds or return more than 32MB of data.
Differences between SQL and GQL
Google App Engine's integrated Google Cloud Datastore database has a SQL-like syntax called "GQL"
(Google Query Language). GQL does not support the Join statement. Instead, one-to-many and many-to-
many relationships can be accomplished using ReferenceProperty().
Google Firestore is the successor to Google Cloud Datastore and replaces GQL with a document-based
query method that treats stored objects as collections of documents.
Portability concerns
Developers worry that the applications will not be portable from App Engine and fear being locked into the
technology. In response, there are a number of projects to create open-source back-ends for the various
proprietary/closed APIs of app engine, especially the datastore. AppScale, CapeDwarf and TyphoonAE are
a few of the open source efforts.
AppScale automatically deploys and scales unmodified Google App Engine applications over popular
public and private cloud systems and on-premises clusters. AppScale can run Python, Java, PHP, and Go
applications on EC2, Google Compute Engine, Softlayer, Azure and other cloud vendors.
TyphoonAE can run Python App Engine applications on any cloud that support linux machines.
Web2py web framework offers migration between SQL Databases and Google App Engine, however it
doesn't support several App Engine-specific features such as transactions and namespaces.
Kubernetes is an open-source job control system invented by Google to abstract away the infrastructure so
that open-source (e.g. Docker) containerized applications can run on many types of infrastructure, such as
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and others. This is one of Google's answers to the portability
Following Screen Will Appear.

Click on Select new project.

Click on New project – Give project.

Give project name.

Click on create.

Click on Select Project.

In search type ―App Engine.

Click on create Application.

Following screen will appear.
Scroll Down.

Click on Next.
Following Screen Will Appear.
Scroll Down .Click on I will do it Later.

In search box, type App Engine Admin API.

Click on App Engine Admin API.
Click on ―Enable.

Click on Activate Cloud Shell.

Click on Continue.

Following Screen will appear.

Login to your Github Account. Click on New Repository.

Give repository name as LP2_Program.

Scroll Down and Click on ―Create Repository.

Click on ―Creating a new File.

Give any name to the python file, like

Type your code  Print(“hello”)

Scroll Down and Click on ―Commit new file.

Click on ―Code and Copy URL.

Go to cloud platform. Type ―git clone {Paste URL Here}.

Type ―ls.
Enter into repository, using command ---cd repository name (here it is – LP2_Program) . Then type ls.

Type---python filename (here it is .

Output is displayed.

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