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Develop a short essay on the importance of moral courage and will in making moral

In making moral decisions, one must have the right mind and knowledge to make it feasible when
executed. Having the right mind helps determine actions according to the judgment of reasons. Every
responsible action must be undertaken voluntarily because every individual’s will is essential to make
moral decisions become consistent in doing the right and the good.

Emotions trigger one to decide sometimes. And this is the reason most of the time why they end up with
burdening lifetime consequences. If one is at the peak of its emotion and in doubt of decisions,
postpone judgment. Give yourself time to think. Because at the end of the day, it is you who will be
responsible for your own choices. It will be you who will face the consequences of your actions.

Indeed, having moral courage and will in making moral decisions results in a good outcome. One must
remember that reason should be the basis for every decision, not emotion. A person with the right mind
knows he is responsible for his actions. Thus, he should be cautious in making decisions because it might
not be fixed to the right one when executed.

Because at the end of the day, it is you who will be responsible for your own choices. It will be you who
will face the consequences of your actions.

Indeed, having moral courage and will in making moral decisions results in a good outcome. One must
remember that reason should be the basis for every decision, not emotion. An individual with the right
mind knows he is responsible for his actions. Thus, he should be cautious in making decisions because it
might not be fixed to the right one when executed.

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