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Olermo, Jolly Aldyn C.

Assignment No. 3

”How feelings affect decision-making”

Emotions could have a significant impact on how you think and act. The
emotions you experience on a daily basis would urge you to act and influence the
major and minor decisions you make along the way. It is generated when the brain
uses our memories, thoughts, and beliefs to understand what is going on around us.
This influences ou reaction to that particular situation. This process has an impact on
all of our decisions in some way.

Various emotions have different effects on decisions. If you're sad, you can be
more ready to accept things that aren't in your best interests, such as not pursuing
things or staying in a toxic relationship. Sadness, however, can make you more
charitable. According to research, unhappy people are more inclined than the angry
ones, who lack empathy, to support expanding welfare payments. Emotions can
influence not only the nature of your decision, but also how quickly you make it.
Anger can result in impatience and impulsive decisions. When you're thrilled, you
may make snap decisions without thinking about the consequences as you ride the
high of confidence and hope for the future. If you're fearful, your decisions will be
surrounded by uncertainty and hesitation, and you'll take more time to make a
decision. In addition to the examples given, fear raises risk perceptions, disgust
increases the chances of people throwing their items which we see as an impulsive
decision due to the urge of emotion.

Research says that emotion could lead or prevent us from things that might
happen. It could be a negative or a positive one. Our emotions somehow tell us what
we should act or do in a particular situation and it is called intuition. Intuition could
be helpful especially when we are in a dangerous or difficult situation. However, we
should learn how to assess our emotions if we are being rational or just tending to
overthink things. We should not just rely on the emotions we feel in making major or
even minor decisions. Emotions must be assessed as well as our choices and its
consequences. Through considering these important factors, we will be able to end
up with the best decision that could be more beneficial among the other options that
we have.

Cherry, K. (2021, July 14). 5 Reasons Emotions Are Important. Very Well Mind.

The Bach Team. (2018, May 17). How do our emotions affect decision making? Bach

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