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The rise and fall of the British Empire

1627 1960 1962
India gained
Nigeria gained its Jamaica gained its
Barbados became a independence from
independence from independence from
colony of Britain. Britain. It was split into
Britain. Britain.
India and Pakistan.

1914 1858 1895

Nigeria became a British India became a British Kenya became a
Britain gained Canada.
colony. colony. protectorate of Britain.

1874 1963 1815 1964

Kenya gained its Malta gained its
Malaya became a British Britain gained Sri Lanka
independence from independence from
protectorate. and parts of Africa.
Britain. Britain.

1957 1800 1922 The British explorer
Malaya gained its Egypt began to rule itself James Cook claimed
Malta became a British
independence from as a dominion within the Australia and New
Britain. British Empire. Zealand as British

1914 1980
Rhodesia (now 1842 1997
Britain now ruled
Zimbabwe) in Southern Hong Kong gained its
between one fifth and Britain gained Hong
Africa gained its independence from
one quarter of the Kong.
independence after a Britain.
long civil war.

1776-1783 1901
The 13 British colonies 1882 1874
Australia began to
in America fought a war Britain took over Fiji, an
govern itself as a Egypt became a British
of independence against island in the Pacific
dominion within the colony.
Britain. They won their Ocean
British Empire.

1841 1957
1809 1795
The Falkland Islands, off Ghana became the first
Britain took control of
Argentina in South Jamaica became a British African country to gain
the Cape of Good Hope
America, became a colony. its independence from
in South Africa.
British colony. Britain.

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