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Ezequel T.


Assignment 1:  
Explain each block and other details of the simplified communications model in Figure 1.3.

The Source, Transmitter, Transmission System, Receiver, and Destination are the four main components
of a communication model, which is a visual representation that identifies, categorizes, and
characterizes various phases of the communication process. Let's start with the source, which is the
initial process. The source, or sender of the message in basic terms, is a device that produces the data to
be delivered. Users enter information here to communicate with others using the tool or gadget. As the
user enters information into the source, the process moves on to the next step, where the source's
supplied information is transformed into data and sent to the transmitter. The following phase, the
Transmission System, can send or read the electromagnetic signals created by the transmitter's
transformation and encoding of the data. The information is transferred from the sender to the
destination via the transmission system as a medium, or more specifically a communication channel.
The receiver receives the data signal that was sent by the transmission system. The receiver takes the
signal from the transmission system and transforms it so that the destination device may use it. The
destination takes the incoming data from the receiver and acquires the output information sent by the

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