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1. "Give me what fits and has a good price on it," she said, "and I'm a happy camper.

2. Tom's always been something of a social butterfly, so we've never really worried about him
making friends or finding his way in the world.
3. My neighbor is a real know-it-all, always telling me what to do.
4. We like go-getters who bring in new customers to our company.
5. He was a real nerd in high school - I can't believe he's so handsome now.
6. My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.
7. That chatterbox would talk 24 hours a day if she didn't sleep at night.
8. He's an interfering old busybody - who I go out with is none of his business!
9. Timmy's the bright spark of the family—he graduated at the top of his class.
10. He didn't really show much emotion – he's a bit of a cold fish.
11. She is a lone wolf who distances herself from others and refrains from making friends. 
12. Anna's such a dark horse - I had no idea she'd published a novel.
13. Sarah's a real party animal - she likes to dance all night.
14. In fact, we sit, like a pair of couch potatoes in front of television, and watch her cooking show.
15. When something good does happen, it's important that it is celebrated. Next day something will
happen and you'll come back down to earth.
16. Both instructors and machinery tend to fall behind the times when events are moving as rapidly
as they are now.
17. My cousin is a worrywart who never enjoys vacations because he's always imagining possible
disasters that may occur while he's away from his job.
18. Becoming a night owl can have an adverse effect on your health. You should be more careful
about getting sleep at the right time, at least in your age.
19. I'd love to go to the party, but with my cold, I'm afraid I'd just be a wet blanket.

20. The woman in charge was obviously a smart cookie with a lot of experience.

What does early bird the worm mean?
idiom saying (also the early bird gets the worm ) a saying that means  someone will have an
advantage if they do something immediately, or before other people do it: This is still a
nation that believes the early bird catches the worm.

“I’m an early bird and I’m a night owl. So I’m wise and I have worms.”
— Michael Scott, The Office, Season 2: Office Olympics

What does know-it-all mean? Know it all

/ˈnoʊ.ɪt.ɑːl/ (UK also know-all) a person who thinks that they know much more than other
people. Showing arrogance and conceit.

What is a cheapskate person?

a miserly or stingy person. especially : one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or

What is a go getter person?

go-getter. noun [ C ] us/ˈɡoʊˌɡet̬ ·ər/ someone who is energetic and works hard to succeed:
We like go-getters who bring in new customers to our company.

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