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1. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie zeznanie świadka na komisariacie policji.

Na podstawie informacji
zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 1-5 tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu.


Name of Witness: Mrs Irene 1 ___________

Place of incident: outside Chandler’s Department Store.

Time of incident: 2 ____________

Suspect was last seen in: River View Terrace


Face: difficult to see Build: 3 ____________

Height: medium

Clothes: Nothing special. T-shirt, jeans and 4 ____________

Any other comments: Wearing a gold: 5 _____________.

2. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Zakreśl te odpowiedzi A-C lub A-D, które są właściwe i zgodne
z treścią nagrań.

Text 1

1 Which is true about Louis?

A He has started to worry about losing his hair.

B He never knows what to wear when going out with Melissa.

C He doesn’t realise how Melissa feels about being punctual.

Text 2

2 Which of the following is stated in the dialogue as a fact,

not an opinion?

A Jason’s body language shows his arrogance.

B Jason is very sure of himself.

C Jason isn’t very talkative.

Text 3

3 The speaker explains that one of the reasons why people

use masking is to

A avoid being bullied.

B be accepted by others.
C prevent depression.

D control their aggression.

4 The speaker’s comment about a family gathering suggests


A masking in this situation is natural.

B we may be influenced in our views by relatives.

C elderly people also mask their personality.

D we should be open to a range of different opinions.

5 What is the final message the speaker gives his listeners?

A Masking is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

B There should be no need for masking in a healthy society.

C The use of masking hides personality problems.

D Avoiding masking can help us improve our friendships.

3. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi na temat poszukiwania mieszkania. Które zdania A–F
pasują do wypowiedzi 1–5? Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej

This person

A discusses the problems for one group of people.

B describes what appeals to them about one particular flat.

C mentions their living arrangements before finding a place to stay.

D explains why they haven’t yet found a place to live in.

E compares living in a shared house with living alone.

F points out advantages that people might not have thought about.

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___

4. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad na temat pewnego osiedla mieszkaniowego. Na podstawie

informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1–5.

1 The factory, or mill, in Saltaire was a place _____________ was produced in the 19th century.

2 Saltaire is now recognised by UNESCO as an important historic site but it is also still a village in

3 When the houses were built, they had clean water but no bathrooms and the toilets
_____________ .When workers wanted to have a bath, they went to the public bath house.
4 The guest suggests that a major reason for Titus building the village was that he could
_____________ lived.

5 Another reason for building the village was that he knew that it _____________ for him when the
workers were healthy.

5. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Które z podanych odpowiedzi A–C są właściwe i zgodne z
treścią nagrań?

Text 1

1 The boy’s comment about people thinking British schools should be more like Korean ones refers

A the positive effect it would have on students’ happiness.

B the greater range of subjects studied by students in Korea.

C the higher educational standards in Korea.

Text 2

2 What do the students do last?

A Listen to the instructions for the exam.

B Write something on the answer paper.

C Take the question paper out and look at it.

Text 3

3 Which is true about schools in England?

A All schools follow the same rules of behaviour.

B All schools have to inform parents and students of their rules.

C Physical punishment is only allowed if it is reasonable.

4 Detention cannot take place

A without a teacher supervising the students.

B after the school day has finished.

C without parents’ permission.

5 The speaker’s intention when talking about isolation is to

A explain why it has to be used on some occasions.

B sympathise with teachers who have to supervise it.

C compare the effectiveness of isolation and detention as a punishment.

6. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi na temat szkolnych balów. Które zdania A–E pasują do
wypowiedzi 1–5? Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker mentions

A a change of school during the school year.

B a financial reason for a decision.

C a possible cause of suspicion amongst other people.

D an explanation for achieving lower grades than they were capable of.

E a system they would not expect to be allowed.

F a negative comparison between their school and others.

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___

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