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If I Could Change the World

If I could change the world I would want to have world peace. To have world
peace people can be fighting with each other. All of us humans have to be equal as in
not judging people because of the way that they look, getting rid of stereotypes, and not
judging people based on the stuff that they own.
Furthermore, the world would mean that I wouldn’t change the world but the
people that inhabit it. I would change the way people think. To continue on like that we
would all have to realize how different the world could be. If we stopped doing corrupted
things such as start wars or even some places having corrupted governments.
Furthermore most of the reason why this world is so corrupted is because of how
people see each other. If we change our perspectives and get rid of stereotypes on
others we could possibly end racism and sexism because we would see each other as
equal and we wouldn’t be at war with each other. If we change people we can change
the world.
To continue, if someone got this power or ability they could change the world to
whatever they want. For instance, depending on who changes this world, this world
could become human's demise. Some people and groups are already trying to
accomplish this in today’s world. In today's world we have dictators, these are the
people that think that they can do what they want and they can because they tell
people what they can and cannot do and some people follow them because they are
scared of them, and others hate them. One example of these groups is The Voluntary
Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT). These people want all of humanity to be extinct. They
believe that people should stop the reproduction system and stop having kids so all of
humanity will become extinct. For the world to change and become a better place, us
humans must change first.

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