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Impact of Dictatorship on the Society

Good morning my dear friends and family. I feel extremely happy to be here in front of you
today to talk about Dictatorship.

Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Kim Jong Un, who wouldn’t have had heard about one of
these when we talk about the world history? Have you ever heard about a system where one
person or a small group holds all the power in a country? It's called dictatorship, and it can have
big impacts on the way people live. Today, I want to talk about how dictatorship affects our

Firstly, in a dictatorship, people often can't say what they think or share their ideas freely. There
are strict rules, and anyone who disagrees with the leader might get into trouble. This makes
people scared to speak up or share new thoughts, and it stops new ideas from growing.

Secondly, dictatorship can make life harder for everyone, especially with money. Sometimes,
leaders keep money for themselves and their friends, which means there's not enough for
everyone else. It can make life tough, with not enough food, schools, or hospitals for everyone.

Also, in a dictatorship, the leaders might decide what everyone should believe or like. They
might control what books you can read, what music you can listen to, and what you can watch
on TV. This can stop people from learning about different ideas and expressing themselves.
Living under a dictatorship can make people feel scared and worried all the time. They might
feel like they're being watched or can't trust anyone. This feeling can last even after the
dictatorship ends.

But the good thing is, people can work together to change things. Sometimes, they stand up for
what's right and try to make things fairer. When the dictatorship ends, people can rebuild and
create a society where everyone has a say, and everyone is treated fairly.

So, even though dictatorship can bring a lot of problems, people can still come together and
make things better. By listening to each other, standing up for what's right, and making sure
everyone's voice is heard, we can build a world where everyone feels safe and free.

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