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“Everyone thinks off changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself”

Leo Tolstoy’s quote strikes me because I think I can relate to what he said. I must
admit that I’m using most of my time browsing in social media and whenever I
encounter some posts that are triggering like posts about politics, current events,
celebrity happenings, and etc., I always see lots of comments and opinions mostly
consists of their own perspective to what is right, what should have taken place, or
what people must do in regard to those matters and I conclude to myself, people
are always wanting a change for the better. I cannot also deny the fact that I also
want to have a change in our country, in the world, so that this Earth will be a
better place for all but after reading this quote of Leo Tolstoy, I immediately think
of myself. A change in mindset burst out on my thoughts. This help me in a lot of
ways so that me, as a human being, will be a factor of radical change in the world.
Of course, the world can’t change itself because it has no consciousness. We, the
inhabitants of the Earth, are the one who has consciousness and has the mind,
willpower, and the abilities to help our land to become better. Change should
always start within ourselves. Humans have inherent moral values, intellect, and
free will, and these are the primary tools of development of us. Morals are innate
within us, and that’s why we must know what do we ought to do and not to do, and
humans must admit that each are immoral and imperfect, that’s why we really need
the help of God, the being who created the universe, and is all-knowing and all
powerful. God can lead us to betterment, can change us form an immoral being to a
righteous human being. People must put in their mind that they are different to
brutes who are only taking acts from their instincts. We, as an intellectual being,
should submit to change, in accordance to God’s will and purpose, so that we too
will have the wisdom, to properly handle what God has created. We must see the
bigger picture. We must use our freedom and freewill ethically. We should obey
and fear God. We should be humble enough to admit that we didn’t know
anything. We should ask help from God, for He know what are the right things to
do for His nature is good. If we really want to change the world, we should initiate
the change within ourselves.

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