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27° Simpósio Brasileiro de Fisiologia Cardiovascular

Effects of the bone cement on the cellular response in peripheral blood

mononuclear cells cultures

Carlos Julio Montaño 1*, Patrícia Lima Falcão 1, Olga Lucia Maquilon 2, Luciano dos
Santos Aggum Capettini 2, Tarcísio Passos Ribeiro Campos 1, Telma Cristina Ferreira
Fonseca 1
Departamento de Engenharia Nuclear, UFMG, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627. CEP 31270-901
Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, UFMG, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627. CEP

*Corresponding author:

Introduction: Currently, there are bone cements based on Hydroxyapatite (HAp) and
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) for orthopedic procedures. Biocompatibility studies have been
conducted on PMMA for several years. In some cases, adverse effects such as inflammation, necrosis, and
thrombosis, and others occur with the use of bone cements. The Vertebroplasty (VT) is a percutaneous,
minimally invasive procedure used on the spine.
Objective: To evaluate the response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to exposure of bone-
cement pellets of PMMA+HAp in a 1:1 ratio and cell adhesion and toxicity through cellular viability in the
biological microenvironment in vitro.
Methodology: 1. Biophosphate was synthesized to produce bone cement pellets with a diameter of 3 mm
and a thickness of 0.5mm. 2. PBMC was extracted by centrifugation and density separation. 3. PBMC cells
were collected in RPMI-1640 medium with and without modulation by Phytohemaglutinin (PHA). 4. In
the toxicity study, the cell viability of the cells in the supernatant after exposure to the bone cement was
analyzed using the MTT cell assay ((3-(4.5 dimethylthiazol-2yl) 2.5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)) at 24,
48 and 72 hours.
Results: Morphological analysis revealed: 1. after 24 hours, there was monocyte grouping in a number
selected cells fields near the pellets, indicating a possible aggregation reaction; 2. after 144 hours, there was
long-term cell survival. ANOVA results in Fig. 1 showed a nonparametric statistical correlation between
monocyte aggregation and cell viability upon exposure to bone-cement pellets.
Conclusions: PBMC cells exposed to PMMA+HAp bone cement in a 1:1 ratio exhibited morphological
indicative of no cytotoxicity, as shown in Fig 2. There was high adhesion of the cells to surface of the pellet.
Financial Support: FAPEMIG (BPD-00963-22), CNPq, CAPES

Key words: Bone Cement, PBMC, MTT cell essay, PMMA, Inflammation.

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