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Media Violence

Perception Of U.S Media Influences On Self And Other Among Malaysian Youth

Based on the article, it says that U.S Media is amongst a factor that much influence on youth
over a world include for Malaysian people. Hypothesis made by a researcher state that people
who attribute greater in media effects to other rather than to themselves. Besides that, the
analysis shows that by examining how young Malaysian perceived the impact of United States
media on themselves and others. As a result, most people believed that the U.S media give a
negative impact on people in Malaysian rather than positive effect. However, Malaysia
government has a broadcasting policy that need to be follow, this policy cover up their limit
target by set up a percentage of local content in media program. But in fact,American media is
still dominate , the western programs promote a lifestyle that did not suitable with Malaysian
cultural values such as aggressive, rebellious or immoral scene. The questionnaires will be
conducted between undergraduate and graduate students at universities in Kuala Lumpur and
the result shows that most of respondent thought U.S media give the right amount of negative
impact for Malaysian youth in term of cultural and violence.

What we can do to solve the issue in media violence ? There is 3 stages to solve a
problem :
- Government : strengthening existing legislation, enhance the educational television
program, made a campaign about danger of media violence
- Community : give a moral support to a television program that give a benefit to other
people, share a information television program which is provide a good message to us
- Parent : reduce exposure to media violence, change the impact of violence images that
they are seen, locate and explore alternatives to media that solve conflicts with violence,
and lasty get involved in the national debate over media violence

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