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Agreement to Participate – a document of agreement stating that an individual is willing

To partake in the activity/ies included in the course.

Applied Knowledge – the ability to use learned concepts and theories into action.

Doctor’s Clearance – is a document signed by a doctor indicating whether a person is

Capable of performing strenuous activities.

Medical Release Form – see Doctor’s Clearance.

Motor Skills – refers to anything that allows you to move and use your body to expend

Energy and use it properly.

PAR-Qs – Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaires; a pre-exercise screening document

That contains questions gauging a person’s overall health and current physical capacity.

Physical Education – a subject where individuals can engage in physical activity of

Sufficient quantity or quality to promote health benefits. (Coalter, 2009).

Waiver – see Agreement to Participate.


DNA – short for Deoxyribonucleic Acid; a large double-stranded, molecule that is the

Carrier of genetic information.

Emotional Wellness – monitoring and exploring one’s thoughts and feelings and finding

Solutions to solve any obstacles along the way.

Environment – external surroundings that a person finds himself/herself in at a given time.

Environmental/Planetary Wellness – learning to protect oneself with the hazards of the


Exercise – a type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and repetitive bodily

Movements with the objective of improving one’s physical fitness.

Extrospection – see Spiritual Fitness; in Psychology it is how a person examines and

Observes things that are external from his/her mind.

Fatigue – a feeling of excessive tiredness.

Genes – short for genetic information and is found imbedded within the DNA; where

Hereditary traits come from.

Health –refers to a state of complete, physical, mental, and social well-being. It is not merely

The absence or presence of diseases or injuries. (World Health Organization)

Heredity – the passing of traits through genetic material from parents to offspring/s.

Human Ecologic Interactions – how a person reacts, relates, and interacts with factors

Found within an environment.

Immune System – organ system responsible for fighting off disease/s and other system

Infections within the body.

Interpersonal & Social Wellness – building good relationships and establishing good

Communication; participating and contributing to society.

Introspection – see Mental Fitness; in Psychology it is how a person examines his/her own

Thoughts and feelings.

Lifestyle – how a person chooses to live and manage his/her well-being.


Aerobic Training – “aero” which means, with the presence of air; a type of endurance training

Which refers to long-lasting work-outs that have low to high-intensities.

Anaerobic Training – “anaero,” which means with the absence of air; a type of endurance

Training which refers to short-lasting and high-intensity activities.

Bio-Electrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA) – an electronic equipment that sends static

Electricity within the body to measures the total amount of body tissues.
Body Composition –the proportion of fat mass and lean body mass within the body’s


Body Weight Training – Any activity that involves you to put effort only with the use of your

Body as a form of resistance/load (Ex. Plank pose, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.).

Bone Length – how big, small, long, and short a person’s bone structure is.

Cardiovascular (CV) Endurance – ability to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic

Exercises at different intensities.

Dynamic Stretch – the opposite of static stretch; a type of stretch where joints are stretched

While in movement.

Endurance Training – a type of activity which requires you to move your body at a

Continuous pace, ranging between durations of ten (10) minutes to more than two (2) hours.

Endurance Weight Training – this is where you lift with a minimal load, but you will do it

With maximum repetitions and sets.

Essential fat – a type fat that is needed by the body to enable in supporting its overall energy

Expenditure. This type of fat can also be found or taken from different food sources which fuel
Our everyday energy needs.

Fat free mass/Lean Body mass – all the tissues that make-up the bulk of a person’s muscles,

Bones, organs, and water found within your body.

Fats – a type of tissue in the body that serves as an insulator and as a source of energy for

Movements and activities.

Fitness Goal – a goal set by an individual to improve on his/her level of fitness, health, and

Wellness; a set activity that is S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, & Time-


Flexibility –refers to the range of motion available in a joint or joints.

Health-related Fitness Components – are components of fitness that are essential to

Maintaining your health and in preventing you from obtaining different diseases.

Interval Training – an activity that incorporates alternating, low-to-moderate, low-to-high,

Or moderate-to-high intensity activities. (e.g. jog-run-jog, walk-jog-walk)

Muscle Atrophy – a condition in which muscles lose their structure and become smaller

Because it is not developed or because of an injury.

Muscle Elasticity – see Muscle Length.

Muscle Length – how your muscles contract and relax to inhibit movements.

Muscular Endurance – the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to remain contracted or to

Contract repeatedly for a long period of time.

Muscular Strength – the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.

Non-essential fat – fat that is stored inside the body which was not utilized through

Movement and exercise.

Obesity – going beyond overweight is a condition known as obesity; a condition in which an

Overly excessive accumulation of body fat is way above a person’s recommended body weight.

Osteo-arthritis – the slow but sure degradation of joints that is also associated with age. This

Is where joint cartilages wear away and is more common in older people.

Osteoporosis – a condition associated with age, where decrease in bone density is apparent

Making it more susceptible to breakage (e.g. fractures dislocation).

Overweight – this is where your body has accumulated excess weight than your normal
Recommended body weight.

Percent Body Fat (% body fat) – the amount of total body fat found within a person’s body.

Pilates – an activity that’s synonymous to Yoga but with the additional use of specialized

Equipment; focuses on the development of the muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility


Range of Motion – ability of bones, muscles, and joints to move at certain degrees or angles.

Resistance Training –process of exercising with progressively heavier resistance to

Stimulate muscle development

Sarcopenia – a decrease in muscle mass or lean-body tissue; a condition that mostly targets

Women because of the lack of hormonal production that goes with age.

Static Stretch – a type of stretch were joints are pulled and stretched in a fixed point.

Strength Training – this is where you lift with a maximal load, but you will only do it with

Minimum repetitions and sets.

Stretching Exercise – activities that inhibit the improvements of the flexibility of the joints.

Total Fitness – a combination of completely developing the dimensions of health and


Underweight – lack in the correct amount of body mass in the body caused mainly by poor

Nutritional uptake.

Varying Intensities – see Interval Training.

Weight Lifting/Training – use specific exercise equipment and other forms of external

Resistance to inhibit muscular adaptations to your body.

Yoga – an Indian word for “union.” A combination of breathing exercises, physical postures,

And meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. (ACE Manual, 2010)

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