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Hii readers, how do you do ? wish you all good health

Allow me to introduce myself to you all. My name is …… you can call me ….. I study at
…… the. So, my friends without further ado, I will tell you and my family’s end of year
vacation in Bali.

For the New Year holiday, I went to Bali with my family. Actually I’ve been on vacation
to Bali many times but this is the first time I’ve taken my friends to Bali with my family. The
reason we go to bali it’s because my parent wants to take my sister and me to see Garuda Wisnu
Kencana. We heard that the status has finally finished its construction.

The building was huge, from the road from the airport, we already can see the statue
High. It can almost be seen everywhere in Bali. Although we have to walk so far and long. It was
worth the view. If you want to go there, don’t forget to bring some hat and glasses because it was
really hot. Oh! Don’t forget to use a sunblock too!

In Bali, we rent a villa with a huge pool and kitchen inside.

My mom teaches my sister and me to cook ours favourite’s food. We also made some
craft from wooden sticks. We spent te last day of our trip to watch movies at the villa and do
barbeque while watching some fireworks. I really have a great time, I wish we have more time
like this.

Okey everybody, this is my story end of year holiday in Bali.

I hope this story has a moral value for you!

Thanks for your attention. Bye…

Job Desk : *first translate in Indonesian and make in videoes describing for English*

NB : date line 15.00 a.m

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