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Grade 9 SPSTE - Mathematics


similar/the same domains


RELATIONS, but not all
relations are FUNCTIONS

Quadratic Functions
is a function that can be written in the form of 𝒚 = 𝒂𝒙^𝟐 + 𝒃𝒙 + 𝒄 or f(x) = 𝒂𝒙^𝟐 + 𝒃𝒙
+ 𝒄 where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0
The highest exponent of the variable is 2, hence it is called a second-degree function.
How to Determine a Quadratic Function?

Table of Values – the second difference should be the same

Graph is a PARABOLA
Features of the Graph
The Leading Coefficient a
indicates the direction of the opening of the parabola
negative a opens downward
positive a opens upward

indicates the width of the opening of the parabola

the graph of the function f(x) = ax^2 +bx + c is narrower than the graph of f(x) = x^2 if
|a|>1, and wider if 0 < |a| < 1.

Vertex of the Parabola

turning point of the parabola
highest point (maximum)
lowest point (minimum)
the Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function is given by f(x) = a(x-h)^2 + k, where:
(h,k) is the vertex of the parabola
a, h, and k are real numbers
Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function can be done by:
completing the squares or;
definition of the coordinates of the parabola:

Axis of Symmetry of the Parabola

Vertical line through the vertex that divides the parabola into two identical parts

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