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The book I read is called Killing a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

I read the second

part of the book, which is one hundred and fifty-four pages.
Again, the main characters are Jem, Scout, Atticus, Deal and Calpurnia. The
second part of the book begins by saying that Jem is already twelve years old,
and he has changed a lot towards Scout and has become very irritable, and
Atticus their father tells the girl that it is best not to bother him. After a while,
Atticus' sister, Alexandra, came to visit them for a while, saying that Calpurnia
was no longer needed in this house. But Atticus refuses to let their maid leave.
The Calpurnia black housewife takes care of the children and even takes them
to church one morning. After a while, they find that Dill, who ran away from his
home in Meridian, hid under Jem's bed. And he says that his foster parents
don't love him and asks Atticus to stay with them for a while. Then the book
says that Atticus, who works as a lawyer, has a very serious case in which many
interesting events unfold. The case is against Tom Robinson, a black man
accused of raping a white woman.
My favorite quotes from this book are two and they are “It’s never an insult to
be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor
that person is, it doesn’t hurt you. ” and “As you grow older, you’ll see white
men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and
don’t you forget it… Whenever a white man does that to a black man, no
matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that
white man is trash. ” The second quote is said because of the racism that
manifested itself at the time, there was even a church for whites and a
separate church for black folks.
I think the book is very good in terms of the events that are told, but I would
not read this book again or the second part. However, I like that is real and my
favorite character I can say is Atticus, because he is a white man who defends
the rights of blacks in the case of Tom Robinson against the white woman who
turned out that she made up this whole story that the black man raped her.
I've always liked this job as a lawyer because it shows how much you're trying
to show that a person is guilty or innocent. I liked this part of the case more
than anything else in this story. In fact, the book has a film that I plan to watch
and see if there is any similarity with what is written in the book. I don't think
what else I can say about the content.

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