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Portfolio activities units 10&11

Unit 10

1- Verbs 15 times each (1.2 points)

2- Write 10 yes/no questions in simple past and answer (.3 points)

Did you go to the movies? -Yes, I did.

-Did you go to the CELLAP?

Yes I did
-Did you go to the supermarket?
No I didn´t
-Did he go to the zoo yesterday?
Yes he did
-Did she go to dance past week?
No she didn't
-Did she go shopping last month?
Yes she did
-Did he go to the gym yesterday?
No he didn't
-Did they go to the cinema?
Yes they did
-Did she go to the party last week?
No she didn´t
-Did she go to aerobic past class?
Yes she did
-Did we go to the park last weekend?
Yes we did
3- Write 10 WH questions in simple past and answer (.3 points)

Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo.

Where did you go yesterday? I went downtown
You did yesterday? I slept a little
Where did you go the last week ? to my house
You did go to a party last night?? If was great
Where did last summer vacation? To San Fernando city
You did? Hunt slightly
Where did you go to dinner yesterday? To a small restaurant
Where did you studied in school? In San Fernando city
What did last week for dinner? Meat with vegetables
Where did you last Monday? The gym training
Unit 11

1- Write a small biography about someone whose life was important for you
example: workbook page 64, ex. A. (.5 points)

Benito Juarez Oaxaca born in the March 21, 1806, lived as a shepherd boy tending
sheep when I was little México and decided to go to law school to become
president of the republic and create several laws for the country would be better

2- Make 10 questions with "Who" and answer them (.6 points)

Who discovered America? -Christopher Columbus.

Who is considered the father of the nation? Miguel hidalgo

Who fought under the command of Morelos? Vicente Guerrero
Who caused the Second World War? Germany
Who participated in the Second World War? Germany, Italy, Japan and other more
Who won 8 times the mister olympia? Ronnie Coleman
Who invented television? John Logie Baird
Who invented the color TV? Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena
Who ceded part of México to United States of America? Antonio Lopez Santa Ana
Who wrote the origin of species? Darwin
Who invented the pausterizacion? Louis Pasteur

3- Write 10 sentences using -when clauses- (.6 points)


When I was 10 years, my first deer hunt

My sister and I studied, when we came to victory
I finish my career, when I was 22 years
I discovered that I like fishing, when he catches a big fish
Was not funny, when I went to San Fernando
When I was 9 years shooting a shotgun
When I was little, I learned to read
I get tired a lot, when I was doing my homework
My mom scolded me, when not working
My dad was sad, when I went to study

Portfolio activities unit 12

1- Write 10 sentences for the near future using present progressive

(remember that we use present progressive for definite plans in the near
future) (.8 points)
I am eating pizza tomorrow.
My sister is going to California in two weeks.
Tomorrow I go to the gym to train
In a few months I'll be in school
My mom will go to work in a week
I eat cake morning
My grandfather is going to my house in two days
My sister got married in two months
My dad in a few months will fulfill
My sister ended his career in two years
My teacher applied a test in a few days
My dog will have puppies in a week

2- Write 10 sentences for future using -going to- (we use -going to- to
express plans in the form of intentions).
I am going to read this book.
He's going to sing a song. (.7 points)

I am going to eat with my girlfriend

You are going to running tomorrow
He is going to school the month
We are going to the beach on the following holidays
You are going exercise next year
They are going to finishing school
I am going win a prize
You are going have a child in a few years
We are going to the beach tomorrow
They are going to a ranch next Wednesday.

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