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ing to only 0.05 g. (6%) of 1,l-diphenylethylene. Acidi- with a sample of starting material it gave no depression of
fication of the aqueous fraction with dilute sulfuric acid melting point.
precipitated none of the chloro acid. Summary
Methyl 2,2-Diphenyl4 -bromopropanoate .-Treatment
of the corresponding carboxylic acid chloridell with excess 1. The preparation of a,a-diphenyl-@-pro-
dry methanol a t room temperature for four hours gave, on piolactone is reported.
fractionation in vacuo, a 94% yield of the methyl ester,
b. p. 153-155” (0.9 mm.), n% 1.5968. The distillate 2. The formation of this @-lactonefrom 2 3
solidified and melted a t 44-46O. diphenyl-3-chlor0, bromo and iodopropanoic acids
Anal. Calcd. for Cl6Hl6BrO2: C, 60.20; H, 4.74. has been studied together with formation of the
Found: C, 60.52; H, 4.66. by-product, 1,l-diphenylethylene. The re-forma-
Treatment of Methyl 2,2-Diphenyl-J-bromopropanoate tion of these @-halogenacids from the @-lactone
with Sodium Methoxide.-A solution of sodium methox- on treatment with the corresponding hydrohalic
ide (from 0.4 g. of sodium) in 50 cc. of dry methanol was
treated with 2.80 g. of the methyl ester and refluxed for acids is also described.
twenty-five hours. The solution remained colorless and 3. The reverse reactions of a,a-diphenyl-P-
no sodium bromide precipitated. The methanol was re- propiolactone with sodium chloride, bromide
moved by distillation and the residue was shaken with and iodide have been studied.
an ether-water mixture. The aqueous layer was separated 4. The reactivity of the halogen atoms in these
and acidified. No acidic product was precipitated. The
neutral ether layer was washed with water and dried over P-halogen acids is contrasted with the lack of re-
anhydrous magnesium sulfate. Filtration and distilla- activity of the bromine atom in the methyl ester
tion of the ether gave 2.23 g. of an almost colorless oil, of 2,2-dipheny1-3-bromopropanoic acid.
n% 1.5940 which on distillation gave 1.3 g., bd p. 136”
(0.3 mm.). The distillatesolidified, m. p. 44-46 Mixed. ILLINOIS
21, 1949



a-Phenyltropic Acid and Basic Esters. Acid and Base-catalyzed Reactions of o~,(Y-
Diphenyl-p-propiolactone and of 2 ,2-Diphenyl-3-bromo- and Chloropropanoic Acids
During recent years a large number of basic structure as 11, the work of Burtner and Cusic
esters of benzilic acid have been prepared by was repeated. The melting point (164.5-165.5’)
numerous workers‘s2 and many of them have found for their acid checked reasonably well;
been shown to exert a high order of antispasmodic however, by a mixed melting point determination
and/or local anesthetic activity. Basic esters with an authentic s ~ e c i m e ntheir
, ~ acid proved to
of a-phenyltropic acid (11) obviously would be of be identical with the isomeric a,@-diphenyllactic
considerable interest in this connection since this acid,5 c6H,cH2c(OH) (C~HE,)COOH, m. p. 161.5-
acid approaches more nearly than does benzilic 165.5’) formed by rearrangement of a phenyl
acid the structure of tropic acid of which the SOUP.
naturally occurring, potent antispasmodic, atro- In retrospect the formation of this isomeric
pine, is a basic ester. Indeed, Burtner and Cusic2 hydroxy acid is not surprising since a number of
have already reported a basic ester of a-phenyl- closely allied rearrangements under similar condi-
tropic acid. The latter was prepared by the tions are known.6 On the other hand, it should
action of nitrous acid on the amino ester (C6Hb)z- be mentioned that tropic acid itself is formed by
C(COOCH3)CH2NH2, followed by saponification. the action of nitrous acid on a-~henyl-p-alanine.~
They reported a melting point of 167-168’ for this Thus the unpredictable nature of the Demyanov
hydroxy acid. reaction is once more exemplified.
In the present work, a,a-diphenyl-P-propiolac- The dimethylaminoethyl and diethylamino-
tone (I)3 was submitted to both acid and base ethyl esters of a-phenyltropic acid (V, R = CH,
hydrolysis with the expectation of arriving a t the and C2H5) were prepared. However, both the
same acid I1 reported by Burtner and Cusic. antispasmodic and local anesthetic activities of
However, this was not the case. An isomeric these compounds were disappointing, being much
hydroxy acid melting a t 157-158’ was obtained. lower than those of the corresponding benzilic
Since the method of preparation and the reactions esters.
of this acid, which are summarized in the ac- Best yields of a-phenyltropic acid (11) were
companying flow-sheetl seemed to establish its obtained by acid hydrolysis of the @-lactone I
(1) Ford-Moore and Ing, J. Chcm. Soc., 66, 952 (1947); King (4) The author is indebted to Dr. A. W. Weston of these Labora-
and Holmes, ibid., 164 (1947); Holmes and Hill, U.S. Patent 2,399,- tories for a sample of a,@-diphenyllacticacid prepared by the general
736 and 2,430,116; Blicke, U. S. Patent 2,401,219; Northey and method of Rohrmann, Jones and Shonle, i b i d . , 66, 1856 (1944).
Hultquist, U. S Patent 2,419,366; Chen, e1 al., J . Lab. Clin. Mcri., (5) “Beilstein’s Handbuch der org. Cbem.,” Suppl. Vol. X.p. 155.
SO, 700 (1945). (6) Levy and Gallais, Ball. SOC. chim., 48, 862 (1928); Hickin-
(2) Burtner and Cusic, THISJOURNAL, 66, 262 (1943). bottom, “Reactions of Org. Compounds.” 2nd ed., 313 (1948).
(3) Zaugg, ibid., 78, 2998 (1950). ‘(7)Natarajan and Swaminathan, THISJOURNAL, 69, 2560 (1947).
3002 E. ZAUCG
HAROLD Vol. 72

HOH grounds with the initial postulation of

P(CsHj)nC-COOH hTaOH reaction with methoxide ion to give the
CHzOH ester anion VII1,O (C~H&C-COOCH~,
(C&) zc-co I1 I
VI11 CHz0-
I 1 similar to VI. Finally, the same re-
I action of the bromo and chloro acids
CHzX CH30Na 111 is clarified by the reasonable as-

111 (X = Br, Cl)
> (C6Hs)zCHCOOH(CHz)
I\‘ f
J sumption of primary p-lactone forma-
tion; and the over-all reaction mecha-
nism can be represented by the fol-
lowing sequence: I11 + carboxylate
CHaOIYaj anion of I11 + I -+ VI11 + (C,H,)zCCOOCH3 +
IV (methyl ester). lo e
The reason for the presence of 1,l-diphenyl-
5‘ ethylene in the reactions of the halogen acids and
its absence in the other two reactions becomes
in a mixture of water, sulfuric and acetic acids. apparent from the fact that this by-product
Hydrolysis in excess aqueous alcoholic alkali gave originates from the carboxylate anion of I11 by
the hydroxy acid I1 more rapidly even a t room a reaction concurrent with 0-lactone formation.
temperature but in poorer yield. Similarly, a- The other two reactions both start a t later stages
phenyltropic acid (11) was obtained rapidly in the above sequence.
in low yield directly from the bromo acid I11 The reason for the observed presence of free di-
(X = Br) by treatment with excess alkali a t phenylacetic acid in addition to its methyl ester
room temperature. The methyl ester of the in all of these cleavage reactions is not readily
bromo acid I11 reacted analogously on treatment apparent. Traces of water could, perhaps, effect
with excess hot alkali. Both reactions were hydrolysis without leading t o appreciable quanti-
characterized by the concomitant formation of ties of 11. Another explanation might lie in the
appreciable quantities of l,l-diphenylethylene.a oxidation of the formaldehyde to formic acid by a
Alkaline hydrolysis of 2,2-diphenyl-3-chloropro- Cannizzaro reaction” followed by ester inter-
panoic acid (111, X = C1) likewise led to a-phenyl- change of the formic acid with methyl diphenyl-
tropic acid much more slowly than, but in ap- acetate to give the diphenylacetic acid. How-
proximately the same yield as, from the corre- ever, no efforts were made to establish the pres-
sponding bromo acid. Practically no 1,l-di- ence of methyl formate in the reaction mixtures.
phenylethylene was formed as a by-product from Because of the size of the two phenyl groups in
the chloro acid. the a-position of a-phenyltropic acid (11), it was
The reaction of the bromo acid 111 (X = Br), considered possible that cyclization could be
the chloro acid I11 (X = Cl), the &lactone I effected to regenerate the /3-lactone I.12 How-
and the basic ester V (R = CzHg) with sodium ever, attempts to bring about this lactonization
methoxide in methanol led in each case to a mix- were unsuccessful.
ture of diphenylacetic acid (IV) and a neutral
ester (undoubtedly the methyl ester) saponifiable Acknowledgment.-The author is indebted to
to diphenylacetic acid. The reactions with the Mr. E. F. Shelberg, head of the Abbott Micro-
bromo and chloro acids were the only ones in analytical Laboratory, for the elementary analy-
which concurrent formation of 1,l-diphenyl- ses.
ethylene3 could be detected. Experimental
This cleavage reaction of the basic ester V a-Phenyltropic Acid. A. By Acid Hydrolysis.-A
solution of 11.95 g. of the p-lactone I3 in a mixture of 195
(R = CzH,) probably takes place through the cc. of glacial acetic acid, 43 cc. of concentrated sulfuric
intermediate formation of the anion VI which acid and 85 cc. of water was heated on the steam-bath

would exist in equilibrium with the diphenyl- for seven hours. The reaction mixture was diluted with
(C~HE,)~C-COOCH~CH~NR~ (9) Compare Gresham, et ai., ibid., 70, 1004 (1948).
(10) Obviously, reaction of the p-lactone I with sodium hydroxide
instead of with sodium methoxide would lead to the carboxylate
VI anion (CsHdzC-COOe which would be expected to show consider-
(C6Hs)aC-COOCHzCHzNRn + CHz0 I
e VI1
able reluctance t o Formation of the doubly charged anion necessary
acetate anion VI1 and formaldehyde. This equilib- for cleavage OF formaldehyde. This also accounts For the observed
formation of a-phenyltropic acid by the action of sodium hydroxide
rium would be forced almost completely to the on the halogen acids 111, since the 8-lactone is undoubtedly inter-
right by the reaction of the anion VI1 with the mediate likewise in this transformation. This explanation is further
more acidic methanol to give methoxide ion and substantiated by the observation that or-phenyltropic acid, once it
diphenylacetic ester.8 The analogous reaction of is formed, is unchanged by the action of methanolic sodium meth-
the p-lactone I likewise can be explained on similar (11) Geissman, “Organic Reactions,” Vol. 11, 98 (1944).
( 8 ) Hauser and Renfrow, THIS
JOURNAL, 69, 1823 (1937). (12) Compare Bains and Thorpe, J. Chcm. Soc., 2742 (1923).
water to a volume of 1500 cc. and the oil which separated tilled diethylaminoethyl chloride in 20 cc. of dry isopropyl
was taken up in ether. The ether layer was washed with alcohol was refluxed for twelve hours and then cooled in
water and then extracted with 150 cc. of 2 N sodium hy- ice. The hydrochloride which crystallized weighed 3.53
droxide. The aqueous extract was separated and acidi- g. (93% yield) and melted a t 152-154 . Recrystalliza-
fied with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The precipi- tion from 25 .:c of dry isopropyl alcohol gave 2.94 g.,
tated oil was again taken up in ether, washed with water m. p. 154-155 . Further recrystallization of 2 sample
and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. Filtration for analysis raised the melting point to 154.5-156 .
and removal of the ether y! distillation gave 12.7 g. of Anal. Calcd. for C~lH28ClN03: C, 66.74; H, 7.47;
crude acid, m. p. 150-156 . This material was purified N,3.71. Found: C,67.06; H,7.17; N,3.99.
by dissolving in 60 cc. of hot 95y0 ethanol, adding 50 cc. Dimethylaminoethyl Ester of a-Phenyltropic Acid (V,
of hot water, boiling with charcoal for a few minutes, R = CHI).-A solution of 3.59 g. of a-phenyltropic acid
filtering and adding hot water (180-200 cc.) to the hot and 1.60 g. of freshly distilled dimethylaminoethyl chlo-
filtrate until a faint cloudiness developed. Seeding and ride in 30 cc. of dry isopropyl alcohol was refluxed for two
cooling gave 10.8 g. (83% yield) of a-phenyltropic acid hours. After addition of 0.4 g. more dimethylamino-
( I I ) , colorless needles, m. p. 156-158". Further recrystal- ethyl chloride refluxing was continued for three hours.
lization for analysis gave m. p. 157-158". Since no product crystallized on cooling, the reaction mix-
Anal. Calcd. for C15H1403: C, 74.36; H, 5.83. Found: ture was diluted with water, acidified with hydrochloric
C, 74.21; H, 5.63. acid and extracted with ether to remove insoluble by-
B. By Alkaline Hydrolysis.-A suspension of 1.5 g. of products. From the ether extract was obtained 1.20 g.
the @-lactoneI in 10 cc. of 9570 ethanol was treated with of unreacted a-phenyltropic acid. The aqueous solution
20 cc. of 20y0 sodium hydroxide. The mixture was was made basic with cold 20y0 sodium hydroxide and the
allowed t o stand a t room temperature with occasional free basic ester separated as a solid which was filtered off
stirring until a clear solution formed (ca. thirty minutes). and recrystallized from methanol to give 1.87 g. (40%
The mixture was then poured into ice-water and the clear conversion and 54% yield, based on a-phenyltropic acid
solution thus obtained was acidified with concentrated consumed), m. p. 140-142 '. Further recrystallization
hydrochloric acid. The precipitated oil solidified on from methanol did not raise the melting point.
standing overnight and was filtered off. Recrystalliza- Anal. Calcd. for C19H23N03: C, 72.82; H, 7.40; N,
tion first from the benzene-Skellysolve B solvent pair and 4.47. Found: C,73.01; H,7.29; N,4.56.
then from water-alcohol gave 0.92 g b (57% yield) of a-
phenyltropic acid (11), m. p. 156-158 . Formation of Diphenylacetic Acid (IV) from the &Lac-
tone 1.-A sodium methoxide solution was prepared by dis-
a-Phenyltropic Acid from 2,2-Diphenyl-3-bromopro- solving 0.17 g. (0.0074 mole) of sodium in 35 cc. of dry
panoic Acid and Methyl Ester.-A suspension of 2.08 g.
of the bromo acid (III)Is in 10 cc. of 95% ethanol was methanol. This was refluxed with 1.5 g. (0.0067 mole) of
treated with 20 cc. of 20% sodium hydroxide. The solu- the 13-lactone 1 for twenty-six hours. The methanol was
tion became clear almost immediately but was allowed to removed by distillation and the residue was shaken with a
stand a t room temperature for thirty minutes before mixture of water and ether. From the water layer on
diluting with water. The mixture was worked up in the acidification was obtained after recrystallization from ben-
usual manner and in addition to 0.36 g. of a neutral un- zene-Skellysolve B, 0.57 g. of an acid, m. p. 140-144'.
saturated oil, 0.!2 g. (310/, yield) of a-phenyltropic acid, From the ether layer was recovered 0.71 g. of a neutral
m. p. 156-158 , was obtained. The neutral oil was colorless oil which was saturated to bromine in carbon
shown to be 1,l-diphenylethylene by conversion to the tetrachloride and which was saponified by refluxing for
dibromide,I4 m. p. 56-58", which on heating characteris- thirty minutes with a mixture of 15 cc. of 20% sodium
tically evolved hydrogen bromide. Refluxing 6.4 g. of the hydroxide and 5 cc. of 95% ethanol. After recrystalliza-
methyl ester of the bromo acid for twenty-six hours with tion from benzene-Skellysolve B, the acid obtained from
a mixture of 60 cc. of 20% sodium hydroxide and 30 cc. of the saponification weighed 0.50 g. and melted at 140-144'.
95% ethanol gave 1.90 g. of the neutral oil (1,l-diphenyl- I t proved to be identical with the acid fraction of the
ethylene? but only 0.91 g. of a-phenyltropic acid, m. p. original reaction product. The two fractions were com-
156-158 . bined and recrystallized from dilute ethanol to give 0.86
g. of shiny flat needles, m. p . 143-145'. When mixed
a-Phenyltropic Acid from 2,2-Diphenyl-3-chloropro-
panoic Acid.-To a suspension of 13 g. (0.05 mole) of the with an authentic specimen of diphenylacetic acid (m. p.
chloro acid in 70 cc. of 95% ethanol was added 145 cc. of 144-146') it produced no depression of melting point.
20% sodium hydroxide. The solid acid dissolved rapidly. Similar treatment of a-phenyltropic acid with two moles
After standing a t room temperature for sixty-eight hours, of sodium methoxide in methanol gave only unreacted
the solution was diluted with water to a large volume. starting material (7070 recovery). N o diphenylacetic
Extraction with ether gave only 0.10 g. of a neutral oil acid and no neutral ester was isolated.
consisting mainly of 1,l-diphenylethylene. Acidifica- Diphenylacetic Acid from 2,2-Diphenyl-3-bromopro-
tion of the aqueous solution gave 8.73 g. of acidic material, panoic Acid.-A solution of 3.05 g. (0.01 mole) of the
m. p. 135-150'. Recrystallization from 95% ethanol bromo acid (111) in 60 cc. of dry methanol containing so-
gave 4.2 g. (34% yield) of a-phenyltropic acid, m. p. dium methoxide (formed from 0.46 g. (0.02 mole) of so-
155-158". Further impure crops were obtained which dium) was refluxed for twenty-six hours. The methanol
undoubtedly contained a-phenyltropic acid mixed with a was removed by distillation and the residue treated as de-
persistent acidic contaminant of lower melting point. scribed above. The acidic fraction yielded 0.10 g. of
When this hydrolysis was stopped a t the end of only material, m. p. 130-140", which on purification proved to
forty-five minutes a t room temperature, the product con- be diphenylacetic acid. The neutral fraction (1.64 g.)
sisted mainly of starting material, with only a small on saponification in the usual manner gave in addition to
amount of a-phenyltropic acid having been formed. 0.71 g. of a non-saponifiable oil, unsaturated toward
Attempted Lactonization of a-Phenyltropic Acid.-Re- bromine in carbon tetrachloride (undoubtedly mainly
fluxing 1 g. of the hydroxy-acid in 100 cc. of dry benzene 1,l-diphenylethylene), 0.65 g. of an acid, m. p. 142-145'.
containing two drops of concentrated sulfuric acid for three Several recrystallizations from dilute ethanol gave shiny
hours and then removing the benzene by distillation gave flat needles, m. p. 144-145'. Elementary analysis and
in addition to 0.26 g. of starting material only amorphous a mixed melting point with an authentic sample proved
polymeric material. No @-lactonewas formed. identity with diphenylacetic acid (IV) . Also conversion
Diethylaminoethyl Ester of a-Phenyltropic Acid (V, to the corresponding amide, m. p. 165-16600,and mixing
R = CzHs).-A solution of 2.42 g. (0.01 mole) of a- with an authentic specimen, m. p. 166-167 , produced no
phenyltropic acid and 1.36 g. (0.01 mole) of freshly dis- melting point depression.
Diphenylacetic Acid from 2,2-Diphenyl-3-chloropro-
(13) Wegmann and Dahn, Helu. Chim. Acta. 29, 415 (1946). panoic Acid.-Refluxing 5.2 g. (0.02 mole) of the chloro-
(14) b p p , Bcr., 66, 567 (1923). acid 111 ( X = Cl) for twenty-six hours in 120 cc. of dry
methanol containing sodium methoxide prepared from good yield by hydrolysis of a,a-diphenyl-B-
0.92 g. (0.04 mole) of sodium, resulted in the formation of
0.8 g. of unsaponifiable oil (22y0 calculated as 1,l-diphen- propiolactone. A product reported by previous
ylethylene) and 2.7 g. (64%) of diphenylacetic acid, m. p. workers to be a-phenyltropic acid has been found
143-146' (after saponification of the ester). to possess the isomeric cu,@-diphenyllaceticacid
Diphenylacetic Acid from the Diethylaminoethyl Ester of
a-Phenyltropic Acid.-A sodium methoxide solution pre- structure.
pared from 0.30 g. (0.013 mole) of sodium and 20 cc. of 2. The reaction with sodium methoxide of
dry methanol was refluxed for twenty-six hours with 1.90 2,2-diphenyl-3-bromo and chloropropanoic acids,
g. (0.005 mole) of the basic ester hydrochloride (VI R = a,a-diphenyl-/3-propiolactone and a basic ester
C2HJ. Working up the reaction mixture in the usual
way gave 0.70 g. of diphenylacetic acid and 0.3 g. of a neu- of a-phenyltropic acid, has in each case been
tral oil which on saponification gave a further 0.22 g. of found to lead to a mixture of diphenylacetic acid
diphenylacetic acid. The total of 0.92 g. of acid obtained and its methyl ester. The mechanism of this
represents an 87y0 yield based on the ester hydrochloride.
cleavage reaction is discussed.
1. a-Phenyltropic acid has been prepared in RECEIVED
21, 1949



Basic Esters and Amides of a-Substituted Diphenylacetic Acids

In a routine search for compounds possessing methylamin~ethyl~ and diethylamin~ethyl~ esters
therapeutic activity, primarily analgetic, a num- of 2,2-diphenylpropanoic acid were reported by
ber of basic esters and amides derived from acids other workers.
of type (CsH&RCCOOH were prepared.' Five Pharmacology.-The increase of pain thresh-
carboxylic acids were employed in which R was old produced in dogs as summarized in the
varied as follows: CHa, C&b, C H 2 4 H C H 2 , table was determined by a modification of the
ClCH2, and BrCH2. In addition, several basic method of Andrews and Workman.6 The authors
amides of 2-phenylbutanoic acid, CeH6CH(C2Hs)- are indebted to Dr. R. K. Richards and Mr. K. E.
COOH were prepared. Of these six acids the Kueter of the Abbott Pharmacological Research
2,2-diphenyl-3-chloropropanoic acid was the only Laboratories for these tests. The symbols ex-
one not previously reported in the literature. press the increase of pain threshold according to
I t was made by the condensation of benzene with the following scale: 0 = none; * = doubtful;
chloropyruvic acid in the presence of concen- + +f
<lo%; = 10-20%; +++
= 20-30%;
trated sulfuric acid according to the procedure of ++++ = 30-40%. Doses one-fifth to one-
Wegmann and Dahn2 for the preparation of the tenth of the LD60 were injected subcutaneously
corresponding bromo acid. in the dogs. The toxicities were determined
The basic esters and amides were prepared by intraperitoneally in mice. Since a limited number
the reaction of the carboxylic acid chlorides with of mice were used these values can be in error by
amino alcohols and diamines, respectively, in as much as * 50%.
ether solution. The only new amine used in this The most active compound proved to be the
work seems to be P-dimethylaminoisopropyl- dimethylaminoethyl amide of 2,2-diphenyl-3-
amine. It was obtained by the reductive amina- chloropropanoic acid. It induced the Straub
tion, with ammonia, of dimethylaminoacetone. phenomenon (tail erection) in mice, a charac-
In every case but one, the diamine employed teristic of many narcotic drugs. However, it
in the preparation of the amides possessed one also produced considerable irritation a t the site
tertiary amino group. The exception, N,N'- of subcutaneous injection, and by oral or intra-
dimethylethylenediamine, contained two second- venous administration it showed only a low order
ary amino groups a n d ' as expected gave con- of activity. The same amide of the correspond-
siderable amounts of the bis-amide on treatment ing bromo acid suffered from the same defects.
with the acid chloride. Although the desired The values indicated in the table for the increase
basic mono-amide still predominated in this case, of pain threshold, therefore, do not reflect the
the corresponding reaction with ethylenediamine true analgesic activities of these compounds.
itself produced only the bis-amide and none of the Some other property, possibly irritation, un-
basic amide. doubtedly is responsible for the relatively high
All the esters and amides are listed in the table. order of observed activity.
During the course of the present work the di- Several of these compounds were tested for
(1) For a discussion of the antispasmodic activity of certain de- (3) Larsen, Ruddy, Elpern and MacMullen, T H I S JOURNAL, 71,
rivatives of diphenylacetic acid, see Raymond, J. A m . Pharm. Assoc., 532 (1949).
82. 249 (1943). (4) British Patent Spec. 33,582, Dec. 19, 1947.
(2) Wegmann and Dahn, Hclv. Chim. Acta, 29, 415 (1946). ( 5 ) Andrews and Workman, J. Pharmacol., 73, 99 (1941).

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