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3004 E.


methanol containing sodium methoxide prepared from good yield by hydrolysis of a,a-diphenyl-B-
0.92 g. (0.04 mole) of sodium, resulted in the formation of
0.8 g. of unsaponifiable oil (22y0 calculated as 1,l-diphen- propiolactone. A product reported by previous
ylethylene) and 2.7 g. (64%) of diphenylacetic acid, m. p. workers to be a-phenyltropic acid has been found
143-146' (after saponification of the ester). to possess the isomeric cu,@-diphenyllaceticacid
Diphenylacetic Acid from the Diethylaminoethyl Ester of
a-Phenyltropic Acid.-A sodium methoxide solution pre- structure.
pared from 0.30 g. (0.013 mole) of sodium and 20 cc. of 2. The reaction with sodium methoxide of
dry methanol was refluxed for twenty-six hours with 1.90 2,2-diphenyl-3-bromo and chloropropanoic acids,
g. (0.005 mole) of the basic ester hydrochloride (VI R = a,a-diphenyl-/3-propiolactone and a basic ester
C2HJ. Working up the reaction mixture in the usual
way gave 0.70 g. of diphenylacetic acid and 0.3 g. of a neu- of a-phenyltropic acid, has in each case been
tral oil which on saponification gave a further 0.22 g. of found to lead to a mixture of diphenylacetic acid
diphenylacetic acid. The total of 0.92 g. of acid obtained and its methyl ester. The mechanism of this
represents an 87y0 yield based on the ester hydrochloride.
cleavage reaction is discussed.
1. a-Phenyltropic acid has been prepared in RECEIVED
21, 1949



Basic Esters and Amides of a-Substituted Diphenylacetic Acids

In a routine search for compounds possessing methylamin~ethyl~ and diethylamin~ethyl~ esters
therapeutic activity, primarily analgetic, a num- of 2,2-diphenylpropanoic acid were reported by
ber of basic esters and amides derived from acids other workers.
of type (CsH&RCCOOH were prepared.' Five Pharmacology.-The increase of pain thresh-
carboxylic acids were employed in which R was old produced in dogs as summarized in the
varied as follows: CHa, C&b, C H 2 4 H C H 2 , table was determined by a modification of the
ClCH2, and BrCH2. In addition, several basic method of Andrews and Workman.6 The authors
amides of 2-phenylbutanoic acid, CeH6CH(C2Hs)- are indebted to Dr. R. K. Richards and Mr. K. E.
COOH were prepared. Of these six acids the Kueter of the Abbott Pharmacological Research
2,2-diphenyl-3-chloropropanoic acid was the only Laboratories for these tests. The symbols ex-
one not previously reported in the literature. press the increase of pain threshold according to
I t was made by the condensation of benzene with the following scale: 0 = none; * = doubtful;
chloropyruvic acid in the presence of concen- + +f
<lo%; = 10-20%; +++
= 20-30%;
trated sulfuric acid according to the procedure of ++++ = 30-40%. Doses one-fifth to one-
Wegmann and Dahn2 for the preparation of the tenth of the LD60 were injected subcutaneously
corresponding bromo acid. in the dogs. The toxicities were determined
The basic esters and amides were prepared by intraperitoneally in mice. Since a limited number
the reaction of the carboxylic acid chlorides with of mice were used these values can be in error by
amino alcohols and diamines, respectively, in as much as * 50%.
ether solution. The only new amine used in this The most active compound proved to be the
work seems to be P-dimethylaminoisopropyl- dimethylaminoethyl amide of 2,2-diphenyl-3-
amine. It was obtained by the reductive amina- chloropropanoic acid. It induced the Straub
tion, with ammonia, of dimethylaminoacetone. phenomenon (tail erection) in mice, a charac-
In every case but one, the diamine employed teristic of many narcotic drugs. However, it
in the preparation of the amides possessed one also produced considerable irritation a t the site
tertiary amino group. The exception, N,N'- of subcutaneous injection, and by oral or intra-
dimethylethylenediamine, contained two second- venous administration it showed only a low order
ary amino groups a n d ' as expected gave con- of activity. The same amide of the correspond-
siderable amounts of the bis-amide on treatment ing bromo acid suffered from the same defects.
with the acid chloride. Although the desired The values indicated in the table for the increase
basic mono-amide still predominated in this case, of pain threshold, therefore, do not reflect the
the corresponding reaction with ethylenediamine true analgesic activities of these compounds.
itself produced only the bis-amide and none of the Some other property, possibly irritation, un-
basic amide. doubtedly is responsible for the relatively high
All the esters and amides are listed in the table. order of observed activity.
During the course of the present work the di- Several of these compounds were tested for
(1) For a discussion of the antispasmodic activity of certain de- (3) Larsen, Ruddy, Elpern and MacMullen, T H I S JOURNAL, 71,
rivatives of diphenylacetic acid, see Raymond, J. A m . Pharm. Assoc., 532 (1949).
82. 249 (1943). (4) British Patent Spec. 33,582, Dec. 19, 1947.
(2) Wegmann and Dahn, Hclv. Chim. Acta, 29, 415 (1946). ( 5 ) Andrews and Workman, J. Pharmacol., 73, 99 (1941).

Yield,a M. p.,b Nitrogen % LDao of pain
R R' % OC. Formula Calcd. F&nd mg./kg. threshold
CH3 -OCHzCHzN(CHn)z~HCI~ 63 174-176 CioHwCINOz 4.20 4.23' 250 ++
CH? -OCHzCHzh'(CzHs)z~HC13 50d
161-162 CziHvClNOz
183-185 (0.6 mm.)' CzrHrrNOz
150 ++
CHI -OCHzCHzN(>r-CaHa)z
CHa -OCH~CH~CH~N(CZH~)ZHC~ 56 101-105P CnHcpClNOz 3.73 3.84 125 0
CHs -OCHzCHzNC<HsO*HCI u 50 135-137 CziHmClNOa 3.73 3.53h 400 0
CHa -OCH(CHa)CHzh'(CzHs)2.HCI 39 119-121 CzrHaoClNOz 3.73 3.711 250 0
CH3 -OCH(CHd CH?N(CHs)yHCl 54 151-153 CmHzsClNOz 4.03 4.09' 175 0
CHI --NHCHd2HzN(CH3)z.HCI 24 183-185 CieHzkClNzO 8.42 8.55k 30 0
CHa -NHCHzCHzN(CzHa)z.HCl 49 179-181 Czi HzoCl Nz0 7.76
CHI -NHCHzCHzCHzN( CHa)z.HCI 37 158-160 CmH27CINz0 0
C?Ha -NHCHzCHzN(CH3)r 92 78-79 CmHziNzO 9.02 8.90 150 0
CzHk -NHCHzCHzN( CZHI)Z,HCI 85 141-142 CnHaiClNzO 7.47 7.61 175 0
CiHs -NHCH (CHa)CHIN (CHs)z. HCI 68
C2H6 -h''CrHsN-CHa" 89 105-106 CziHzeNnO 8.69 8.91 150 0
CHz=CHCHz- -A'HCHzCHzN(CHa)z 74 58-60 CziHzsNzO 8.69 8.79 250 0
~Hz=CHCHZ- --NHCHZCHZN(CZH~)Z.HZC~O~~ 28 159-160 CzrHazNzOs 6.36 6.43 >5oow OW

CHZ-CHCHF- -NC4HsK-CHsz 73 98-99 CzzHzsNtO 8.37 8.40'" 125 0

CHz=CHCH- -A-HCH(CHa)CHzN(CHs)z 66 153-155 (0.2 mm.)" CzzHsNzO 8.33 8.35 175 0
CICHz -OC€IzCHzX(CHz'z.HCl 88 158-159 CieHzrCIzNOa 3.80 4.09% 350 *
CICH, -OCHzCHzN(CzHs)z.HCI 90 107-109 C2i Hn ClzNOz 3.53 3.72' 250 +++
-NHCHzCHzN (cI&)z
226 ++++
ClCHz -NHCHICHa)CHzN(CHa)z 90 102-103 CzoHzrClNzO 8.12 8.02 250 0
C'CHz --NHCI-I(CHn) (CHz)aN(CzHI)z.HCl 64 140-141 CzrHaaClzNzO 6.40 6.25 75 0
CICHz -NHCHzC(CH3)2N(CHa)z 78 96-97 CziHziClNzO 7.80 7.95 200 0
CICHy -N(CHa)CHzCHzNHCHa.HCl 55 203-204 CioHz~ClzNrO 7.63 7.44 275 ++
BrCHz -0CH2CHzN (CHa)z.HCl 45 126-128 C1eHz:BrCINOz 3.39 3.359 350 0
BrCHz -0CHzCHzN (CzHa)z.HCI 61 131-132 CZIHZTBICINOZ 3.17 3.19 250 0
ErCHz -OCHzCHzCHzN(CzHs)z.HCI 55 155-156 CzzHw BrClNOz 3.07 3.07? 150 0
BrCHz -OCHZCHZNCIH~O*HCI' 41 173-174 CziHzrBrClNOa 3 . 0 8 2.96' 150 ++
BrCHz -NHCH2CHzN (CH,) z 92 124-125 CloHzsBrNzO 7.46 7.32 200 +++*
BrCHz - N H C H ~ C H I N ( C ~ Hz"CI
~) 68 150-151 CnHzaBrCIzNO 6.37 6.24 300 +++
BrCHz -NHCHzCHzCHzN(CHa)z 68 121-122 CmHzaBrNzO 7.19 7.09 250 ++
-NHCHLHtCH,N (n-C.HI ~ ) z
BrCHz -NHCH(CHa) (CHz)rN(CzHn)z*HC1 85 147-148 CzrHar BrClNzO 5 . 8 1 5.62 125 0
BrCHa --NCIHSN-C~H~' 78 140-141 CziHzkBrNzO 6.97 6.64 175 0
BrCHz -NH-4-cyclohexyl-N (C2Hs)rHCIP 36 155-160 CzrHaaBrClNnO 5.67 5.49 125 +++
~ 193-194 CirHzsCINz0
90 140-142 ( 0 . 2 mm.)" CisHleNzO
10.33 10.35'
10.68 10.56
CaHrCH(CzHr)COKCIH~K-CH~.HCI~ 64 237-238 CikHa3ClNzO 9.90 9.95 275 0
&HoCH(CnHr) CONH-4-cyclohexyl-N(CiHs)P 56 170-174 (0.1 mmJU CaoHnNzO 8.85 8.73 175 *
a Based on crude carboxylic acid chloride. Uncorrected. Calcd.: C, 68.35; H, 7.25. Found: C, 68.51; H, 7.13.
Prepared in a 75% yield by refluxing the carboxylic acid with an equivalent amount of D-diethylaminoethyl chloride in
isopropanol. Calcd.: C, 69.69; H, 7.80. Found: C, 69.94; H, 7.87. YB. p. of the free base, n Z 41.5208, ~ Anal.
Calcd.: C. 78.69: H. 9.25. Found: C. 78.56: H. 9.02. 0 Product could not be obtained entirelv
I~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ .. Dure.
C, 70.29;~'H, 8.04. Found: -C, 69.48; 'Hi 7.76. A Calcd.: C, 67110; H, 6.97. Found: C, 67.i6; H, 6.96.
~~~, .. .

C, 70.29; H, 8.04. Found: C, 70.36; H, 7.75. 2 Calcd.: C, 69.05; H, 7.53. Found: C, 69.04; H, 7.27. Calcd.:
C, 68.55; H, 7.57. Found: C, 68.65; H, 7.52. Isolated as the bioxalate. Calcd.: C, 79.00; H, 7.83. Found:
C, 78.70; H, 7.70. Calcd.: C. 61.95; H, 6.28. Found: C. 62.18: H. 6.07. Calcd.: C. 63.63: H. 6.87. Found:
C, 64.10; H, 7.08. p Probably consists of a mixture of the two cis-trans isomers. * Calcd.: C, 55.28; H; 5.62. Found:
C, 55.48; H, 5.44. Calcd.: C, 58.09; H, 6.41. Found: C, 57.86; H, 6.27. * Calcd.: C, 55.46; H, 5.54. Found:
C, 55.72; H, 5.71. Calcd.: C, 62.08; H, 8.56. Found: C, 61.89; H, 8.21. B. p. of the free base, %%D 1.5150.
" B. p. of free base. Oral toxicity in mice. No analgesia in dogs a t 50 mg./kg. orally, B. p. of the free base, ~ S D
1.5540. v NC4H40= morpholino-. NC4HsNCHs=IL'-methylpiperazino-.

antispasmodic activity. The most active, the ductive amination. Grateful acknowledgment for
diethylaminoethyl ester of 2,2-diphenylpropanoic the microanalytical determinations is due to Mr.
acid, showed one-fifth t o one-tenth the activity E. F. Shelberg, head of the Abbott Microanalyti-
of atropine. cal Laboratory and to Mr. Robert Berg, Mr.
Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted Dan McCallum, Mr. Rodger Barron, Mrs. Jane
to Mr. Morris Freifelder for carrying out the re- Wood, Mr. B. F. Claeboe and Mr. Louis Reed.

Experimental washing and drying gave 151.5 g. (6570); m. p. 195-198".

Diamines and Aminoalcoho1s.-N,N-Dimethylethylene- Recrystallization by dissolving in one liter of hot 95%
diamine,' N,N' dimethylethylenediamine,' N - methyl- ethanol, filtering and adding one liter of hot water gave
145 g. of colorless needles, m. p. 201-203' (dec.).
piperazine* and N-ethylpiperazines were prepared by
published methods. All other diamines and aminoalcohols Anal. Calcd. for C16H13C102: C, 69.10; H, 5.03.
for which no procedure is given were obtained from com- Found: C, 69.14; H, 5.00.
mercial sources. A mixture of this chloro acid (m. p. 201-203") with the
Dimethylaminoa~etone.~-To a solution of 45 g. (1.0 corresponding bromo acid (m. p. 202-203') melted a t
mole) of dimethylamine in one liter of dry ether was added, '.
rapidly with stirring a t a temperature of 2-10 ', a solution 2,Z-Diphenyl-3-chloropropanoylchloride was prepared
of 46.3 g. (0.5 mole) of monochloroacetone (Eastman Ko- in the same way as indicated above for the corresponding
dak Company) in 100 cc. of dry ether. The addition re- bromo acid chloride. The purest sample obtained melted
quired fifteen minutes. The mixture was stirred a t room a t 79-80.5" but was apparently not quite analytically pure.
temperature for seven hours and allowed to stand for three Anal. Calcd. for CI~HIZC~ZO: C, 64.54; H, 4.33.
days. The precipitated dimethylamine hydrochloride was Found: C, 65.34; H, 4.26.
filtered, washed with dry ether and the combined filtrate 2,Z-Diphenylbutanoic Acid.-Since the present work
and washings were dried over anhydrous magnesium sul- was completed the preparation of this acid by sulfuric acid
fate. The ether was distilled from the filtered solution hydrolysis of 2,2-diphenylbutanenitrile has been reported. a
through a helix-packed column (10-inch) and the product In our hands direct hydrolysis resulted in poor yields, but
was distilled in vacuo through the same column; yield treatment of the intermediate amide with butyl nitrite
37.5 g. (74%) of a colorless liquid, b. p. 35-36" a t 25 mm., in acetic acid according to the procedure of Sperber, Papa
n m D 1.4128 (we n z o D 1.4131; yield, 36y0 from bromoace- and Schwenk12proved more successful.
tone). A suspension of 44.2 g. (0.2 mole) of 2,2-diphenylbutane-'
p-Dimethylaminoisopropylamine.-A solution of 37.5 g. nitrile3 in a mixture of 86.4 cc. of concentrated sulfuric
of dimethylaminoacetone in 100 cc. of dry methanol was acid, 41.2 cc. of glacial acetic acid and 6 cc. of water was
treated with40 cc. of liquid ammonia and hydrogenated with heated with stirring at 135" for thirty minutes. The
4-6 g. of Raney nickel catalyst a t a temperature of 80' and clear solution was poured into three liters of water and
a t 2000 pounds hydrogen pressure. Reduction seemed to after standing for three or four hours the solid amide was
be complete in an hour. The catalyst was removed by separated by filtration. I t weighed 44.0 g. (92%). Two
filtration and the filtrate was fractionated a t atmospheric recrystallizations of a sample from dilute methanol gave
pressure through a 10-inch helix-packed column. There heavy prisms, m. p. 105-107".
was obtained 15 g. of p-dimethylaminoisopropylamine. Anal. Calcd. for ClGH1,NO: C, 80.30; H, 7.16.
For analysis, this material was refractionated from a small Found: C, 80.58; H , 7.32.
amount of metallic sodium, b. p. 113", TPD 1.4177.
Treatment of the crude amide (m. p. 101-104") in the
Anal. Calcd. for CSH14N2: N, 27.42. Found: N, 27.00. same way as has been described by Sperber, et al.,'2for the
Substituted Diphenylacetic Acids.-2,2-Diphenylpro- hydrolysis of tributylacetamide gave 2,2-diphenylbutanoic
panoic acid was prepared by both of two published meth- acid in an 887%yield (8170 over-all yield from the nitrile),
ods.I0 2,2-Dipheny13-bromopropanoic acid likewise was
prepared by a known method.2 Allyldiphenylacetic acid
m. p. 172-174.
Preparation of Basic Esters. Diethylaminoethyl Ester
was obtained from the Research Laboratories of General of 2,Z-Diphenyl-3-bromopropanoic Acid.-To a solution of
Mills, Inc., and the 2-phenylbutanoic acid from a com- 5 g. (0.043 mole) of p-diethylaminoethanol in 15 cc. of
mercial source. dry ether was added a solution of 7 g. (0.021 mole) of
2,2-Diphenyl-3-bromopropanoyl Chloride.-A mixture crude 2,2-dipheny1-3-bromopropanoylchloride in 40 cc. of
of 30 g. of 2,2-diphenyl-3-bromopropanoicacid and 75 cc. dry ether. Both solutions were cooled in ice before mixing
of thionyl chloride was refluxed with stirring for four hours. and the mixture was then allowed to stand in ice for one
The excess thionyl chloride was distilled from the mixture hour. After two days a t room temperature, the mixture,
and the residue was taken up in 100 cc. of dry benzene containing a precipitated hydrochloride, was poured into
which was then distilled from the product. Recrystalliza- excess dilute hydrochloric acid. The ether was separated
tion of the solid residue from Skellysolve B gave 28 g. and the acidic layer was made alkaline with excess 20%
(88%). Another recrystallization for analysis gave m. p. sodium hydroxide solution. The oil which separated was
85.587". taken up in ether and washed well with water. After
Anal. Calcd. for C15H12BrC10: C, 55.66; H, 3.73. drying over anhydrous magnesium sulfate, the ethereal
Found: C, 56.05; H, 3.74. solution was filtered and treated with dry ethereal hydro-
2,2-Diphenyl-3-chloropropanoic Acid.-Monochloroo- gen chloride. The hydrochloride of the product precipi-
pyruvic acid was prepared in a 95% yield, m. p. 60-63 , tated as an oil which solidified slowly. Two recrystalli-
by the action of sulfuryl chloride on freshly distilled py- zations, each time from 40-50 cc. of ethyl acetate, gave
ruvic acid using the method of Garino and Muzio." This 5.8 g., m. p. 131-132".
material was used in the next step without further puri- '
Anal. Calcd. for CzlH2,BrClNOz: C, 57.21; H, 6.16.
fication. Found: C, 57.26; H, 5.94.
To a suspension of 110 g. of chloropyruvic acid, in one With one exception the basic esters were all isolated as
liter of concentrated sulfuric acid cooled in an ice-bath, the hydrochlorides. The dibutylaminoethyl ester of 2,2-
was added dropwise with good stirring 252 g. of dry thio- diphenylpropanoic acid was purified by distillation of the
phene-free benzene. The temperature was kept between free base when i t was found that a solid hydrochloride
5 and 10" during the addition, after which the mixture could not be prepared. In all reactions with both amino-
was stirred for four hours in the ice-bath. The reaction alcohols and diamines crude acid chlorides were used.
mixture was then poured on ice and diluted with a large The carboxylic acids were treated with thionyl chloride
volume of water. Separation of the product by filtration, in the usual manner and solvent and excess thionyl chlo-
ride were removed.
( 6 ) Turner, THISJOURNAL, 68, 1607 (1946); U. S.Pat. 2,364,178. Preparation of Basic Amides.-The procedure used was
(7) Boon, J . Ckcm. SOC., 307 (1947). the same as that described above for the preparation of the
(8) Hamlin, Weston, Fischer and Michaels, THISJOURNAL, 71, basic ester with replacement of the aininoalcohol by the
2731 (1949). appropriate diamine. Although not theoretically neces-
(9) Compare Magee and Henze, ibid., 60, 2148 (1938); Stoermer sary it was found advantageous to maintain a one mole ex-
and Dzirnski, Bcr., 38, 2223 (1895). cess of diamine over the carboxylic acid chloride. The
(10) Meerwein, A n n . , S96, 257 (1913); Bottinger, Bcr., 14, 1595 reaction mixture was allowed to stand a t room tempera-
( 1881).
(11) Oarino and Muzio, Gam. chim. h l . , 63, 11, 22G (1922). (12) Sperber, Papa and Schwenk, THISJOURNAL, 70, 3091 (1948).
&re for an arbitrary period ranging from one to three days. groups. Recrystallization from 70Y0 acetic acid gave
If treatment of the aqueous acidic solution of the product colorless leaflets, m. p. 210-211'.
with excess sodium hydroxide resulted in the precipitation Anal. Calcd. for C,,H,,Cl,Ns02: C, 71.19; H , 5.97;
of a solid free base, it was separated by filtration and re- N,4.88. Found: C, 71.71; H, 6.11; N,4.77.
crystallized from an appropriate solvent (usually a Skelly- Similar treatment of 2,2-diphenyl-3-chloropropanoyl
solve or other hydrocarbon solvent). If, on the other chloride with ethylenediamine resulted in exclusive for-
hand, an oil was formed, it was taken up in ether and dried. mation of the bis-amide in a nearly quantitative yield.
If removal of the ether still did not yield a solid residue it I t formed colorless needles from 6070 acetic acid, m. p.
was taken up in more dry ether and converted to the hy- 190-191 O .
drochloride. The solvents used most frequently for re-
crystallizations of these hydrochlorides were isopropyl Anal. Calcd. for C32H30Cl2X*02:C, 70.45; H, 5.54;
alcohol-acetone, ethyl acetate and the solvent pairs, meth- N, 5.13. Found: C, 70.41; H , 5.62; N, 5.12.
anol-ether and ethanol-ether. Two basic amides (see Summary
table) of 2-phenylbutanoic acid were purified by distilla-
tion in z'ucuo. The diethylaminoethylamide of allyl di- The synthesis of a number of basic esters and
phenylacetic acid was isolated as the acid oxalate, and amides of carboxylic acids of type, (C6H&-
the corresponding dimethylaminoisopropylamide by dis- RCCOOH, where R = CH3, CZH5, CHF=
Reaction of 2,2-Diphenyl-3-chloropropanoyl Chloride CHCH2, ClCHz and BrCH2, and of the acid,
with N,N' - Dimethylethy1enediamine.-The reaction C~H&H(C~HS)COOH, is reported. The results
carried out as described above gave, in addition to a 55'% of tests for analgesic activity in these compounds
yield of the desired amide, a 28% yield of an acid-insoluble are summarized.
product which proved to be the bis-amide formed by re-
action of the acid chloride with both secondary amino NORTHCHICAGO,


The Nitrogen Compounds in Petroleum Distillates. XXVII. Isolation and

Identification of 2,3-Dimethy1-6-isopfopyl-pyridine from California Petroleum

The bases used in the present study were re- unsubstituted positions in the pyridine nucleus.
covered from the hydrochlorides found in the (2) Condensation with phthalic anhydride yielded
chloroform layers after the "cumulative" ex- a phthalone which indicated the presence of a
traction5 of an aqueous solution of the hydro- methyl group in one of the alpha positions. (3)
chlorides of petroleum bases boiling in the range On ozonolysis the base yielded isobutyramide ;
175-235'. When these bases were subjected to a this indicated the presence of an isopropyl group
procedure which involved fractionation by sul- in the other alpha position, since the carbon and
furous acid, fractional distillation and fractional nitrogen atoms of the carboxamide group must
methiodide formation, the methiodide of a CIOH1SN have come from the alpha carbon and nitrogen
base was isolated and analyzed. The base was atom of the pyridine ring.6 (4) To determine the
liberated by thermal decomposition of the purified relative positions of the three substituents, the
methiodide and again subjected to fractional a-methyl group was removed by condensation
distillation. with benzaldehyde followed by ozonolysis of the
The structure of the base was established 2-stilbazone derivative formed t o give the corre-
through the following reactions: (1) Oxidation sponding 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid which was
of the base by permanganate yielded 2,5-pyridine- then decarboxylated. When the resulting de-
dicarboxylic acid under conditions such that it methylated base was oxidized with permanganate,
probably was formed by decarboxylation of 2,3,6- 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid was formed, thus
pyridinetricarboxylic acid produced originally showing that the demethylated base was 3-
since this is the only pyridinetricarboxylic acid methyl-6-isopropylpyridine and that the base
which yields 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylicacid on de- isolated from petroleum was 2,3-di~ethyl-6-
carboxylation ; oxalic acid was also isolated, isopropylpyridine.
thus confirming the presence of two adjacent Isolation of the C ~ O H ~Base.-The
SN material for this in-
(1) Abstracted from theses submitted b y Stiles M. Roberts (1939)
vestigation consisted of 750 ml. of bases boiling in the
and A. D. Barton (1940) in partial fulfillment of requirements for the
range 192-230' which had been isolated' from the hydro-
degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
chlorides in the chloroform layers after the extraction of
(2) du Pont Fellow, 1947-1948; McArdle Memorial Laboratory,
an aqueous solution of the hydrochlorides of petroleum
Medical School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
basess boiling in the range 170-235'. The material was
(3) Central Research Laboratory, General Aniline and Film Cor- (6) Shive, Roberts, Mahan and Bailey, ibid., 64, 909 (1942);
poration, Easton, Penna. Lochte, Crouch and Thomas, ibid., 64, 2753 (1942); Shive, Ball-
(4) Isolation and preliminary study of this base was carried out by weber and Ackermann, ibid., 68, 2144 (1946).
Stiles M . Roberts before the death of Professor Bailey. (7) Meadows, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas, 1937.
( 5 ) This method of fractionating petroleum bases was developed (8) These bases comprisedpart of a large quantity of bases which
i n this Laboratory by Perrin and Bailey, THISJ O U R N A L , 65, 4130 were generously donated to this Laboratory by the Union Oil Com-
(1933). pany of California.

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