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Vol. 237, No. 6, June 1962

Printed in U.S.A.

Side-chain Interactions Governing the Pairing of

Half-cystine Residues in Ribonuclease*

From the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism, National Heart Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Public Health Service, United States Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare, Bethesda I/,, Maryland

(Received for publication, January 29, 1962)

Fully reduced ribonuclease (RNase), devoid of demonstrable addition of a saturated solution of tris-(hydroxymethyl)amino-
secondary or tertiary structure, may be oxidized by molecular methane (Sigma, primary standard grade). Final pH values
oxygen to yield a product which is indistinguishable by physical were determined on a Radiometer pH meter, model 22, equipped
measurements or enzymatic activity from the native enzyme with a scale expander. In the instance of oxidations in urea,
(2-4). Since reduced RNase contains eight sulfhydryl groups, sufficient neutral methylamine acetate was added to make a 0.1
105 possible arrangements with four disulfide bridges may occur M solution. This reagent was intended to react with any cyanate
(5, 6), yet the native enzyme can be recovered in nearly quanti- ions which might be present in urea solutions (9). After addi-
tative yields after such oxidations. It is apparent, then, that tion of appropriate reagents, the solutions were permitted to
certain interactions among elements of the primary structure stand at room temperature (approximately 23”) in a beaker
must serve as guides for the unique pairing of sulfhydryl groups. exposed to air and covered with a single layer of tissue paper.
An attempt has been made to study these interactions by carry- The solutions were not stirred. Aliquots were taken periodically
ing out oxidations of reduced RNase in the presence of various for sulfhydryl group determination by either p-chloromercuri-
reagents known to influence inter- or intramolecular bonding. benzoate titration (8) or the isotopic technique (7). The reac-
Enzymatically inactive derivatives were produced, quite similar tion was terminated when no free -SH groups could be detected,
to native RNase in physical properties, which could, under and the entire reaction mixture was concentrated by lyophiliza-
appropriate circumstances, be rearranged to the native enzyme. tion. Gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 freed the protein from
These materials are believed to be a mixture representing some, reagents. Developing solutions for this separation were either
if not all, of the possible isomeric configurations of disulfide 0.1 M acetic acid or 0.1 M ammonium carbonate (Fisher, reagent
bonding in the molecule. The observation that this mixture of grade), depending on whether the added reagents were more
materials can be readily converted to the native structure is soluble in acidic or basic solutions. The protein peak from the
taken as evidence that the unique secondary and tertiary struc- column was lyophilized and thus rendered salt-free, both de-
ture of RNase is, thermodynamically, the most stable configura- veloping solutions being entirely volatile.
tion. Oxidations were carried out at pH 8.0 in various concentra-
tions of the following reagents, and the products were isolated:
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE urea (Fisher, reagent grade, freshly recrystallized from ethanol) ;
guanidinium chloride (Eastman, twice recrystallized from metha-
Reduction-RNase (Sigma Chemical Company, chromato- nol) ; phenol (Fisher, reagent grade), purified by sublimation
graphic grade, Lot No. R60-B-204) was allowed to react with under reduced pressure immediately before use; and p-hydroxy-
mercaptoethanol in the presence of 8 M urea according to the phenylacetic acid (Aldrich), sublimed under reduced pressure.
procedure described previously (7). Completeness of reduction Similar oxidations were carried out in the presence of various
was determined both by titration with p-chloromercuribenzoate concentrations of the following materials after purification by
(8) and by reaction with CWlabeled iodoacetic acid (7). The sublimation, but the protein derivatives were not isolated: cate-
reduced protein was separated from buffers and reagents by gel chol, p-cresol, p-chlorophenol, 1-naphthol, benzoic acid, p-hy-
filtration on columns of Sephadex G-25 (Pharmacia, Uppsala), droxybenzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, and p-nitrophenol (all these
developed with 0.1 M acetic acid. were Eastman products, highest purity). The purity of these
Oxidations-The reduced protein as obtained in the column substances was checked by melting point determinations in
effluent was diluted with 0.1 M acetic acid, in each instance, to a most instances. The following group of reagents was used as
concentration of 0.1 mg per ml, determined spectrophotometri- obtained from the manufacturer: methanol (Fisher, reagent),
tally. The pH was adjusted to the desired value by dropwise dioxane (Fisher, reagent), aniline (Eastman, highest purity),
cyclohexanol (Fisher, reagent), bovine serum albumin (California
* A short summary (1) of this work was presented at the annual Corporation for Biochemical Research), gelatin (commercial
meeting of the Federated Societies for Experimental Biology and
Medicine, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 1961. grade), and n-phenylalanine (Nutritional Biochemicals Corpora-
t Present address, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, tion). A copolymer of tyrosine and glutamic acid, in the ratio
Massachusetts. of 1: 1, containing approximately 30 residues of amino acids per


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1840 Factors Governing Disuljide Bond Formation Vol. 237, No. 6

molecule, and a polyaspartic acid sample of molecular weight of TABLE I

approximately 5000 were generous gifts of Dr. Michael Sela. Effect of denaturants on reduced ribonuclease oxidation
Assays for enzymatic activity were carried out in the presence
Compound Concentration Activity
of these reagents, which were shown, in separate experiments,
not to influence the activity of native RNase at the concentra- M %
tions under consideration. Because of the absorbancy of most Urea 0.25 100
of these reagents in the ultraviolet, sulfhydryl group determina- 1.0 92
tions were, in general, followed by the isotopic method. 2.0 40
Assaysof Enzymatic Activity-Activity against RNA, prepared 4.0 25
according to Crestfield, Smith, and Allen (lo), was estimated 6.0 10
either by absorbancy determination in uranyl acetate filtrates 8.0 <l

(11) or by a modification of the method of Kunitz (12) in which

Guanidinium chloride 1.0 88
the initial rate of change of absorbancy a,t 300 rnp of 0.1% 2.0 25
solutions of RNA was compared with that produced by standard 3.0 4
RNase solutions. 4.0 <1
Physical Methods-Molecular weights were determined in the
Spinco ultracentrifuge, model E, according to the method of KC1 1.0 101
Archibald (13). Optical rotation and rotatory dispersion meas- 3.0 94
urements were performed in the Rudolph precision polarimeter,
model 80, at 23”. Ultraviolet absorption measurements were
made in a Cary recording spectrophotometer. Viscosity was oxidations carried out in urea yielded inactive material because
determined in an Ostwald viscometer with an outflow time for of reaction with cyanate ions becomes even less likely on the
water of 80 seconds, in a bath maintained at 25” f 0.01”. Tryp- basis of experiments described later in this paper, which show
sin digestions were carried out for 12 hours at 37” with a Radiom- that the inactive derivatives may be converted in good yield to
eter pH-Stat, model TTTl, with an Ole Dich drum recorder, active RNase by a procedure designed specifically to induce
and Worthington five times recrystallized trypsin which had disulfide interchange.
been treated with a 10% molar equivalent of diisopropyl fluoro- Relative rates of oxidation of the -SH groups in reduced
phosphate to inactivate the bulk of the chymotrypsin-like con- RNase were determined in aqueous and urea solutions. As
tamination.’ shown in Fig. 1, the oxidation of reduced RNase in urea solu-
tions at pH 8 is quite slow and, even after 100 hours of incubation,
RESULTS one sulfhydryl group per mole may still be detected.
Effects of Urea, Guanidinium Chloride, and Low pH-The To examine further the influence of hydrogen ion concentra-
oxidation of dilute solutions of reduced RNase at pH 8 results tion, a series of experiments was performed in which oxidation
in the recovery of over 90% of the potential enzyme activity. was allowed to proceed to completion at various pH values.
However, if such oxidations are carried out in the presence of 8 These experiments are summarized in Fig. 2. Above pH 6.2, the
M urea or 4 M guanidinium chloride at the same pH, the final production of active material is essentially as great as at pH
products, after separation from reagents, have an enzymatic 8.0. Below this hydrogen ion concentration, the amount of
activity of only approximately 1 y0 that of the native enzyme.
This low level of activity is consistent with that predicted on the
basis of a random intramolecular association of the eight -SH
I a I 1 I I
groups in the reduced protein to form disulfide bonds (5, 6).
The experiments summarized in Table I indicate that the regain
of activity is inversely related to the concentrations of urea and
guanidinium chloride employed. These data also show that the
effect of guanidinium chloride is not due to its strong electrolyte
nature, since control oxidations in equivalent concentrations of
KC1 yielded essentially full reactivation. Thus, 3 M guanidinium
chloride permitted only a 4% regain in activity, whereas, at this
same concentration, KC1 solutions yielded a 94$& recovery.
Stark, Stein, and Moore (9) have demonstrated that prolonged
incubations of ribonuclease in the presence of urea result in
reactions between cyanate ions and amino groups. When
present, sulfhydryl groups would be particularly reactive. To
evaluate the significance of this reaction, oxidations were per-
formed in the presence of W-labeled urea. After separation of
the protein from reagents by Sephadex G-25 filtration, its radio- 20 40 60 80 )O
activity was estimated in the scintillation counter (7). The
results indicate that approximately 1 mole of cyanate ion had HOURS
reacted with each molecule of RNase. The possibility that the FIG. 1. Rates of oxidation of sulfhydryl groups in reduced
RNase at, pH 8.0 as measured by CMB titrations. m--H,
1 B. Hartley, personal communication. oxidation in buffer solution; A- - -A, oxidation in 8 M urea.
June 1962 E. Haber and C. B. AnJinsen 1841

Characterization of Oxidation Products-After separation of the

products from reagents by gel filtration, followed by lyophiliza-
tion, the materials formed during oxidation in urea, guanidinium
chloride, at pH values below pH 4, or in the presence of the
“effective” compounds listed in Table II, were very soluble in
water and formed colorless solutions. Their enzymatic activities
varied between 0.5 and 1.7 To that of native RNase. Physical
properties of many of these materials are listed in Table III.
Absorption maxima were 2760 A (Fig. 3), a value which lies
between that of native RNase (2775 A) and the reduced car-
boxymethylated protein (2750 A) and is similar to the absorption
0 : maxima of other inactive derivatives of RNase in which disulfide
bonds are intact, such as pepsin-inactivated RNase (16, 21) and
RNase S-protein (22).
The inactive oxidation products (Table III) have optical rota-
tions similar to that of native RNase and, in the presence of 6
M urea, a similar increase in negative optical rotation occurs.
This increase is actually not as marked as with the native pro-
tein, an observation that may indicate cross-linking that is even
more rigid and interlocked than in RNase itself. The critical
wavelength, X,, of the inactive products is, however, essentially
2 4 6 8 the same as that of reduced, alkylated RNase and does not change
perceptibly in 8 M urea solutions.
PH The inactive derivatives appear to be monomeric, since their
FIG. 2. Percentage of regain of enzyme activity at various pH molecular weights are essentially identical with that of native
values. 0, enzyme activity relative to native RNase; (---), RNase. Specific viscosities lie between those of native RNase
ionization of the imidazole nitrogen in histidylglycine. and the reduced alkylated form.
Trypsin Digestibility-Native RNase is not susceptible to
active material produced drops markedly, and, as mentioned trypsin digestion except above a criticalt temperature, in the
above, only inactive products are produced below pH 4 to 4.5. neighborhood of which its internal structure becomes labile and
The data are presented together with a curve representing the partially disoriented (23,24). The data in Table IV demonstrate
degree of ionization of the imidazole nitrogen of histidine as it
exists in the peptide, histidylglycine. The close similarity be-
tween the two curves may be only coincidental, although in- TABLE’ II
volvement of histidine residues in the establishment of the Effect of tyrosine analogues ancl other com.pounds on regain of
correct three-dimensional structure of RNase would not be too activity in oxidations
surprising in view of the obvious importance of this amino acid Reduced ribonuclease concentration was 1.4 X 10m6 M in all
in the active configuration of the protein (14, 15). cases. All oxidations were done at pH 8.0.
Tyrosine Analogues-In view of previous studies (16-19) that Final activity of
Compound Concentration
suggest that some of the tyrosine residues of RNase may be of oxidized RNase

critical importance in the stabilization of tertiary structure, a %

variety of compounds, more or less related in structure to this Tyrosine glutamic copolymer
amino acid, were tested as possible inhibitors of the “correct” (1:l). 1 x 1o-5 M <l
oxidation process. Tyrosine, itself, could not be tested because Phenol 0.1 M <l
of its limited solubility at the pH employed. However, a Catechol 0.1 M <1
number of compounds (Table II) were effective in influencing p-Cresol....................... 0.1 M <l
the formation of products with reduced activity (approximately p-Chlorophenol 0.05 M <1
1% of native) when tested at concentrations of 0.1 M or less LNaphthol. 0.04 M <l
p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid. 0.1 M <1
(mole ratios of compound to RNase of 104:1). A number of
Polyaspartic acid (MW 5000) 5 x 1o-4 M 67
other substances, although in many instances structurally similar Benzoic acid. 0.2 M 89
to the effective compounds, did not markedly reduce the specific Aniline........................ 0.1 AS 67
activity of the products when employed at the same, or usually Phenylacetic acid. 0.2 M 60
greater, concentration. Phenylalanine 0.17 nc 104
In the presence of equimolar, i.e. approximately 10-E M, con- p-Hydroxybenzoic acid. 0.5 M 76
centrations of a copolymer of glutamic acid and tyrosine (see p-Nitrophenol 0.1 M 45
“Experimental Procedure”), the products formed during oxida- Cyclohexanol 0.2 M 88
tion had a specific activity of the order of 1%. At the pH Benzyl alcohol. 0.2 M 39
Methanol. 1.0 M 88
used for oxidation, pH 8, this copolymer is not an inhibitor of
Dioxane 1.0 M 100
RNase activity (20). Oxidations carried out in the presence of
Bovine serum albumin. .. 1% 74
a 50-fold molar excess of polyaspartic acid yielded material with Gelatin........................ 1% 67
essentially native enzymatic activity.
1842 Factors Governing Disuljide Bond Formation Vol. 237, No. 6

Physical properties of native ribonuclease and some of its derivatives
Absorption [CZ]Din 8 M urea
maxima Ial D Molecular weight [?I
A (g/l00 nd-’
Xative RNase. 2775 -74.2 -108.5 2330 2200 13,683* 0.033
Reduced carboxymethylated RS ‘ase 2750 -91.6 -92.1 2230 2050 14,155* 0.133
Urea-oxidized RNase.. 2760 -79.6 -94.3 2120 2120 13,800 0.060
Guanidine-oxidized RNase 2760 -79.4 2120 14,200
RNase oxidized at pH 3.5. 2760 -82.2 2120 13,700
RNase oxidized in p-hydroxy-
phenylacetic acid. 2760 -79.0 13,900 0.058

* Formula weight,.

Trypsin digestion of &bon&ease derivatives
Digestions were carried out at pH 9.3; the number of moles of
base uptake was taken to equal the number of bonds cleaved.
There are 12 peptide bonds in ribonuclease that are potentially
susceptible to trypsin digestion. The maximal number of bonds
cleaved, a.pproximately 11, observed in these experiments may
differ from the theoretical number for several reasons. First,
the bond between the arginine residue at position 39 and the half-
cystine residue at position 40 is known to be unusually resistant,
and a fraction of the molecules may have still contained an intact
bond at this point even after 12 hours at 37”. Furthermore, al-
though or-amino groups would be expected to be essentially fully
unionized at pH 9.3, there may exist some such groups with ab-
normally high pK values. Thus the number of bonds cleaved
might be slightly greater than would be indicated by our titration.

Material No. of bonds

cleaved per mole

Native RNase.................................. 0
Reduced alkylated RNase. 11
RKase oxidized in buffer.. <l
RNase oxidized in guanidine, 11
2700 2900 2700 2900 9
RSase oxidized in urea.
LENGTH, i RNase oxidized in p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. 11
RNase oxidized at pH 3.5. 11
. 1
FIG. 3. Ultraviolet spectra of native RNase (-), reduced
carboxymethylated RNase (-- -), and RNase oxidized in 8 M
urea (. . . . .).

that, in contrast, the inactive oxidation products are as suscep- TABLE V

tible as reduced, alkylated RNase, indicating a profound change Rearrangement of ribonuclease derivatives in
in surface topography, which now makes trypsin-susceptible presence o.fmercaptoethanol
peptide bonds available for cleavage. The product isolated after
oxidation of reduced RNase under optimal conditions is as Acti$zo;a;Fr Activity after 24 hours’
incubation at pH 8.0 in
resistant as the native enzyme itself, an observation that adds Material Initial the presence of loo-fold
activity incubation molar excess of
additional evidence for the identity of native and reduced-re- at pH 8.0 mercaptoethanol
oxidized RNase.
Regeneration of Active Enzyme-When these relatively inactive % % %
derivatives of RNase are incubated with sulfhydryl compounds RXase oxidized at
pH 5. 7 7 83
for periods of approximately 20 hours, a large fraction of the
RNase oxidized in
theoretical specific activity is regained (Table V). As shown in
urea. <l I <l 79
Table VI, incubation of the product obtained from oxidation in
RNase oxidized in I
8 M urea solutions with mercaptoethanol (100 moles per mole of 55
guanidine. <l i < 1
RNase) yields a product with 79 y0 the specific activity of native RNase oxidized in
RNase. Regain of activity at the end of 20 hours appears to phenol. <l I<1 41
be a function of mercaptoethanol concentration up to a limit of
June 1962 E. Haber and C. B. AnJinsen 1843

100-fold molar excess. Several sulfhydryl-containing substances, TABLE VI

including cysteine and reduced RNase itself, have been used to Rearrangement of ribonuclease oxidized in Urea at
effect this reactivation. various mexaptoethanol concentrations
Work reported in a previous paper (4) has shown that, during All samples possessed less than 1% activity before oxidation.
the early stages of reoxidation of reduced RNase, a marked lag
Mercaptoethanol Enzymatic activity after 24 hours
phase occurs in which no activity appears in spite of extensive
formation of disulfide bonds. As one explanation for this lag, moles/?mle J%Yltein %
it has been suggested that “incorrect” disulfide bonds are formed 0 <1
initially and that these subsequently are rearranged through a 1 5
process of disulfide interchange. Although this explanation may 5 32
at present be considered only as one of several alternatives, the 10 34
reactivation of inactive products described in this paper are con- 100 79
sistent with this interpretation.
are involved in intramolecular interactions that help to prede-
termine, or at least stabilize, the ultimate, enzymatically active
The molecule produced by the reduction of the disulfide bonds configuration. These results are also in agreement with ob-
of RNase does not, to the best of our present knowledge, contain servations that establish a correlation between the active con-
covalent structure beyond that of the amino acid sequence itself. figuration of RNase and the presence of several tyrosine residues
It has been assumed that this simple polypeptide structure exists in the molecule in a form having anomalous resonance properties
in solution in the form of a random chain and that the entire (17, 19) (as evidenced by a shift in the ultraviolet absorption
information required for the establishment, through oxidation of spectrum). The observation that the inactive derivatives pro-
-SH groups, of the correct, native pairing of -SS bonds resides duced by random disulfide linking do not exhibit anomalous
in the identity and sequential order of the individual amino acid resonance also supports the concept that tyrosine interactions
residues. It is, nevertheless, quite possible that the interactions are involved in the stabilization of the native configuration.
between the functional groups of the side chains may exert, by The experiments on the effect of variations in hydrogen ion
a concerted action, a powerful set of forces that allow a significant concentration show that, at low pH values, the requisite informa-
fraction of molecules to favor a configuration resembling that of tion for -SH pairing is no longer available. The pH depend-
the native enzyme, even in the absence of stabilizing covalent ency of “correct” oxidation appears, from the results summarized
tie-points. Under such circumstances, the population of re- in Fig. 2, to establish a correlation with the state of ionization of
duced molecules would not form a completely random set of histidine residues in the protein, although such a correlation is,
three-dimensional conformations but might exist in a broad of course, ent.irely hypothetical on the basis of these results alone.
Gaussian distribution, any single molecule being most often in a
form a.pproaching that of native RNase. The much slower dis-
appearance of -SH groups during oxidation of reduced RNase Reduced ribonuclease (RNase), containing eight sulfhydryl
in 8 M urea solutions (Fig. 1) supports the idea that a highly groups and devoid of covalent structure other than the primary
specific set of directing interactions can exist even in the absence sequence itself, was allowed to reosidize in air in the presence of
of disulfide bonds. 8 M urea, 4 M guanidine, and a number of compounds bearing a
Studies reported elsewhere (25, 26) have shown that approxi- structural resemblance to tyrosine. The effect of variation in
mately 8 of the 11 amino groups of RNase may be masked with pH was also studied. Concentrated urea and guanidine, as well
polyalanine chains of considerable length without significant loss as compounds with aromatic character and bearing a phenolic
of activity or of the capacity to reform, after reduction, a set of hydroxyl group but having no charged group on the aromatic
disulfide bonds consistent with an active configuration. These ring itself, were effective inhibitors of the “correct” pairing of
experiments indicated that the spatial orientation of the amino sulfhydryl groups, suggesting that short range forces, some
groups themselves is not of critical importance in the reoxida- possibly associated with tyrosine, are of importance in orienting
tion process, since, in the peptidyl derivatives, the amino groups the reduced molecule. At low pH values, inactive derivatives
residing on the ends of the polypcptide chains are removed from were also produced. The pH dependence of the efficiency of
the RNase molecule by a distance of 10 A or more. The present production of active RNase from the reduced form suggests that
studies enable us to extend further the evaluation of the im- histidine residues may be involved as determinants in the proc-
portance of various functional groups in the determination of ess. Inactive derivatives were compared with native RNase by
“correct” pairing of -SH groups. The striking effect of urea or a variety of physical and chemical methods. They were found
guanidinium chloride suggests that short range, rather than to be of similar molecular weight. They exhibited a modified,
electrostatic, forces must be primarily involved. The marked “inactive” type of ultraviolet absorption spectrum, but a rela-
effect of various analogues of tyrosine on reoxidation, and the tively normal optical rotatory value. The critical wave length
absence of significant effects with certain other compounds of was quite different, however, resembling that of reduced, alkyl-
related structure, leads to the conclusion that aromatic com- ated RNase. The inactive derivatives were quite susceptible
pounds possessing a phenolic hydroxyl group and bearing a to trypsin digestion, in contrast to the native enzyme. Their
charged group (when present) removed by at least one methylene viscosities lay between those of native and reduced alkylated
group from the aromatic ring (e.g. p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) RNase. These findings suggest that the inactive derivatives
are effective, whereas those in which the charged group resides are monomeric, symmetrical, reasonably globular molecules, with
on the ring are not (e.g. p-hydroxybenzoic acid). The results are a surface topography different from that of native RNase, and
consistent with the hypothesis that tyrosine residues in RNase that they are distinguished mainly by random disulfide pairing.
1844 Factors Governing DisulJide Bond Formation Vol. 237, No. 6

When the “incorrectly” oxidized derivatives were dissolved 8. BOYER, P. D., J. Am. Chem. Sot., 76, 4331 (1954).
9. STARK. G. R.. STEIN. W. H.. AND MOORE. , S.. , J. Biol. Chem..
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