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Technology's Risk in Agriculture

There are substantial advantages to using technology in agriculture.

Still, it also has drawbacks such as high maintenance costs, the use of

fertilizers and pesticides, and the impact on health are some risks that

can occur from the use of technology in agriculture.

High maintenance cost is defined as loss-related costs as well as

opportunity costs that affect an organization's profits. One of the

disadvantages of agricultural technology is the high maintenance costs. The

technology's high maintenance costs make it difficult for small businesses

and farmers to manage. Farmers are unable to keep up with technological

advancements because they cannot afford the high maintenance costs of

modern technological gadgets and machines. Furthermore, the high cost of

machine maintenance will increase the farmer's financial burden. Without a

doubt, technology has advantages and disadvantages, but if we use it

wisely, we can increase our output. It could result in an environmental

hazard. Fertilizer and pesticide use can also cause issues and be viewed as a

disadvantage to agricultural technology.

Pesticides are classified according to their chemistry, toxicological
activity, and penetration, whereas fertilizers are chemical agents that
contain salts or organic compounds like urea, ammonium sulfate, and
sodium nitrate. Pesticides kill pests quickly, whereas fertilizers are
quickly absorbed by seeds. Fertilizers and insecticides improve plant
health and yield. It does, however, have a number of negative effects
on plants and other living beings. Excess fertilizer and pesticide use
poison plants and crops, endangering humans and other living things.
It also pollutes the environment, especially the soil and the water.
Pesticides and fertilizers, on the other hand, have the potential to have
a clear negative impact on humans, wildlife, the environment, resource
sustainability, and other areas of society. The impact on health is also
a significant disadvantage of using technology in agriculture.
Health is a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being,
not simply the absence of disease and infirmity. Several studies
have found that excessive fertilizer and pesticide use is harmful
to one's health. Overuse of pesticides has the disadvantage of
killing soil organisms that are beneficial to the plant and help it
grow. It has the potential to contaminate the topsoil as well. For
the time being, nothing else will grow. Both pesticides and
fertilizers are known to be hazardous to human health; even minor
skin contact with some of them can cause severe discomfort.
Agriculture has been linked to poor health because of
livestock-related diseases, malnutrition, food-borne illnesses,
chronic and occupational diseases. Farmers are more likely to
suffer from a variety of acute and chronic health conditions,
such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease, arthritis, skin
cancer, hearing loss, and amputations. Other health outcomes, such
as stress and adverse reproductive outcomes, have received little
attention in the agricultural workplace.
The application of new inventions of modern technology in
agriculture is extremely beneficial to farmers. However,
modern technologies have some negative consequences that
we cannot ignore. Before we use technology, we must
consider how much technology is harmful to us. We must
limit our use of technology. The use of technological
machines and devices in agriculture can be beneficial, but
they must be used in moderation; excessive use of technology
can be harmful to us, other living things, and the
environment. High maintenance costs, the use of fertilizers
and pesticides, and the impact on health are some of the
main risks of agricultural technology. However, suggestions
can be made to limit the damages and risks that can occur,
such as limiting the number of machinery used in farming,
limiting the amount of fertilizers used on crops, and using
proper protection when using fertilizers and pesticides which
harmful chemicals are often found in.

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