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Name of PST: Carren R.

Estose Course, Year Level, Major: BECE-1 Subject & Grade Level: Kindergarten

Curriculum Map Template

Content Performance
Topic/ Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
Standard Standard
The child is The child is 1. Participates in Fairness,
developing an able to proper movement and games, or any To do physical Wide and safe teambuilding,
Physical understanding demonstrate coordination of body parts physical activity and activities such as open space. equality,
Skills of importance of sufficient various forms of action songs, games Music discipline,
having a energy that exercise - Starts a and sports. With Instructional inclusion,
vigorous can be used in game - Plays with two these activities it will Materials such as perseverance
physique participating in or three children with help the students soft balls to and respect.
daily activities a toy focus on developing practice catching,
2. Moves (march, these fundamental running, bouncing
clap, pat, stomp, skills through play, and kicking.
walk, jump, etc.) rather than
appropriately to competition.
rhythm and swing in
response to the
melody being
heard/song being

Are the elements of Whole Person Education (WPE) evident in this curriculum map? Explain.
In this curriculum map, whole person education is very helpful and very efficient because whole person education promotes critical thinking and encourages pupils
to reach their own conclusions in the classroom. It directs courses toward ethical and service learning as well as knowledge. It replaces a commitment to
generating good citizens with an institution's blind chase of reputation and rankings. It draws students' focus away from the classroom and onto community needs.

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