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Module 1 (Week 1)

Market Segmentation of a Product or Service, Selecting the

Appropriate Target Market Segment, and its Positioning

Give 3 products and classify their product levels

The core customer value - The core benefit is the fundamental need that the customer
satisfies when they buy the product.
For example, the core benefit of a mobile phone is to provide a mechanism to
make telephone calls when away from your home or office. On the other hand,
Mobile made communication easier, as just by pressing some keys on mobile, we can
contact our friends, family members or colleagues, and others at any time. Mobile also
gives us a facility to contact our fellow people with voice calls, video calls, text
messages, recorded calls, and many more.
Another example, the core benefit of eyeglasses is giving a proper vision to the
people who have eye issues, on the other hand, eyeglasses are an excellent choice
when it comes to correcting refractive errors. We’ll determine the lens type, material,
and power that would best address your vision needs. With better eyesight, you’re sure
to enjoy an improved quality of life.

Always keep in mind that products are rarely sold with core products. This is
because core products do not have a competitive advantage. Imagine how ridiculous it
looks when mobile phones are advertised to be able to make calls today, or glasses for
correcting eyesight are advertised. There are usually some options that meet your most
basic needs-either competing products or alternatives. Imagine a car being advertised
for its portability. Differentiation tends to occur at a later stage, the actual or enhanced
product level, as many alternative products provide this core value.
Actual product - Marketers should turn the core benefit they identified into an actual
product. This involves developing product features, design, a quality level, a brand
name, and even packaging. The actual product offers the best and easiest options for
differentiation. Alternative products that offer the same core benefits can be set apart by
different features, designs, and qualities.
For example, jewelry is the actual product and you just bought it because of its
appearance, functionality, color, size, and packaging but you ignore the price and the
convenience of the product. All these factors at the middle level of the product are
related to the core customer value. This reveals that the levels of product build upon
each other. The jewelry name, parts, styling, features, packaging, and other attributes
all have been carefully combined to deliver the core customer value of staying

Augmented Product - The augmented product is any non-physical part of the product.
Typically, the augmented product includes such things as a warranty and customer
service. The augmented product can be an important way to tailor your product to meet
the needs of specific customers.
For example, our product is a television, and the augmented product could
include a 2-year warranty for all customers. Business customers may additionally
receive a 1-week of replacement service for broken television. Adjusting the augmented
product is a great way to add value to a product. It is very common to see product
advertising campaigns focusing on augmented products. This is because it’s one area
where it’s possible to be different from your competitors, which helps you to stand out in
the marketplace.
Module 2 (Week 2)
Factors to Consider When Setting Prices and New Product
Pricing and its general pricing approaches

Activity 2.1 Instruction: Compute the unit costs using the following data
Fixed costs Variable cost Expected Unit costs
Units sale

1. 50, 0000 20 30, 000 21. 67 per unit

2. 63, 000 25 40, 000 26. 57 per units

3. 84, 000 30 50, 000 31. 68 per units

4. 90, 000 35 60, 000 36.5 per units

Activity 3.1 Instruction: From the given data in activity 2.1, compute the price with
mark-up based on the following mark-up percentage given in each number.

Unit cots Mark-up Percentage Mark-up

1. 21. 67 per unit 20% 26.004

2. 26. 57 per unit 25% 33.2125

3. 31. 68 per unit 30% 41.175

4. 36. 5 per unit 35% 49.2

Module 5 (Week 5)
Marketing Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control.

Strength 3. Lack of penetration in the rural

1. Cadbury is a well-known chocolate
brand with strong brand equity. Opportunities
2. Cadbury's customers have strong 1. Cadbury can increase its reach in
brand memory and loyalty. rural markets by helping the farmers
to buy their raw product
3. Cadbury has had very successful
marketing and advertising campaigns 2. Increase its reach and penetration
in untapped markets
4. A wide variety of products on offer
3. Acquiring competition can boost
5. Cadbury is a high-grade brand that
the market dominance of Cadbury
has done a lot to enhance its supply
chain, which is currently in a difficult 4. Diversification of product range
situation. into related food segments
6. Strong distribution network and Threat
operations in western Africa
1. Chocolate consumption can be
7. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk is one of the reduced if people are more health
most famous and widely sold brands concerned.
Weakness 2. Increase in cost of raw material
1. A few issues involving child slave 3. Inflation can cause a reduction in
labor in cocoa production in Côte sales
d'Ivoire sent chocolate firms,
4. Cadbury's market share may be
consumers, and governments into a
impacted by increased competition
from foreign and local chocolate
2. A few instances of product recall brands.
hampered Cadbury's brand image
5. Existing brands are introducing a
new variant
Performance Task/ Module 4 (Week 4)
Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Public

Activity 2
Instruction: Name 3 products or brands and design an advertisement for them using the
different media types.
1. Hamburger – (Print Media) – Magazine
Magazine advertising can highlight specific menus and is quite
versatile because readers can immediately go back and see whether they missed
anything. Furthermore, if you are a small business owner, the cost of magazines is a
restricting factor. Advertisements in national periodicals can cost thousands of pesos.
To save money, you can create smaller quarter-page or half-page advertising, but these
will often get missed in the chaos of a huge publication with many adverts. Early
submissions and ads placed through an advertising agency may qualify for discounts
from publications. It also has the capability of delivering high-impact messages. Full-
page magazine advertising with lots of colors and visual graphics can draw attention to
your products and improve their visual appearance. Full-color spreads are frequent in
magazines, which have a glossy appearance.
2. Cupcake– (Print Media) - Newspaper

If you operate a cupcake store, placing your ad in a

newspaper gives you the advantage of knowing that your
target audience is more likely to notice it because they
regularly read that newspaper or magazine. They might see
your ad and possibly take advantage of a sale or offer. Local
newspaper advertising may appear expensive due to the cost
of ink, printing, and distribution, but it costs less per thousand
readers than advertising on television, direct mail, or the
internet. Furthermore, newspaper campaigns do not
necessitate high-cost creative materials.

They may be tailored to fit any budget, and you can

select from several ad sizes to meet your objectives. This is an
excellent way to raise brand awareness and begin
communicating with potential customers. Because readers
frequently look for advertisements in newspapers, newspaper
advertising is particularly effective. They rely significantly on
newspapers for purchasing information, therefore by using
beautiful writing and photos to create your ad, you may
emotionally and intellectually engage them. Print media is also
thought to demand more fact-checking and professionalism
than online commercials, making it a more trustworthy medium
than other types of advertising.

3. Jollibee – (Broadcast Media) - Television

This company, like Jollibee, is appropriate for big-time advertising
because they make a lot of money, thus I believe they can afford it and the purpose of
broadcast advertising is to persuade consumers of the product's benefits. It is regarded
as a highly effective advertising medium. The cost of advertising on this channel is
determined by the length of the commercial and the time it is broadcast. These special
event advertising are distinctive, providing maximum exposure and establishing strong
brand recall for the products and services. Advertisements like these can bring in
millions of dollars each minute of airtime. Consumers remember advertising because
they are imaginative and exciting. Because of its ability to deliver visually engaging
stories packed with effective emotionality and humor, television remains one of the most
innovative forms of broadcast media
Activity 3
We crafted a vegan-friendly alternative to traditional Filipino coffee, replacing our
usual sweetened condensed milk with coconut creamer. The finish is a lighter brew
that's plant-based, dairy-free, and all-natural. Coconut milk's properties are creamy and
naturally dense, making it a firm favorite for coffee pairing. Coconut milk also carries a
lot of healthy fats. Other benefits of coconut milk include aiding in weight loss, boosting
brain health, boosting endurance and energy, and improving heart health
My advertisement is based on the media type

Although Deja Brew Café Shop may have paid a premium for a primetime
advertisement, this does not ensure viewing, therefore here is our product
advertising implementation. Television can be costly. We'll be spending a
significant portion of our cash on everything from acquiring time to creating the
ad, so we'll need a huge idea to make people notice our product. We chose to
include some stunning, attention-getting clips in the video, and we meticulously
planned each shot. Using video to captivate our target market will raise
awareness of our coffee business while also introducing our team of employees.
Video is an excellent method to communicate our narrative and demonstrate
what sets our coffee business apart.
Another approach is to advertise our coffee business with local celebrities
or brand influencers that have already created a strong relationship and built
trust within your local community through their digital following. Influential
viewpoints are always appealing. A good digital presence entails not only
creating a website but also managing all your coffee shop's online spaces.
Cohesive branding, openness, and customer evaluations are all important
factors in a successful internet presence. Finally, the positioning of our
commercial is critical. It influences who will watch it and how much the airtime
will cost. Having our ad air between 2 and 5 p.m. will save us money, but it's not
money well spent if no one sees it, therefore it's critical that this component be

Driving in the city is tough and often dangerous. Especially if you shift your
gaze away from the road and instead gaze at a screen. Because it is entirely
audio-based, radio is an effective advertising medium. With excellent voice
acting, sound design, and writing, the advertiser's message can echo in the
consumer's ears. If done correctly, a radio ad is cost-effective, targeted, easy to
track, and incredibly powerful. There are numerous reasons why you, or any
other business owner, should use radio as a platform for advertising. Another
benefit of radio advertising is that it is less expensive than television or print
advertisements. A television commercial's production costs might be significant
Radio since you must employ and pay a cast and a huge crew to bring your ad to life.
You're still hiring cast and crew to photograph your subjects using print. You only
must worry about sound and dialogue with the radio. A considerably smaller
group of persons is involved. While newspaper and television ad rates have
risen (despite declining circulation and viewership, respectively), radio
advertising expenses have remained low.
Knowing your present consumer base and target demography can help
you find the ideal station. You're unlikely to obtain the results you want if you
place an ad on a station that only you listen to. Because your clients aren't
paying attention. You'll be able to pick the ideal station once you have a strong
understanding of the type of people you want to reach. This will enable you to
reach a larger number of potential customers.
As a neighborhood coffee business, we may not think in terms of
distances, but rather in terms of demographics. We can design a customized
campaign for a wide range of people who have a passion for coffee using social
media. One of the most significant benefits of using social media is the data that
can be gathered, which allows us to determine which components of our coffee
shop are successful and tailor our content to the target demographic. Our aim as
business owners is to establish social media channels such as Facebook,
Instagram, and websites because many buyers who see your company's
Internet advertising will evaluate your products and services online, and our site can
boost the effectiveness of other advertising. Integrating Internet marketing
strategies with traditional forms of advertising guarantees that your company's
brand is constant.
Using online marketing to reach consumers and potential customers is
more of a commitment and strategy than money investment. It is not necessary
to spend a lot of money to efficiently contact online clients. You may create an
effective website and attract clients using numerous Internet-based marketing
strategies if you take a market-led approach to Internet marketing.
Deja brew café shop must maintain paying to guarantee our ads are well-placed
on websites and repeated every day, so this advertisement may cost you a little
more because it has a longer shelf life and, once you publish your magazine, it
is now a fixed advertisement of your product. On the other hand, magazines are
usually published weekly or monthly. As they sit in physicians' waiting rooms,
magazine racks, boutiques, malls, and supermarkets, they have a longer "shelf
life." Many patients will read a magazine left at a doctor's office for months, and
your ad will be seen by many of them. Many people distribute magazines to their
friends and relatives. This will almost certainly enhance the number of people
who see your advertisement. While there are many advantages, there are also
Magazine certain pitfalls that marketers may fall into if they aren't familiar with efficient
magazine advertising techniques.

Advertisements for magazines are frequently due weeks or even months before
the issue is due to be published. As a result, having an effective marketing
strategy in place becomes critical. Ad testing is an important element of the
process. Our company must ensure that advertisements are appealing enough
to capture the attention of readers. Lastly, Understanding the distribution system
and reader demographics, as well as ensuring that both match the target
market, is always a prudent option and a significant aspect in choosing the best
magazine for you.

Additional Activity
Instruction: Draw an informative advertisement or poster about the current situation of
our business industry and the economy. And explain the reason behind this illustration
The poster shows us that the COVID-19 revolutionized the economy not just in
business but in all fields of labor with one glance. The anxiety of people going outside
affects the businesses that were brought to the closure. In the Philippines and around
the world, the coronavirus has resulted in unprecedented retail and business closures.
Policy mandates, declining demand, health concerns, and other factors have forced
stores, factories, and many other businesses to close. Many of these closures may be
permanent because owners are unable to pay ongoing bills and survive the shutdown.
Local firms around the world are expected to suffer significantly.
Many small enterprises and entrepreneurial projects are predicted to close
because of COVID19's social distancing limits and health and economic-driven demand
shifts, although there is very little early evidence on the effects. On a national, regional,
and global scale, COVID-19, a novel coronavirus disease, has had a significant
influence on people's lives and corporate activities. The Philippines acted quickly to limit
the pandemic, implementing enhanced community quarantine, and launching an
emergency subsidy program with huge public spending to assist impacted homes and
businesses. The heavy lockdown in the national capital region and high-risk provinces
lasted from mid-March until the end of May 2020, resulting in massive economic losses.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant influence on global markets.
Businesses are being forced to find new strategies to deal with the growing negative
effects of this unprecedented crisis. Certain businesses have been impacted far more
than others because of various quarantine laws enacted by governments around the
world. COVID-19 has affected practically every business in the world about a year into
the epidemic, yet performance has varied greatly, even across countries and industries.
Data from World Bank firm surveys provide some insight into why and how this can be
useful for policy. The effects of the coronavirus illness (COVID-19) outbreak have been
felt across the world. The pandemic has had a major effect on the workplace. The social
and economic turbulence endangers the long-term livelihoods and well-being of millions
of people, in addition to threatening public health. The pandemic is wreaking havoc on
worldwide job markets, currencies, and enterprises, as well as global supply chains,
generating significant commercial disruptions. Supply chain disruptions, diminished
demand for their products and services, supply and input shortages, and government-
mandated closures plagued many businesses across the country. The Philippine
economy has recovered six months after the March lockdown, but micro, small, and
medium-sized firms continue to face a steep decline in demand and earnings.
The COVID-19 outbreak is a stark reminder that pandemics, like other rare
disasters, have occurred and will continue to occur in the future. Even if we are unable
to prevent the spread of deadly diseases, we must be prepared to mitigate their
consequences. The current pandemic is having devastating economic consequences all
over the world, and no country appears to be immune. This has implications not only for
the economy but also for society, resulting in significant changes in how businesses and
consumers behave. This special issue is part of a global initiative to address some of
society's pandemic-related issues.

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