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My best


My best friend is one of my classmates. His name is

Kostas and we have known each other since we were
eight years old. Now we are always together. Kostas
is very pretty. He got beautiful sort strait brawn hair
and some freckles. He got blue eyes, small nose and a
small pointed chin. He is very tall , he always wears
casual clothes like tracksuits and T-shirts but he looks
great in anything!

Kostas is fun to be with . He has a great

sense of humor and he’s really clever.
Sometimes he can be a bit bad
tempered , but he is very reliable and
sometimes I can go to he if I have a
Kostas and I are interested in the same things. We get along
together really well. We both enjoy listening to music, see
MARVEL movies, PLAY football and go tο AEK stadium!

All in all, I thing Kostas is a wonderful person. I hope we will

be friends forever because he’s one of the best friends anyone
could wish for.

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