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$yllahus sf TET,eS2l

{A}Faper*l {For elasses l-V}

tAs Fer NCIE frarned Suldel$nesl

nl ' Wtd Seuelo,pmernt anil,Fedagow ,B;S ,Ma.i$r,$

L : l ei l' SSr [,k!Erk.
&i tanguage-ll BO Merks:
*,, ?dtdtftemaffies B0 .lVtwkr
$, $nyironmo*tal $eience Bfr Ma lrs

T,oit a l' -I$0'.fv,l ark*



Child Development and Pedagogy : For Paper-l
For Lower Primary Level--Classes (l-V)
Total Marks : 30

Ghild Development (For children 6-11 vears qroup)

Concept and stages of Development, Characteristics of different stages of Development
Factors influencing Child Development-Biological, heredity, Psychological and Environmental factors.
Dimensions of Child development - Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Moral.
Development of language during early childhood and later childhood.
lndividual differences - Concept and areas of lndividual Differences, lntra and lnter individual differences in
various areas of lnterest, Habit, Aptitudes, lntelligence, Creativity and their assessment.
Personatity- Concept and types of Personality and factors influencing personality.
Common Behavioural problems of Children-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional, Defiant
Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Causes and Remedies.
Adjustment-Concept of Mental Health and Hygiene.

Procegs ot,Learn,inq-
Meaning and Nature of Learning.
Factors affecting Learning.
Maturation and Readiness for learning.
Motivation and Learning.
Methods of Learning, Major Laws of Learning with their educational implications.
Theories of Learning :
. Connectionism(Stimulus-ResponseTheory)
. Conditioning -- Classical and operant.
. Constructivism

Knowledge of children from Diverse Context -- Socio-cultural background, Children with special needs
inclusive education, Understanding Children with learning difficulties and Behavioural problems.

Organising Teaching -- Teaching as Planned activity, Phases of Teaching (pre-active, lnteractive and Post
active Phases),Different methods of teaching - Lecture method, project method, Demonstration method,
Heuristic Method ,Concept of TLM and its importance, Diagnostic and remedial teaching

Classroom Management-- Role of Teacher and the students, Leadership quality of teacher, time and task
Concept of child-centred teaching and competency based teaching
Evaluation--Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Formative and summative evaluation.


* L&ilguage (Assamese) : For Paper I
For L.P level (Classes t-V)

Total Marks : 30

)) q,ffirsltrd,w,s f qT-$€eMl{rtrlE"fr6qt{tEq <litelt I

e,) qu.,fist RIfu afts{{l rflfr&Js c{fi- Axs rtrc<rcr<, rlwc(<, e1ftqg
6EqT{4t, {Er-{lql Cr[qlfkdffit,u&-EuFtr\TtrK^<r4, 6qTsGTl,vc(q-{tq.Efrst\Tfs
frf,qerq fiTe{qt{t{"t qr{"ft r

rr) (o) ETfrTrq{K iq<1.fumrqr$<lqq<.fr'rElq-rlr,6 {Kql I

( q ) qYRfA ql+ rqRfR fl:::::::::::::::F"l#

q{rs qt<'tt t
(rl) ssrfiTrrTfr q-rrc-+1Eqfip {Ft"lt I

(q) ffi5ruqf+ {eKFFI-< eRxlrlq*?l {l<6{t I

(s) {qffi<Iu.s' ffi (crllq'1,cflaffiqlE{, cssk$s)

(u) ffi, friel, {,6;[, frffi <fDS etET{ \ryffr q*"i(,6 T*E {t<qfi' I

,B) (m) qrVvmfrnw+qBrEiqIqrsq$lff"r6 {tE il I

(et ) Et{IFts!<pufffi m.IE, c{6T- uRt't,sqld, qtqqrcfrqnrr*rrdfrE(h

q'{'l I

i Language (Bengali) : For Paper I
For L.P. level (Classes I-V)

t f[tal Marks : 30

)I qfkioT< qffi-s(rnril=.-K?Mqteltf,tK,qw*EQqqm,qTqffrT[,T,
cqfunqqrtr'rd,{ 6FI affiflq cEq-E+.Tf I

e. I <tHt\?=1qlaw{,@Tfr'fFl s$oM1qtqFrlr,6qt{rdq {r<r t l

rr I (6)Rt(qtv.lxtnqr< rs <Iqcp.frrqffi {f{{t I

(q) qqfrit s qqffiq"drrrtFp {EHI I

(n)qfrq"afmdmfr-+ {fffi I

ra)alal{l3tva ffififfrf{ enmotwdro {K{t I

(s) ws qtus Trq ffi (lrylqr{ EI, relrlfl Tt, virn-< qt)

(u) ffi, Frq, ffi fiffiIot <fDG eMnffi q*dro -oE {tr:{t I

8 I ffi ) r{twlqt F,ts-telm B,c@.|] v q,q, ry"aftp {ff{t

(?r)vHtFnwrq<qEu{F ffi'qq ffirn ur?ra,sq;r, qh s frqqq-"frs
ft$tR qF{tt
Language (Manipuri) : For Paper I
For L.P; lev,el (Classes t- V)
,otal Marks : 3o

)[ ffi vfu*
DIE<I, SElc"[, qglqqE, frqf6quq, ffig6a1, ffi, AF1gtrc.E.Cq-< I

q I {R{,fr ffiF - dlr$qtr, DlEq\"n, cotffiqf, x'Kxql "liEsf qt{E r

- s t (ffi) fixzx,,CI * ,Y[ s:GnFF,<]ffi *lsKJ

(ql) gft.qWEq <l-ffi.S ?t$flfi

(a) c{TB{ ftR),<is<l

(q) <t\e-l qr'fr "il€ril Ffes-<I

(s) xtsurc, q(?q:frqgrs qB<l

B, l (re) try* sEt€fl<fr fieril1 qr{i 4fq,{ qlwt I

(?f) Cf,rl-{ \oarrsfi<ft V+ s?R ffi6-{H TR - s,l<t, s:[K[, qm q{-{q

vquq,f,lqlu6t I
.,4$kusgri.(Eds1 a Sor P*ppr-tr
For L, P; Lev,el'tClxsss I-,v)
Total ilIntl{s r 3{}

I . qT' Sq,.qffi@ T{lqla ffi "'ffi Eg,t frF{*{[{, ti{*

,{ ,: ffis,,,rlE.ffi....-*-,-."".. ry ':ffry1 e
:.f,*t, *s, iw@' ',*,,
- qm

ffi'li'# "q,, , Wlnq1q '#?Yreqffi, uqTla{q'fi

t*i q.t' ii,, F:qrq qr{itilq, *-

(s') fi,16 rn{i qrt s6i 6id, ffi* Effi Iiltnlrrrq (spelting,} amt'
ffiftIt '

t ) , ,{'{,rq,H err *mrtmq EIFqI I

(r{) .qf;giffi 1fu4} gt€lqqTzl rarfxli


t,q}wffi, t

,-'. . ,,,,..
,(numemlclassit-iets) fr qrsrqqFq I

,{"q,} ffi'' **Y..rfr. ..@lfir<rqql6r{Tl?{I


':: ffi{Taffi!ffiffirytrr*fui rr
4, ,ffi , &-simd"rm,tflrq,*.tq . ^
e,Fildqqt fiTq'Rr Effi I
,STLLA'B$S TE:f E$it t fffi
I*auguage {Hrnar} : For Pa,per I
i r ,, ,so*I* l ,{0hssffi,Iry

Tutal Marks : 30

-:i :.. .:-

Ai'.sbn*eN* & Uu,$ 'thul

t., Ttru

: Zipktu. phuotrrru. $iemrera'tuhai 'hming

rI $IIa Htui *wlgam deuluti
' !a ift t'i{ '. !:. .,, r .

,tii "*llaphuohtu - T.Khuma. H. $uokhunr, Y.T, KaF$i

, ii'i) Pa*tien Hla rhenkhat,

'e' f,gtrh'tn.,Uriekhai
H,Iia,rbar* &tuhtg, phuoktu, siemrerntu

$..,,, ',Ftrls.Itg11$'af,r/ng

!i}r I Hakt,fiIp
iit) Huam'Htrg

; ;Y)
: ;Thrrrisle
L' Ksivqrn hlaphuok h'thuziek

vii) 'U. Ttriek hlaphuok b ttruziet<

$.' Smmlflar,
'" '' ' 't:-:i . . ,* ., , , ii :-
,-,, .,,
Sh$f,rt$r,Tan*ag,'hnnangdrn te ziCk den. ?lurtfuun iffikEisfix ffi,

,,t- ;- ,. . . . ,, .
t *lS i. * * $s:g.f :f $,f; {t *:f

, $v}&*s$$,#Qfirffi 2*:}t
ftr il,i,Fnr'?*Pfnt
p; ,i1"'p,; L$rrcl (Cl*s*Ht.h$,.,'1


l, ffiffi@ffiq-ry $futrq :,wffi'tfi qryryry,r

#,nm*, ,S** . " , $-,:@

t ffi,, ,ffi'Wffi,
arqryw; aryq'iqrrxrfa- wE&Ireltq'ff,*S, ,
, ' ,: , r{€T,{qi ffi, Efrqlffi , ffi $,is,&' ,ryT

3, ffi ffi,S *lffit&qutrsT SIl I

,iH,,) +; Hft { ulr*T{i I

{q} :ffi Hsqrfi ffit'Qrr , , i '

. ". ,''
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{i.ffi{Lrc{r,,etusBrye rf{'ww
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f{1n *Y,,,{fks****ry
ror ,

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, :fr,,|r$N*mthe,apgih$lt'kaclri'n i.
,,E$ f; d +putil,sh. Soiisi: Chiklo-Mafrai. tp**r.L*ri;*aSq$ry ,

&l Ri#il' :np*&'t*-'#di,',ki$i,

,,H.,}'ild*sn*r ffitao;fuU,*air,ryallqlqr,,,heihui,
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ffi tffi ,ffmtr*rft,, totrpflfi ieNd#, Fs!.j$hns' knnih$A;ikSp#hrl l qru**fu f

l. ': ' ' .: .

Language ll (English) : For paper

For Lower primary Level_Classes (f-V)

Total Marks: 30

Pedagogy of lanluage teaching

1. Development of four skills.: Listening,

speaking, reading, writing.
2. Elements of language, preliminrry .Jnrept of language functions.
3. Learning and acquisition
4' vocabulary deveropment/structure of
5. Teaching learning materials in English
6' continuous afld comprehensive assessment,
assessing the four skills : Listening,
reading, writing speaking,

1' Approaches, Methods, Techniques and
1. Parts of speech ( use of noun, adjective,
2. Jumbled words/sentences
3. Correct form of verb, Tense
4. Verb, phrases
5. Article/determiners
6. Synonyms/antonyms
7. Prepositions
8. Punctuation
9. Question pattern/wh-questions, tag questions
10. Sentence pattern/types of sentence
I 1. Contracted form
12. connectors/linking words (
use of ,but,, .and, etc)
Mathematics : For Paper-l
For Lower Primary Level-- Classes (l--V)
Total Marks : 30

Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Even and Odd numbers, Prime and Composite numbers, Place
value system, Four fundamental operations on numbers( Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and
Division), Factors and Multiples, Prime Factors, Lowest Common Multiples (LCM), Highest
Common Factors (HCF), Skip counting, Group counting, Comparison, Ascending and Descending
Order, Application of numbers in real life, Unitary method and Average.

Concept of Fractions, Types of Fractions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of
Fractions, Decimal Fractions, Percentage and their use.

Concept of Money, Conversion of Rupee to Paisa and vice versa, Four operations in solving
problems involving money, Simple problems involving Profit and Loss.

Geometrv and Mensuration-

Concept and understanding of different shapes, Line, Line Segment, Ray, Angles, Types of
Angles, Types of Triangles, Types of Quadrilaterals, Circles. Length, Perimeter and Area of
different Geometrical figures, Weight, Time, Capacity and Volume.

Data Handlinq-
lntroduction to Data, Representation of Data, Pictograph, Bar Diagram, Pie chart and Draw
lntereration of ICT in teachine Mathematics-
lmportance cf ICT in teaching Mathematics.
Use of ICT in teaching Mathematics
Syllabus for TET, 2021
Environmental Studies : For Paper-l
For Lower Primary level -Classes (l-V)
Total Marks: 3O

Children Environment (Near and farl--

Types of environment-Natural and social Environment :

Natural environment (biotic and abiotic componentl : Plants and animals in surroundings, Ecosystem
(pond and grassland), producer, primary, secondary and tertiary consumer.
Social and man made anvironment: Family, house, neighborhood, social institutions, State, Districts,
Gaon Panchayat our neighbouring states (North East).
Festivals :State and National.
Some social issues : llliteracy, child labour, superstition, gender discrimination,
Use of computer and internet as a means of communication.
Environment and Child's need-
Air : lmportance of dir, composition of air.
Water : lmportance of water, sources of water, uses of water.
Soil : lmportance of soil, types of soil, soil erosion.
Food : Types of food, food deficiency related disease.
Plants : Cultivated plants, plants with medicinal value, lmportance of plants in ecological
balance, interdependence between plant and animals. Plants in different environment.
Care and Protection of Environment-

Conservation of Natural Resources : Flora, fauna, endangered and rare species, National Parks,
wildlife sanctuary, migratory bird,
Transport system and road safety measure, storage of Agricultural products.
First aid as safety measure, healtir care and cleanliness.
Disaster risk reduction (pre-disaster, during disaster and post disaster).
Preventive measures for different communicable diseases caused by various microorganisms.
National integrity.
Constitution of lndia, idea of preamble, directive principles, fundamental right and duties.
Role of Assam is freedom movement.
Pollution (air, water, soil)- lts impact and measures to prevent.
Concept,meaning and approach of environmental studies.
Nature and scope of environmental studies.
Objectives of teaching environmental studies.
Different approaches of teaching environmental studies,
lntersration of ICT in teachine, Environmental Science-
lmportance of ICT in teaching Environmental Science'
Use of ICT in teaching Environmental Science.


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