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a) Student stress is often reason for workload.Students have too much to do in

an unrealistic time frame . this can as a results flam to finish tasks or
sleeping in the class.
b) The because the problem is lack of time to finish tasks .This can cause
depression,insonia , and sometimes even suicide.
c) Some students get stressed because they don not understand the content of
the lessions.They stop paying attention and doing their home work and,as a
results, they fail the class.
d) Because i don not have enough time, i can not finish this project.
e) The beausethe financial problem is poor budgeting.
f) As a result, there will be extra expenses for the project.
g) The consequence of stress can be depression or insomnia.

a) They have not finished their homework it is too hard.
b) We have not read the book because the library is closed.
c) Did you attend an institute this year?
d) He has forgetten the word, so he needs his dictionary.
e) The teacher has not graded my test because she is sick.
f) I was stressed this week because i am too busy.
g) I can not get into my house because i losed my key .
h) Mary is feeling tired because she has had a lot of extra work lately.
i) We need finish this project today because the manage has extend our
deadline .
j) We have had much rain lately,so the soil is very dry.

a) I played a computer game, which i really liked.
b) I was so tired after the exam that i sat yesterday.
c) I gave my homework to the teacher who will mark it.
d) Stress which is bad for everyone is common nowadays.
e) They have fogotten the book which the teacher lent them.
f) Insommia is a condition that means yopu can you can not sleep.
a) Students who working very hard can cause stress, must work very hard.
b) Students who pass the exams, can move on to the next level.
c) Stress that working hard all day can lead to difficulty sleeping at night, is
one often caussed by workinghard all day.
d) Stress which can lead to insomnia , is often caused by working hard all
day .
e) Physical activity which is very good for your helth,can make your body
relax .
f) Physical activity can make your body relax which can help you to relieve
g) People who often have difficulty concentrating, are under a lot of stress
h) Presure can cause many health problem which can lead to failure in tests
or exams, or even losing your job.
Write a short paragraph about your stress levels :
* begin with :I have (not ) been very stressed lately

I have been very stressed lately because i am going to have an Ielts

exams .I really obtain an Ielts certificate to able to approach knowlegde
in English. However, i have been experiencing stress because of my
target. To begin with, i spend a lot of time learning English, therefore
sometimes, i am very exhauted . Moreover, i have been under
presure ,this could lead to insomnia because of my lesson in everning. I
have many assignments which is dificult English homework and i have to
complete them to the best of my ability, and before deadline. In addition,
my parents are expecting my transcrip after it took me a lot of time to
learn English, as a result i have been very stressed.Besides,i do not have
free time for my favourit which i really wan to spend time for it in the
summer that is dispensable vacation of student .Thus i have been very
stress,it is dificult to stop thinking and worrying about my test and my

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