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Instagram should require users to admit when a photo has been edited



As mentioned throughout the essay sharing photos with friends, family, but also strangers is the
main part of the Instagram. But there is a big issue that comes with these Instagram posts. Photo
editing. To complete all the points that were made, let us sum up what we have come up with.

When it comes to the dangers of Instagram, it as mentioned that

Another considerable key point that supported the statement earlier, is

The last disadvantage discussed in this essay was


One of the key point is that nowadays its a big trend to edit ones photos. Especially celebrities,
models, inluencers, ale i běžní lidé, což dokazuje i studie, na kterou bylo upozorňováno. It says that
81% of people surveyd in London said that they have edited their photos.These people have a big
influence on people. And posting edited photos has a big impact on peoples self esteem. It can lead
to body image issues.

Its important to say, that there is nothing wrong with photo editing. But there is a difference
between photo editing and photo editing. For example photographes do this daily, because its a
part of their job. Its a normal thing to do. Sometimes chceme, aby naše vypadaly více outstanding a
byly více zajimavý.

Its totally okay vylešpit svoje fotky, ale jak bylo zmíněno někdy jsou editované fotky používány
k propagaci produktů, což už v pořádku není. Lidé si pak chtějí produkt koupit, protože si myslí, že
dosáhnou stejných vysledku jako jejich oblíbený influence(např.) Zveřejnovat fotky a tvrdit že mají
takový a makový účinek.


Promoting products that benefits your body in some way.

- NEGATIVE IMAGE OF THE COMPANY ITSELF- škodí to jak influencerum , kterí propagují ten
produkt, firmě i nám.


We should all realise that there is nothing wrong with showing the reality. Denying editing your
Instagram posts won´t help you, or anyone else. It will only lead to hurting your and other peoples
self esteems. VŠEHO S MÍROU!!!
To sum it all up, let us remind you of the most important key points that were made throughout this essay. We
all already know that Instagram is used by many people nowadays. But it´s important to realise that there are
serious repercussions of the use of this social media, especially on a person’s mental health. We talked about
the fact that edited photos we see on Instagram are negatively affecting our self-esteem and body image.

We learned that almost everyone who uses Instagram edits their photos once in a while, whether it’s with
filters or editing programs. To proof this point we also mentioned a study which says that 81% of people
surveyed in London who post to their Instagram said they have edited their images in one form or another. But
the majority of people who are heavily editing their posts are celebrities and influencers, who have a big
influence on their followers, especially younger age groups. The first think that we focused on is the fact that
peole are constantly comparing their appearance to people in Instagram posts, but they dont realise that these
“perfect “ faces and bodies aren´t real. Celebrities are trying so hard to make themselves appear more
attractive and they do not care about having such a negative impact on ther followers. Teens and young adults
want to look the same which is not possible because they are comparing themselves to an unrealistic heavily
edited photos. This can even lead to developing an eating disorders of different types.

Another issue we mentioned is false advertising. Celebrities are promoting products really often and there is
nothing wrong with that right? But the problem is that the photos they are using are again-edited photos. As
already said, photo-editing is used to over-exaggerate the effects of these products. This can lead to unsatisfied
customers and it also creates negative image for the company itself. In the end i tis not advantageous for

We also learned the facts about the advantages of photo editing. Once in a while people simply have the urge
to make their photos look more outstanding. So adding a little bit of saturation here and little bit of brightness
there is not an issue. We also learned that editing is such a big part of what creates a photographers style. They
want to atract as much attention to their Instagram account as possible, becase they are using it as a platform
to promote their work on.

The last key point that was made is people editing their photos in ordet to set a goal for themselves, because it
can be a motivation to see what they can achieve. People also edit their Instagram posts basically because the
photo they took didn´t turn out how they imagined it to turn out. That´s why they sometimes slightly adjust
minor errors.

But the main question is wheather should Instagram require users to admit if the photo has been edited or not.
We think that there is nothing wrong with editing ones photos in order to give it more refreshed look or to
create an unique style that makes your business or just you to stand out. But we should also realise that there
is nothing wrong with showing the reality. Simply said-editing photos in order to make it better, not different,
but better is okay, but lying about editing your Instagram posts definitely isn´t. It won´t help you, or anyone

Have you ever wondered how all those images of other people’s bodies could be affecting how you view your
own? If not, I´m sure that after reading this essay you will. And if you ever feel bad after seeing these beautiful
perfect images, remember-They are not real.
have you ever wondered how all those images of other people’s bodies could be affecting
how you view your own?

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