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Cell Cycle and Cell Division Class 11 MCQs


Question 1.
Meiosis is evolutionary significant because it result in
(a) genetically similar daughters
(b) four daughter cells
(c) eggs and sperms
(d) .recombinations


Question 2.
Synapsis occurs between
(a) A male and female gametes
(b) Ribosome and m-RNA
(c) Spindle fibres and centromeres
(d) Two. homologous chromosomes


Question 3.
Division of nucleus without being followed by cytokinesis results into
(a) Phargmoplast
(b) Polyploidy
(c) Uninucleate condition
(d) Multinucleate. condition

Question 4.
A cell plate is laid down during
(a) .Cytokinesis
(b) Interphase
(c) Karyokinesis
(d) None of these


Question 5.
Crossing over results the exchange of genetic material, which occurs between
(a) Non-sister chromosomes
(b) Sister chromatids
(c) Non-homologous chromosome
(d) Homologous. chromosomes


Question 6.
The number of chromosome and the amount of DNA are changed in
(a) Metaphase and M phase
(b) Anaphase. and S phase
(c) Interphase and S phase
(d) None of these


Question 7.
Which of the following statements is not true for cancer cells in relation to mutations?
(a) Mutations in proto-oncogenes accelerate the cell cycle.
(b) Mutations destroy telomerase inhibitor.
(c) Mutations inactive the cell control.
(d) Mutations. inhibit production of telomerase.


Question 8.
In cell cycle, DNA replication takes place in
(a) G1 phase
(b) G2 phase
(c) Mitotic metaphase
(d) S. phase


Question 9.
Which of the phases of mitosis is the longest?
(a) Telophase
(b) .Prophase
(c) Anaphase
(d) Metaphase


Question 10.
Chromosome appeared beaded during
(a) Diplotene
(b) .Leptotene
(c) Diakinesis
(d) Panchytene

Question 11.
In meiosis crossing over is initiated at
(a) .Pachytene
(b) Leptotene
(c) Zygotene
(d) Diplotene


Question 12.
Which one is not a significance of meiosis division?
(a) Formation of spores and gametes
(b) New recombination of genes
(c) Number. of chromosome remain same
(d) Number of chromosome reduced to half


Question 13.
A somatic cell that has just completed the S phase of its cell cycle, as compared to gamete of
the same species, has:
(a) same number of chromosomes but twice the amount of DNA
(b) twice. the number of chromosomes and four times the amount of DNA
(c) four times the number of chromosomes and twice the amount of DNA
(d) twice the number of chromosomes and twice the amount of DNA

Question 14.
The mechanism of distributing centriole pairs to the daughter cells is called
(a) Equational division
(b) Haplontic division
(c) Astral. division
(d) Reductional division


Question 15.
Spindle fibres attach on to
(a) Telomere of the chromosome
(b) Kinetochore. of the chromosome
(c) Centromere of the chromosome
(d) Kinetosome of the chromosome


Question 16.
Best stage to observe shape, size and number of chromosomes is
(a) interphase
(b) .metaphase
(c) prophase
(d) telophase


Question 17.
Plants show mitotic divisions in
(a) Haploid cells
(b) Haploid. cells and diploid cells
(c) Somatic cells
(d) Diploid cells


Question 18.
Which of the following phases in mitosis is in correct order?
(a) Prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase
(b) Prophase. ,metaphase, anaphase, telophase
(c) Anaphase, telophase, metaphase, prophase.
(d) Metaphase, prophase, anaphase, telophase


Question 19.
In between two walls of adjacent cells are seen
(a) Cell wall
(b) Cytoplasm
(c) Middle. lamellae
(d) Plasma membrane


Question 20.
In the somatic cell cycle
(a) In G1 phase DNA content is double the amount of DNA present in the original cell
(b) DNA. replication takes place in S phase
(c) A short interphase is followed by a long mitotic phase
(d) G2 phase follows mitotic phase

Question 21.
In ‘S’ phase of the cell cycle:
(a) Amount. of DNA doubles in each cell.
(b) Amount of DNA remains same in each cell.
(c) Chromosome number is increased.
(d) Amount of DNA is reduced to half in each cell.


Question 22.
In animal cells, the mitotic division is seen in
(a) Haploid somatic cells
(b) Diploid cells
(c) Diploid. somatic cells
(d) Haploid cells


Question 23.
Cell growth results in disturbing the ratio between
(a) Nucleus – chromosome ratio
(b) Cytoplasm-chromosome ratio
(c) Cytoplasm-spindle fibre ratio
(d) Nucleus.-cytoplasm ratio


Question 24.
Astral body are formed of
(a) .Microtubules
(b) Intermediate filaments
(c) Microfilaments
(d) Microvilli


Question 25.
The resting phase is otherwise called as
(a) Prophase
(b) .Interphase
(c) Metaphase
(d) Telophase


Question 26.
In animal cells, Cytokinesis takes place by furrow deepening centripetally and formation of
two daughter cells. This method is known as
(a) Phragmoplast
(b) Cleavage. Cytokinesis
(c) Cell plate formation
(d) None of these


Question 27.
Multinucleate condition arise when Cytokinesis does not follow karyokinesis, this type of
cells are called as
(a) Holotype
(b) .Coenocyte
(c) Prototype
(d) Uninuleate


Question 28.
In which stage, the cells remain metabolically active but do not proliferate?
(a) G1-phase
(b) G2-phase
(c) Go.-phase
(d) S-phase


Question 29.
Cell division is initiated in plants by
(a) .Cytokinin
(b) Abscisic acid
(c) Gibberellin
(d) Auxin


Question 30.
During mitosis ER and nucleolus begin to disappear at
(a) Early metaphase
(b) Late metaphase
(c) Late. prophase
(d) Early prophase

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Question 1.
Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum cannot be seen during
(a) late telophase
(b) late. prophase
(c) early anaphase
(d) late metaphase


Question 2.
Cell plate grows from
(a) walls to the centre
(b) centre. to the walls
(c) in patches
(d) simultaneously


Question 3.
Choose the correct sequence. A. Chromatin condensation B. Protein synthesis C. Duplication
of centrioles D. Centrioles moves towards opposite poles
(a) C, A, B, D
(b) C., B, A, D
(c) C, D, B, A
(d) A, C, D, B


Question 4.
If you are provided with root-tips of onion in your class and are asked to count the
chromosomes which of the following stages can you most conveniently look into:
(a) Prophase
(b) Anaphase
(c) Telophase
(d) .Metaphase


Question 5.
Karyokinesis is the term used for
(a) division of cytoplasm
(b) division of nucleoplasm
(c) division of nucleus
(d) separation. of daughter chromosomes


Question 6.
During which stage the chromosomes first become visible.
(a) Anaphase
(b) Metaphase
(c) .Prophase
(d) Telophase

Question 7.
In mitosis, nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappear during
(a) Metaphase
(b) Interphase
(c) .Prophase
(d) Telophase


Question 8.
Arrange the following events of meiosis in the correct sequence: I. Terminalization II.
Crossing over III. Synapsis IV. Disjunction of genomes The correct sequences:
(a) II, I, IV, III
(b) III., II, I, IV
(c) IV, III, II, I
(d) I, IV, III, II


Question 9.
The major event that occurs during the anaphase of mitosis, which brings about the equal
distribution of chromosomes, is
(a) splitting. of the centromeres
(b) splitting of the chromatids
(c) replication of the genetic material
(d) condensation of the chromatin

Question 10.
What type of plant is formed when colchicine is used in the process of development of
(a) Autotetraploid
(b) Haploid
(c) Triploid
(d) .Allotetraploid


Question 11.
Meiosis occurs for the human female in ______.
(a) Pancreas
(b) Liver
(c) .Ovary
(d) Kidney


Question 12.
Choose the correct sequence. A. Pachytene B. Zygotene C. Leptotene D. Diakinesis E.
(a) C, B, A, D, E
(b) C, A, B, E, D
(c) C., B, A, E, D
(d) D, B, C, E, A

Question 13.
How many chromosomes are there in onion root tip cell?
(a) 06
(b) .16
(c) 26
(d) 36


Question 14.
Lampbrush chromosomes are observed in
(a) Mitotic prophase
(b) Mitotic metaphase
(c) Meiotic metaphase
(d) Meiotic. prophase


Question 15.
Which of the following cellular structures always disappears during mitosis and meiosis?
(a) Plasma membrane
(b) Nucleolus. and nuclear envelope
(c) Plastids
(d) none of these


Question 16.
Centromere is a constituent of
(a) Ribosome
(b) ER
(c) .Chromosome
(d) Mitochondrion


Question 17.
In which phase of cell cycle, proteins are synthesised?
(a) G0
(b) G1
(c) .G2
(d) S

Question 18.

Which phase of cell cycle is shown in the above picture?

(a) Early prophase
(b) Early. metaphase
(c) Early telophase
(d) Early anaphase


Question 19.
The stage in which daughter chromosomes move toward the poles of the spindle is
(a) .Anaphase
(b) Metaphase
(c) Prophase
(d) Telophase


Question 20.
Synaptonemal complex dissolves in _____ stage.
(a) Zygotene
(b) Pachytene
(c) Diakinesis
(d) .Diplotene


The Living World

Lear insta
Question 1.
Identify the incorrect match.
(a) Physiology – Study of functions and processes of life
(b) Pedology – Soil science
(c) Limnology – Study of fresh water
(d) Kinesiology. – Fossil study

Question 2.
The Phylogenetic system of classification was put forth by
(a) Theophrastus
(b) George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker
(c) Carolus Linnaeus
(d) Adolf. Engler and Karl Prantl

Question 3.
Two taxonomic species are distinguished from each other by
(a) their. failure to interbreed
(b) their ability to exchange gene freely
(c) their similarity in morphological characters
(d) discontinuity in a set of correlated characters

Question 4.
Musca domestica is common name of
(a) .Housefly
(b) Mosquito
(c) Snail
(d) Ant

Question 5.
Keystone species are
(a) important. for ecosystem
(b) important for plants
(c) endangered species
(d) extinct species
Question 6.
The study of fish culture is called
(a) ophiology
(b) herpetology
(c) ichthyology
(d) .pisciculture

Question 7.
National Botanical Research Institute is located in
(a) Shimla
(b) Dehradun
(c) Howrah
(d) .Lucknow

Question 8.
Biosystematics aims at
(a) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of
cytological characteristics
(b) The classification of organisms based on broad morphological

(c) Delimiting various taxa of organism and establishing their


(d) The. classification of organisms based on their evolutionary

history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various
parameters from all fields of studies

Question 9.
In angiosperm, characters of flowers are used in classification
(a) Flowers are attractive
(b) Flowers are large
(c) Characters. of flowers are conservative
(d) None of the above

Question 10.
Scientific name of plants are given by
(a) International. code for Botanical nomenclature
(b) International code for biological plants
(c) Indian code for Botanical nomenclature
(d) International code for zoological nomenclature

Question 11.
A system which gets a continuous flow of energy is called
(a) micropropagated system
(b) closed system
(c) open. system
(d) steady state

Question 12.
Solanum, Panthera, Homo are examples of
(a) Family
(b) Division
(c) .Genera
(d) Species epithet

Question 13.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Musca. domestica Order – Diptera Family – Muscidae Phylum –
(b) Mangifera indica Order – Sapindales Family – Anacardiaceae
Phylum – Gymnospermae
(c) Triticum aestivum Order – Poles Family – Monocotyledons
Phylum – Angiospermae

(d) Panthera leo Order – leo Family – Felidae Phylum – Mammalia

Question 14.
Binomial Nomenclature was given by
(a) Ernst Mayr
(b) Alexander Agassiz
(c) Carolus. Linnaeus
(d) Alexander Agassiz and Carlous Linnaeus

Question 15.
Systematics deals with
(a) Nomenclature of new organisms
(b) Evolutionary relationship between organisms
(c) Identification of newly discovered organisms
(d) All. of these

Question 16.
Which of the following shows maximum diversity?
(a) Plantas
(b) .Animalia
(c) Monerans
(d) Protistans

Question 17.
Which of the following does not come under taxon?
(a) Species
(b) Kingdom
(c) Division
(d) .Key
Question 18.
The ozone layer is found in the
(a) hydrosphere
(b) .stratosphere
(c) lithosphere
(d) troposphere

Question 19.
Taxonomic studies depends on
(a) Ecological information of organisms.
(b) Structure of cell and development process of organisms.
(c) External and internal structure of organisms.
(d) All. of the above.

Question 20.
Wheat belongs to division ______.
(a) .Angiospermae
(b) Gymnospermae
(c) Poacae
(d) None of the above

1. A group of plants and animals with similar traits of any rank is

a. .Taxon
b. Species
c. Genus
d. Order

2. Which is less general in characters as compared to genus?

a. Family
b. Division
c. Class
d. .Species

3. What is the correct sequence?

a. Genus-species-order-kingdom
b. Species-order-phylum-kingdom
c. Species-genus-order-phylum
d. Kingdom.-phylum-class-order

4. Metabolism refers to

a. Release of energy
b. Gain of energy
c. Catabolism
d. Gain. or release of energy

5. What is nomenclature?

a. Genus name is written after species

b. Genus. and species names are written in italics
c. Genus and species have the same name
d. The first letter of genus and species name is capital

6. The term phylum was coined by

a. Linnaeus
b. Cuvier
c. .Haeckel
d. Theophrastus

7. Binomial nomenclature was given by

a. .Linnaeus
b. Hugo De Vries
c. John Ray
d. Huxley

8. Species found in different geographical locations are called

a. Sympatric species
b. Allopatric. species
c. Sibling species
d. Morphospecies

9. What is a homonym?

a. Identical. name of two different taxa

b. Two or more names of same taxon
c. Name given to a taxon in local language
d. Species name repeats the generic name

10. The biologically cohesive unit of taxa is

a. Phylum
b. Order
c. Genus
d. .Species

11. The scientific name of mango is

a. Mangifera indica
b. Mangifera Indica
c. Mangifera. indica
d. Mangifera Indica

12. Nicotiana  is a ————-

a. Species
b. Sub-species
c. .Genus
d. Class
13. Energy flow and energy transformation in a living system follow

a. Biogenetic law
b. Law. of thermodynamics
c. Law of limiting factor
d. Liebig’s law of minimum

14. Energy transformation is never 100% efficient because of

a. Catabolism
b. .Entropy
c. Homeostasis
d. Anabolism

15. The defining characteristic of living beings is

a. They reproduce
b. They can digest their food
c. They. respond to external stimuli
d. They regenerate
Question. Which one of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living
(a) Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro
(b) Increase in mass from inside only
(c) Perception. of events happening in the environment and their memory.
(d) Increase in mass by accumulation of material both on surface as well as internally.


Question. Linnaeus system of classification is 

(a) Natural
(b) .Artificial
(c) Phylogenetic
(d) Progressive


Question. The living organisms can be exceptionally distinguished from the non-living
things on the basis of their ability for 
(a) interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
(b) reproduction
(c) growth and movement
(d) responsiveness. to touch. 


Question. Biological organisation starts with   

(a) cellular level
(b) organismic level
(c) atomic level
(d) submicroscopic. molecular level.


Question. The basic unit of classification is   

(a) genus
(b) .species
(c) variety
(d) subspecies


Question. Select the correctly written scientific name of Mango which was first
described by Carolus Linnaeus.   
(a) Mangifera Indica
(b) Mangifera indica Car. Linn.
(c) Mangifera. indica Linn.
(d) Mangifera indica 


Question. Which of the following is against the rules of ICBN?   

(a) Hand written scientific names should be underlined.
(b) Every species should have a generic name and a specific epithet.
(c) Scientific names are in Latin and should be italicized.
(d) Generic. and specific names should be written starting with small letters.


Question. Nomenclature is governed by certain universal rules. Which one of the

following is contrary to the rules of nomenclature?   
(a) The names are written in Latin and are italicised.
(b) When written by hand the names are to be underlined.
(c) Biological. names can be written in any language.
(d) The first word in a biological name represents the genus name and the second is a specific


Question. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by   

(a) .Linnaeus 
(b) Darwin
(c) Bentham and Hooker
(d) Aristotle


Question. ICBN stands for   

(a) International. Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(b) International Congress of Biological Names
(c) Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(d) Indian Congress of Biological Names.


Question. Choose the correct statements from following:

(a) Taxonomic hierarchy includes seven obligate categories.
(b) Haeckel introduced the taxon phylum.
(c) Three – domain classification was introduced by Carl Woese.
(a) A & B
(b) B & C
(c) A & C
(d) .All

Question. Botanical gardens and Zoological parks have:
(a) Collection of endemic living species only
(b) Collection of exotic living species only
(c) Collection. of endemic and exotic living species
(d) Collection of only local plants and animals


Question. Incorrect statement is:

(a) Naming is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
(b) Scientific names are based on the principles and criteria provided in ICBN.
(c) Description of any organism should enable the people (in any part of the world) to arrive
at the same name.
(d) Category. denotes rank, and these categories or ranks are merely morphological


Question. Read the following statements.

(a) Isolated-metabolic reactions in-vitro are living things.
(b) Reproduction is synonymous with growth in Chlamydomonas.
(c) Reproduction is an all inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms.
(d) Extrinsic growth cannot be taken as defining property of living organisms.
How many of the above statement (s) is/are not true?
(a) One
(b) .Two
(c) Three
(d) Four


Question. Sequence of taxonomic categories is:

(a) Class-phylum-tribe-order-family-genus-species
(b) Division-class-family-tribe-order-genus-species
(c) Division.-class-order-family-tribe-genus-species
(d) Phylum-order-class-tribe-family-genus-species


Question. The high boiling point of water is advantageous to living organisms because

(a) The environment seldom reaches the boiling point of water.
(b) Organisms. can easily boil off enough water to keep themselves cool.
(c) It allows organisms to spread heat evenly throughout their bodies.
(d) Organisms can absorb a great deal of heat before they reach the boiling point from
organisms and population.


Question. Read the following statements.

(a) Manuals are useful in providing information for identification of names of species
found in an are(a)
(b) Potato and brinjal are related species, which has more characters in common in
comparison to shimla mirch.
(c) CO2 dissolving in water, a physical process, is a catalysed reaction in living systems.
(d) The ribosomes of polysome translate the mRNA into multiple copies of the same
(a) A and C are correct
(b) Only B correct
(c) B incorrect
(d) All. are correct


Question. As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierarchy, the number of

common characteristics:
(a) Will. decrease
(b) Will increase
(c) Remain same
(d) May increase or decrease


Question. Which of the following ‘suffixes’ used for units of classification in plants
indicates a taxonomic category of ‘family’?
(a) — Ales
(b) — Onae
(c) — .Aceae
(d) — Ae


Question. Read the following statements and identify the correct statements:

(a) Biodiversity refers to the number and types of organisms present on earth.
(b) The local names would vary from place to place,even within a country.
(c) The number of species that are known and described range between 1.7-1.8 million.
(d) International Code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) provides scientific names
for plants
E. Nomenclature or naming is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
(a) A and B only
(b) A, B and C only
(c) A, D and C only
(d) All. of these


Question.The term ‘systematics’ refers to:

(a) Identification and study of organ systems
(b) Identification and preservation of plants and animals
(c) Diversity. of kinds of organisms and their relationship
(d) Study of habitats of organisms and, their classification

Question. Incorrect statement are:

(a) Animals, mammals, dogs, alsatians represent taxa at different levels.
(b) Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in
response to environment.
(c) Nomenclature is only possible when the organism is described correctly.
(d) In animals, growth is seen only up to a certain age.
E. Non-living objects also grow if we take increase in body mass as a criteria of growth.
F. Human being is the only organism who is aware of himself.
(a) C
(b) B
(c) A
(d) .Zero


Question. Genus represents:
(a) An individual plant or animal
(b) A collection of plants or animals
(c) Group. of closely related species of plants or animals
(d) A group of plants in a given are(a)


Question. The term “New Systematics” was introduced by:

(a) Bentham and Hooker
(b) Linnaeus
(c) .Julian Huxley
(d) P. de Candolle

Question. Static concept of species was put forward by:
(a) de Candolle
(b) .Linnaeus
(c) Mayr
(d) Darwin


Question. The taxonomic unit ‘Phylum’ in the classification of animals is equivalent to

which hierarchical level in classification of plants:
(a) Class
(b) Order
(c) .Division
(d) Family


Question. All living organisms are linked to one another because:

(a) They have common genetic material of the same type
(b) They. share common genetic material but to varying degrees
(c) All have common cellular organization
(d) All of the above


Question. Which of the following is a defining characteristic of living organisms?

(a) Growth
(b) Ability to make sound
(c) Reproduction
(d) Response. to external stimuli

Question. Match the following and choose the correct option.
(a) Family               1. Tuberosum
(b) Kingdom            2. Polymoniales
(c) Order                3. Solanum
(d) Species             4. Plantae
E. Genus                5. Solanaceae
(a) A-4 B-3 C-5 D-2 E-1
(b) A.-5 B-4 C-2 D-1 E-3
(c) A-4 B-5 C-2 D-1 E-3
(d) A-5 B-3 C-2 D-1 E-4


Question. The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on:

(a) Local names
(b) Height. of the plant
(c) Date of collection
(d) Name of collector


Question. Biodiversity of a geographical region represents:

(a) Genetic diversity present in the dominant species of the region
(b) Species endemic to the region
(c) Endangered species found in the region
(d) The diversity. in the organisms living in the region


Question. Biosystamatics aims at:

(a) The classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters.
(b) Delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships.
(c) The classification. of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their
phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies.
(d) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of their cytological


Question. First life on earth was:

(a) Cyanobacteria     
(b) .Chemohetrotrophs
(c) Autotrophs             
(d) Photoautotrophs


Question. Consider the following statements and select correct set of option.

(a) The most obvious and technically complicated features are metabolism and
(b) Growth and reproduction are mutually inclusive events for euglenoids and
(c) Generally, families and orders are identified on the basis of aggregates of vegetative
characters only.
(d) Herbarium serves as quick referral system in taxonomical studies.
(a) B, C & D
(b) A, C & D
(c) B. & D
(d) A, B, C & D


Question. Viable material of endangered species can be preserved by:

(a) Gene. bank
(b) Gene library
(c) Herbarium
(d) Gene pool

Question. Which arrangement is in correct ascending order?

(a) Species. < genus < order < family
(b) Genus < species < family < order
(c) Order < family < genus < species
(d) Species < genus < family < order


Question. A living organism can be unexceptionally differentiated from a non-living

thing on the basis of its ability for:
(a) .Reproduction
(b) Growth and movement
(c) Responsiveness to touch
(d) Interaction with environment and progressive evolution


Question. ‘Taxon’ is the unit of a group of:

(a) Order
(b) .Taxonomy
(c) Species
(d) Genes


Question. A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is:
(a) Species
(b) Genus
(c) Order
(d) .Taxon

Question. Taxonomic key is one of the taxonomic tools in the identification and
classification of plants and animals. It is used in the preparation of:
(a) Monographs
(b) Flora
(c) Both. (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Question. Isolated metabolism reaction outside the body performed in test tube
(a) Living
(b) Non – living
(c) Neither. living nor Non-living
(d) Both (a) and (b)


Question. The taxonomic category below the lovel of family is

(a) Class
(b) Species
(c) Phylum
(d) .Genus


Question. Which of the following species are restricted to a given area?

(a) Sympatric species
(b) Allopatric species
(c) Sibling species
(d) Endemic. species

Question. Die naturlichen pflanzenfamilien was given by.
(a) Engler. & Prantl
(b) Lamarck
(c) Curier
(d) None of these


Question. Olericulture is cultivation of:

(a) Flowers
(b) .Vegetables
(c) Fruits
(d) All the above


Question. Largest Herbarium in the world situated in

(a) .Kew
(b) L.(a)
(c) Johannesburg
(d) Brazil


Question. Family and order of Triticum aestivum (wheat) are

(a) Poaceae, Monocotyledonae
(b) Poaceae., Poales
(c) Poales, Monocotyledonae
(d) None is correct


Question. The word ending with – aceae indicates:

(b) .Family
(c) Order
(d) Class


Question. Order polyemoniales include

(a) .Convolvulaceae
(b) Solanaceae
(c) Both of this
(d) None of these


Question. Providing information for identification of names of species found in an area

(a) Fauna
(b) Flora
(c) Monograph
(d) Manuals.


Question. Carnivora includes

(a) Canis
(b) Felis
(c) Both. of these
(d) None of these


Question. The word systematics is derived from

(a) Greek word systema
(b) Italic word systema
(c) Latin. word systema
(d) English word systema


Question. Order polyemoniales based on

(a) Reproductive character
(b) Floral. character
(c) Evolutionary character
(d) None of these


Question. Which of the following combinations is correct for wheat ?

(a) Genus : Triticum, Family : Anacardiaceae, Order : Poales, Class : Monocotyledonae
(b) Genus : Triticum, Family : Poaceae, Order : Poales, Class : Dicotyledonae
(c) Genus : Triticum, Family : Poaceae, Order : Sapindales, Class : Monocotyledonae
(d) Genus. : Triticum, Family : Poaceae, Order : Poales, Class : Monocotyledonae


Question. Poales is the order of

(a) Mango
(b) .Wheat
(c) Maize
(d) Corn


Question. When organisms are in the same class but not in same family, the taxonomic
term is called as:
(a) .Order
(b) Genus
(c) Family
(d) Species


Question. The simplest amino acid is:

(a) Aspartic acid
(b) Tyrosine
(c) Lysine
(d) .Glycine


Question. The category that includes related order is

(a) Families
(b) Phylum
(c) .Class
(d) Kingdom


Question. Two animals belong to the same kingdom but different classes. They may
belong to the same
(a) .Phylum
(b) Order
(c) Division
(d) Family


Question. Family of man (Homo sapiens) is:

(a) .Hominidae
(b) Hominini
(c) Primata
(d) Ceboideae


Question. The term taxon for plants coined by

(a) Curier
(b) Adolf. Meyer
(c) H.J Lam
(d) DeCandolle


Question. In a taxonomic hierarchy, family is interpolated between:

(a) Kingdom and class
(b) Class and order
(c) Order. and genus
(d) Class and genus


Question. Herbarium sheet size?

(a) 29. * 41.5 cm
(b) 29 * 40 cm
(c) 30 * 20 cm
(d) 20 * 20 cm


Question. Employment of hereditary principles in the improvement of human race is:

(a) Ethnology
(b) Euphenics
(c) .Eugenics
(d) Euthenics

Question. Insects are preserved in insect boxes after:

(a) Collecting. – Killing – Pinning
(b) Killing – Collecting – Pinning
(c) Killing – Pinning – Collecting
(d) None of these


Question. Biosystematics aims at   

(a) the classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters
(b) delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships
(c) the. classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their
phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies
(d) identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of their cytological


Question. The usage of binomial names, for plant species was accepted by all after the
publication of the work by   
(a) Hooker
(b) .Linnaeus
(c) Bentham
(d) Darwin


Question. The book ‘Genera Plantarum’ was written by   

(a) Engler and Prantl 
(b) Bentham. and Hooker
(c) Bessey
(d) Hutchinson.

Question: Which one of the following has least similar characters?   

(a) .Class
(b) Genus
(c) Species
(d) Family


Question. Linnaeus is credited with   

(a) binomial. nomenclature
(b) theory of biogenesis
(c) discovery of microscope
(d) discovery of blood circulation. 


Question. Which one of the following is correctly matched regarding an Institute and its
(a) National. Institute of Virology – Pune
(b) National Institute of Communicable disease- Lucknow
(c) Central Drug Research Institute – Kasauli Institute
(d) National Institute of Nutrition – Mumbai


Question. Linnaeus evolved a system of nomenclature called   

(a) mononomial
(b) vernacular
(c) .binomial
(d) polynomial.

Question. The term “New Systematics” was introduced by   
(a) Bentham and Hooker
(b) Linnaeus
(c) Julian. Huxley
(d) A.P. de Candolle.


Question. “Ordines Anomali” of Bentham and Hooker includes   

(a) seed plants showing abnormal forms of growth and development.
(b) plants represented only in fossil state.
(c) plants described in the literature but which Bentham and Hooker did not see in original.
(d) a. few orders which could not be placed satisfactory in the classification.


Question. The common characteristics between tomato and potato will be maximum at
the level of their   
(a) .family
(b) order
(c) division
(d) genus.


Question: What is true for individuals of same species?   

a) .Interbreeding
b) Live in same habitat
c) Live in same niche
d) None of these

Question. Which one of the following organisms is scientifically correctly named,
correctly printed according to the International Rules of Nomenclature and correctly
(a) Musca domestica – the common house lizard, a reptile
(b) Plasmodium. falciparum – a protozoan pathogen causing the most serious type of malaria.
(c) Felis tigris – the Indian tiger, well protected in Gir forests.
(d) E.coli – full name Entamoeba coli, a commonly occurring bacterium in human intestine.


Question. The system of classification based on evolutionary and genetic relationships

among organisms, ignoring the morphological similarities or differences, is called   
(a) .cladistics
(b) phenetics
(c) classical systematics
(d) new systematics


Question. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular
taxonomic category?   
(a) Tiger. – tigris, species
(b) Cuttlefish – mollusca, class
(c) Humans – primata, family
(d) Housefly – Musca, order


Question. Species are considered as   

(a) real. basic units of classification
(b) the lowest units of classification
(c) artificial concept of human mind which cannot be defined in absolute terms
(d) real units of classification devised by taxonomists. 

Question. Scientific name of Mango plant is Mangifera indica (Linn.) Santapau. In the

above name Santapau refers to   
(a) Variety of Mango
(b) A taxonomist who proposed the present nomenclature in honour of Linnaeus
(c) A scientist who for the first time described Mango plant
(d) A. scientist who changed the name proposed by Linnaeus and proposed present name


Question. Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?   

(a) .Species
(b) Division
(c) Class
(d) Family 


Question. ‘Taxon’ is the unit of a group of   

(a) order
(b) .taxonomy
(c) species
(d) genes. 


Question. The classification of Linnaeus was mainly based on   

(a) Sepals
(b) Carpels
(c) Petals
(d) .Stamens

Question. Sequence of taxonomic categories is   
(a) class–phylum–tribe–order–family–genus– species
(b) division–class–family–tribe–order–genus–species
(c) division.–class–order–family–tribe–genus–species.
(d) phylum–order–class–tribe–family–genus–species. 


Question. The term phylum was given by   

(a) Cuvier
(b) .Haeckel
(c) Theophrastus
(d) Linnaeus.


Question. Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?   

(a) .Species
(b) Division
(c) Class
(d) Family


Question. A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is   
(a) species
(b) genus
(c) order
(d) .taxon


Question. A taxon is   

(a) a group of related families
(b) a group of related species
(c) a type of living organisms
(d) a. taxonomic group of any ranking


Question. Read the following statements

(i) Lower the taxon, more are the characteristics that the members within the taxon share. 
(ii) Order is the assemblage of genera which exhibit a few similar characters.
(iii) Cat and dog are included in the same family Felidae
(iv) Binomial Nomenclature was introduced by Carolus Linnaeus. 
Which of the following statements are NOT correct?
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii.) and (iii)


Question. Basic unit or smallest taxon of taxonomy/classification is   

(a) .species
(b) kingdom
(c) family
(d) variety. 


Question. Static concept of species was put forward by   

(a) de Candolle
(b) .Linnaeus
(c) Theophrastus
(d) Darwin.

Question. Choose the correct one   
(i) Growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living organism.
(ii) Dead organism does not grow.
(iii) Reproduction cannot be an all inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms.
(iv) No non-living object is capable of replicating itself.
(v) Metabolism in a test tube is non-living.
(vi) Metabolism is a defining feature of all living organisms.
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) All. except (v)
(c) All except (iii)
(d) All of these


Question. The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on   
(a) date of collection
(b) name of collector
(c) local names
(d) height. of the plant.


Question. Which one of the following is not a correct statement?   

(a) A. museum has collection of photographs of plants and animals.
(b) Key is a taxonomic aid for identification of specimens.
(c) Herbarium houses dried, pressed and preserved plant specimens.
(d) Botanical gardens have collection of living plants for reference.


Question: Choose correct scientific name of mango   

a) Mangifera. indica Linn
b) Mangifera indica Hook
c) Mangifera indica L
d) Mangifera Indica


Question. One of the most important functions of botanical gardens is that   

(a) they provide a beautiful area for recreation
(b) one can observe tropical plants there
(c) they. allow ex situ conservation of germplasm
(d) they provide the natural habitat for wild life.


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