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Activity 4 in History of Mathematics Chinese mathematicians were able to surpass the

Short Term SY 2018 – 2019 Greeks in terms of systematic treatment of fractions

Name Dela Cruz, Aira Kay L. They dealt with various kinds of proportions,
Program BSEd Math 1 devised methods for extracting square and cubic
roots, made solutions of linear systems of equations,
EARLY MATHEMATICS IN THE EAST introduced concepts of positive and negative
numbers, found formula for Pythagorean triples and
Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences. were able to calculate areas and volumes of
( 3 points each) different shapes and figures. Greeks had only
tapped a small tip in the iceberg while the Chinese
Name some of the main Indian mathematicians and were able to give a more comprehensive
some of their contributions. information of these different mathematical
The Indian mathematecians were Aryabhata, concepts.
Brahmagupta and Bhaskara. Aryabhata was known What sort of mathematical notation did the Chinese
for his place value system (he did not use zero) and contribute?
his approximation with the value of π =3.1416. Chinese made use of the abacus alongside with
Brahmagupta made use of zero as a number and “calculation with rods” in which small bamboo
made solution for quadratic equation and introduced sticks are placed in successive squares of a
the elimination method. Bhaskara was the first to checkboard.
write Hindu decimal system, with a circle for the
zero. Prepared by:

How did their work differ from that of the Greeks? Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin
-The differences include the management of Subject Instructor
equations involving more than one unknown term,
the resolution of equations of a higher order in
which the indian mathematicians were merited in
attempting and anticipated the modern discovery of
the solution of biquadratics, Diophantus and the
application of algebra to astronomical and
geometrical application where they reinvented
formulas at their time.
What was the House of Wisdom?
-Grand Library of Baghdad or the House of
Wisdom refers to either a major Abbasid public
academy or intellectual center in Baghdad. It was
built as a library but later on became the home of
wisdom during the Islamic Golden Age where
important works of scholars from Europe and
Middle East were preserved.

What modern mathematical ideas and terms came

from Al-Khowarizmi?
Muhamad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi or Al-
Khwarizmi is the father of algebra. His important
approach in solving linear and quadratic equation,
leading to the foundation of algebra which is a
prominent subject in our modern society.Algebra is
a unifying theory which allowed rational numbers,
irrationals numbers and the like to all be treated as
“algebraic object”.
Who was Omar Khayyam?
-Omar Khayyam is one of the most influential
scientist of all time who wrote numerous treatise on
mechanics, geography, mineralogy and astrology.
Khayyam had Khayyam Triangle. One of his book
also contained systematic solution of third-degree
equations, going beyond Khwarizmi, as he obtained
the solutionbs of these equations by finding the
intersection points of two conic sections.
In what areas did Chinese mathematicians progress
past the Greeks?
Activity 5 in History of Mathematics without its discovery, the books and other storage of
Short Term SY 2018 – 2019 knowledge and information wouldn’t be present
Name Dela Cruz, Aira Kay L. now. The paper is the most basic yet important tool
Program BSEd Math 1 in preserving knowledge through time. Without
these, contemporary world wouldn’t exist.
What were some of the great classical universities
Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences. founded in the early renaissance?
( 3 points each) Some of the great classical universities founded in
What were the roles of the Church and the Arabs the early renaissance include the University of
during the “Dark Ages”? Bologna, University of Paris, University of Oxford,
Most cathedrals had a school to provide a free University of Vicenza and the University of
education to every boy and enforced a highly Cambridge.
demanding course of study. Meanwhile the Arabs
influenced aspects of medieval European culture Who were Cardan and Tartaglia?
through original innovations made during the Islam Cardan and Tartaglia weregreat mathematicians
golden age. Latin translations of the Greek classics known for their claims in giving solutions to cubics.
and Arabic text in astronomy, mathematics, science Tartaglia’s form goes by ax3 +bx3 +d=0 which were
and medicine were some of the information and soon improved by Gerolamo Cardano as his
ideas being supplied in Europe which fostered in the formula goes by x3+bx2+cx+d=0.
dissemination of knowledge across Europe.

How was scientific and mathematical learning

Olden timesbecame almost a barren wilderness in
the history of science and devoid of interest took What were the significant contributions of Simon
place. However, despite of the decline of learning Stevin and John Napier and why were they
and interest, the quench for knowledge never important?
stopped that is why as the saying goes, the lower John Napler is known as the discoverer of
you fall the higher you bounce, scientific and logarithms and was credited with bringing the
mathematical breakthroughs were able to shed light decimal point to common use. Meanwhile, Simon
during the oldage and made significant Steven offered new insights and discoveries in the
contributions. development of decimal numbers and law of
inclines, gravity, hydrostatics and fortification.
What was the Hindu-Arabic number system, and Because of their contributions on decimal points,
how was it related to Fibonacci? numerical systems expanded and some
mathematical paradoxes were solved. Without
Hindu- Arabic numeral system is a positional
decimals, mathematical ideas will still remain as
decimal numeral system and is the most common
concepts and will remain undiscovered.
system for the symbolic representation of numbers
in the world. Fibonacci introduced modus Indorum
(methods of the Indians) in his book “Liber
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Abaci”which later on became known as the Hindu-
Arabic numeral system.
Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin
Subject Instructor
What was the significance of Liber Abaci?
Liber Abaci is a book written by Fibonacci which
contains the modus Indorum or commonly known
as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. The book
advocated numeration with the digits 0-9 and place
value. The content of the book later on made a
profound impact on European thought and to the
world as well as it paved the way to the universal
use of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

What was the significance of “calendar reform”?

Printing? Paper?
The revision of the calendar, from Julian to
Gregorian, paved the way to the modern calendar
we are using. The discovery of printing by
Guttenberg led to the foundation of books that
Activity 6 in History of Mathematics between the squares of the planets’ periodic times
Short Term SY 2018 – 2019 and the cubes of the radii of their orbits (the
Name Dela Cruz, Aira Kay L. “harmonic law”).
Program BSEd Math 1
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Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences.
( 3 points each) Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin
How were Descartes’ ideas related to Euclid’s? Subject Instructor
Rene Descartes known for his Cartesian
coordination, was inspired by Euclid’s work written
in the Elements where he had 5 postulates. He was
known in working new methods of solving
Euclidian geometry, and later improved the latter
works of Euclid.

What is Cartesian geometry?

The Cartesian geometry is the study of geometry
using a coordinate system. This coordinate system
made use of the x-axis and the y-axis to compute
and graph various mathematical equations.

What is the significance of “Cogito ergo sum”?

The significance of this is the first step in
demonstrating the attainability of certain
knowledge. I think therefore I am enables us to
prove our own existence, that we are rational beings
who thinks therefore who exists. This philosophical
statement opened gates for higher thinking thus the
discovery of various knowledge

What are “vortices”?

Vortex (plural vortices) is a region in a fluid in
which the flow rotates around an axis line, which
may be straight or curved . You can see the vortex
pattern in all . Like in your blood ,nature and even
in the universe .Marko Rodin , his original claim
was he had tapped into and he could model
mathematically , a previously unobserved invisible
energy . It is the initial impulse positive force
behind creation . This energy is characterized by its
linearity .
Who was Tycho?
Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer who is best
known for the astronomical observations which led
Kepler to his theories of the Solar system.

How did Kepler’s work improve on the related

heliocentric theories of Copernicus and Galileo?
German mathematician Johannes Kepler improved
the heliocentric theory by publishing a series of
laws that describe the orbits of the planets around
the Sun.

What are Kepler’s three laws?

 The three major laws of planetary motion, are
conventionally designated as follows: (1)
the planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sunat
one focus; (2) the time necessary to traverse any arc
of a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the
sector between the central body and that arc (the
“area law”); and (3) there is an exact relationship
Activity 7 in History of Mathematics mathematics.
Short Term SY 2018 – 2019
Name Dela Cruz, Aira Kay L. Much of the notation used by mathematicians today
Program BSEd Math 1 - including e, i, f(x), ∑, and the use of a, b and c as
constants and x, y and z as unknowns - was either
Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences. created, popularized or standardized by Euler. His
( 3 points each) efforts to standardize these and other symbols
Who invented calculus “first”? (including π and the trigonometric functions) helped
Isaac Newton invented calculus first while Leibniz, to internationalize mathematics and to encourage
a leading philosopher and mathematician, beat him collaboration on problems.
to the punch by publishing a brief summary in the
Leipzig periodical Acta Eruditorum in October He even managed to combine several of these
1684. together in an amazing feat of mathematical
alchemy to produce one of the most beautiful of all
mathematical equations, eiπ = -1, sometimes known
Who were Maria Agnesi and Emilie du Châtelet? as Euler’s Identity. This equation combines
They were two feminist mathematicians in the time arithmetic, calculus, trigonometry and complex
of Euler. Agnesi was a forceful advocate for the analysis into what has been called "the most
education of women, possibly influenced by the remarkable formula in mathematics", "uncanny and
Ricovrati debate that was held when she was a girl. sublime" and "filled with cosmic beauty", among
Agnesi dedicated her calculus book to the Empress other descriptions. Another such discovery, often
Maria Teresa of Austria, with this inscription.Emilie known simply as Euler’s Formula, is eix =
meanwhile mentioned in David Bodanis’s book cosx + isinx. In fact, in a recent poll of
about Einstein’s famous formula, for her role in mathematicians, three of the top five most beautiful
determining the relationship between velocity and formulae of all time were Euler’s. He seemed to
energy. have an instinctive ability to demonstrate the deep
relationships between trigonometry, exponentials
and complex numbers.
What is the number e (named after Euler)?
Find out what the “witch of Agnesi” is. The number e is a famous irrational number, and is
The "witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by one of the most important numbers in mathematics.
MariaAgnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni The first few digits are:
analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 (and
surviving mathematical work written by a woman). more ...) It is often called Euler's number after
It It is a cubic plane curve defined from two Leonhard Euler(pronounced "Oiler").
diametrically opposite points of a circle.
Read about “The Seven Bridges of Königsberg”.
Why can’t they be traversed exactly once in a
Who was Mersenne? If there is more than one bridge that can be crossed
He is best known among mathematicians when going from one landmass to the other,
for Mersenne prime numbers, those which can be it does not matter which bridge is used. In addition,
written in the form Mn = 2n − 1 for some integer n. the pairs (A,D), (B,D), and (C,D) must occur
Mersenne prime is a prime number that is one less together exactly once for a path that crosses each
than a power of two. bridge once and only once to exist. But if only one
bridge exist, two elements cant cross at the same
What does Fermat’s “little” theorem say?
time given the difference in their mass. For each
This theorem is a special case of Euler's
bridge has their own purpose and they can’t
Totient Theorem, which states that if and are
traversed exactly as one.
integers, then , where denotes Euler's totient
function. If   is an integer,   is a prime
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number and   is not divisible by  ,
then  . Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin
What is Fermat’s “last” theorem? Subject Instructor
In number theory, Fermat's Last
Theorem (sometimes called Fermat's conjecture,
especially in older texts) states that no three positive
integers a, b, and c satisfy the equation an + bn = cn
for any integer value of n greater than 2.

Describe a few of Euler’s contributions to

Activity 3 in History of Mathematics
Short Term SY 2018 – 2019 What were some of Archimedes’ most notable
Name Pasaraba, Clyde Howell mathematical achievements?
Program BSEd Math 1

Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences.

( 3 points each)
What is a prime number? Give some examples.
What is a non-prime number called?

Archimedes made contributions to physics: use the

web to find a description of some of them.

What two things is Eratosthenes most famous for?

Find out about Archimedes’ On the Sphere and the

Cylinder. What is a palimpsest and why is the term
related to Archimedes?
Explain in your own words how to find all primes
less than 50, using Eratosthenes “sieve.”

How did Roman and early Christian societies differ

from Hellenistic society with respect to science and
What was the Almagest?

Prepared by:
Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin
Subject Instructor

Activity in History of Mathematics

Short Term SY 2018 – 2019 6. Approximately what country is Babylonia
Name Pasaraba, Clyde Howell today?
Program BSEd Math 1

Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences.

( 3 points each)
1. Who was Herodotus and what was his
relation with Egypt?

7. What is “cuneiform” and how was it


2. Describe the important geographic features

of Egypt. 8. What does “sexagesimal” mean?

3. Why is Egyptian number notation called

“base ten”? 9. Why is the Babylonian system called

4. What were the “Rosetta Stone” and the

“Rhind Papyrus”? 10. Compare Babylonian fractions with
Egyptian fractions.

5. What were the rules for the kinds of

fractions Egyptians could write?
Prepared by:

Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin

Subject Instructor

Activity 2 in History of Mathematics

Where is Alexandria and what was its relation to
Short Term SY 2018 – 2019
Name Pasaraba, Clyde Howell
Program BSEd Math 1

Answer each of the following in 2 – 3 sentences.

( 3 points each)
Where does the word “geometry” come from? What
does it mean?

What kind of geometric formulas did the Egyptian What is Euclid’s Elements? “Elements” of what?
have? Were they accurate? Give examples.

How did Thales’ approach to geometry differ from What are postulates or axioms? How did the
that of the Egyptians? “axiomatic system” work? Was it practical?

Contrast Greek and Egyptian mathematics.

What is the “Pythagorean Theorem”? When was it

Prepared by:

Erovita Teresita Bacud Agustin

Subject Instructor

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