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Laura Hincapie
Cindy Osorio
Plot of the series...
The Big Bang Theory It is a series of
seven young scientists as intelligent
as clumsy in social life. They work at
the California Institute of Technology,
the famous CalTech based in
Pasadena. His routines are very
marked by his hobbies: science
fiction, comics, video games, Tolkien's
Middle Earth, the latest advances in
physics, robotics, computing, etc...

Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper Amy Farrah Fowler
Main character of the series Amy Farrah Fowler is a
The Big Bang Theory. He has neuro-biologist that Raj
an IQ of 187. He works as a and Howard found for
theoretical physicist at the Sheldon through an
California Institute of internet dating service
Technology and shares an (unbeknownst to Sheldon).
apartment with Leonard. He She is more like Sheldon
is played by American actor than anyone else (even he
Jim Parsons. admitted it himself).

Leonard Leakey

He works as an Eternal aspiring

experimental physicist actress, who
at the California meanwhile works as a
Institute of Technology waitress in a
and shares an restaurant called “The
apartment with Cheesecake Factory”,
Sheldon Cooper, but which is regularly
also with Penny. attended by the four

male leads of the

He works as an
Dra. Bernadette Maryann
engineer at the
Rostenkowski Wolowitz
California Institute
of Technology and
She is a waitress at
is currently
the Cheesecake
married to
Factory, where she
works to pay for
her Micro Biology

studies. She is one

Howard Joel of Penny's friends,
and is currently the
wife of Howard
Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali
Better known as Raj. He
works in the Physics
department at Caltech
University where his area
of ​specialization is particle
astrophysics. His
relationship with women is
opposite to Howard's. He is
so shy, that he is unable to
talk to them unless he is
drunk; He says he has
selective mutism.

Professor Rothman has retired, leaving his office
free, and both Sheldon and Barry Kripke want to
keep him.
Sheldon and Kripke negotiate without reaching an
agreement, and then decide to have an
intellectual duel, but not finding a field in which
they are equally good.
they decide that the duel is based on some sport,
which are equally bad. They play basketball, but
since neither of them is capable of shooting free
throws, the challenge is reduced to seeing who
can bounce the ball higher. Sheldon wins the
challenge and gets the office.
Meanwhile, Penny receives a gift from
Amy, a painting with a huge portrait of the
two, somewhat disturbing, which is 4
square meters. Penny looks for a way to
not have it without hurting Amy's
sensibilities, so she keeps it on the hook
when Amy's in the apartment, but picks it
up when she's not. Penny picks up the
painting, Amy returns immediately and
not seeing the painting gets very angry.
Penny goes to Amy's house and tries to
justify herself by saying that the real
reason she took it off is because
Bernadette was jealous seeing her, thus
getting Amy to be her friend again. Later,
they both hang the painting and Amy
confesses to Penny that they were
originally painted nude, and that if she
wanted, with a little soapy water she
could restore the original composition.

Thanks you

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