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was born in the west part of india on October 2, 1869. both his father and mother were fine people. His father was a chiet officer, brave and very good at his work. His mother was a very religious woman She never began a meat without praying. No wonder that such @ good family would have its effect on Gandhi. Ins early years, Gandhi did not enjoy the company of other boys. He also thought that games were @ waste of time and that it was better for him to help his father after ‘school than to play with other boys. But later he changed his mind about the value of games and sports and began to practice walking which became a habit of his ail fe. Although Gandhi was a great man he had his own mistakes as a child. He deceived his parents by eating meat as advised by a bad friend and thus breaking the rules of his religion. Trying to copy grown ups, he began smoking. Having not enough money to buy cigarettes, he stole little money from the servants of the house. He also stole @ piece of gold from his brother. At the age if nineteen, Gandhi went to England to study to be a lawyer. In spite of difficulties, he managed to study law. He tried to copy the English people in clothes and style of hair. He also took dancing lessons, French and music. But soon gave all these up and became interested in Gita, the holy book of the Hindus. He also read the Bible and the Quran and liked Jesus and Mohamed. After four years of study, Gandhi passed his examinations and returned to India. He worked as a lawyer in India but he did not enjoy his job. So he went to South Africa. He went there as an advisor of a merchant who was going to collect a large amount of money from a relative. There, Gandhi was shocked at the bad conditions of his fellow citizens. Indians ‘of a low rank and were known as “Coolies”. They were ill-treated ‘in many situations that Gandhi had experienced. 1, in a first class carriage, a white man called i refused and insisted on using his right on he had bought a first class ticket but he .. In a public carriage Gandhi was given in in charge wanted his seat and gave e it. Gandhi and other Indians were not -with a new law which was being planned rights, made Gandhi decide to stay in to better the conditions of the Indians. The Indians applied his belief to their liv ind in the end the government In South Africa could do nothing and gave in gradually to the rights of the Indians Gandhi never believed In violence or force. He belie’ @ struggle against evil and force, by disobeying unjust laws and qui him known as “Mahatma Gandhi”. Gandhi returned to india where he star Of different the lowest ved in “Soul Force” which was not by using hatred and force but by love and letly accepting the punishment. This belief made ited an Ashram, a religious group. Many people faces and different religious joined hi, even the untouchables who were Tank in the Hindu religion. Some rich people got angry and stopped supporting the group with money, but Gandhi insisted on having them. He started making plans to move the whole group to the part of the city where the Untouchables lived. Joining the Ashram required Sticking to its principles: 1) always to tell the truth, 2) not to fight or hate other people, 3) to eat only what is necessary, 4) To possess only what is necessary Gandhi had a great aim in life and that was to help to improve the conditions of the poor and Suffering people but always without using force. Gandhi was against un in the march to the sea. H, from the law Preventing t He decided to make a g People followed him on Gandhi struggled for \just laws and he did not obey any unjust law. This appeared € Considered the law preventing the Indians from making salt he Indians from making salt from the sea water an unjust law. reat march to the sea and there disobey that law. Crowds of and on. He was put in Prison for some time but not for long. Self-dependence. He did so by delivering speeches, to important leaders of India, by disobeying unjust laws and by att Struggle, India had become a free nation. But Gandhi was troubled because of the terrible quarrels between the Hindus and the Moslems that led to the division of his own country into two parts: India for the Hindus and Pakistan for the Moslems. Terrible quarrels had taken place in many parts of India between the two. groups. Men, women and children were killed. Thousands became homeless. Peace came sooner in the part where Gandhi lived than other people's love to Gandhi. On January 30/1948 on his way to a prayer meeting Gandhi was short by a young Hindu. He thought that Gandhi had harmed that Hindus by being friendly to the Moslems. Pandit Nehru speaking over the radio delivered a speech in which he described Gandhi as the light of his nation which now, being blown out would leave the nation in darkness. Indeed Gandhi was the light not only of India but of the whole Id. He was the one who defended the Indians in South Africa and in India. He set ine ee of the British Government. He bridged the gulf between different classes in India. He Taught his people love and peace er by talking ‘acking of _ 9) What difficulties i Gandhi face in England? He found difficulty in finding food suitable for the rules of his religion. He also spent a lot of time and money trying to be a really English gentleman without any success, 10) What made Gandhi go to South Africa? He went there as an advisor of a merchant who was going to collect a large amount of money from a relative there. 11) Why was Gandhi shocked when he arrived in South Africa? When Gandhi arrived in South he soon discovered that conditions among the Indians there were not all right. They had no rights and were badly treated. They were called “coolies”. 12) Mention one of the events that made Gandhi feel that someone was needed to help the Indians in South Africa, He was traveling in a first class carriage in a train when a white man called a daltial guard to send him out, Gandhi refused and insisted on using his pole What was “Soul Force”? “Soul force” was a struggle against evil and force, not by using hatreds and force, but by love and by quietly refusing to obey unjust laws. What was the “Ashram”? Who were allowed to join it? Itwas a religious group started by Gandhi. People of different races and different religions could join it. What promises should a person make to join the “Ashram”? Any person regardless of his race or religion could join the “Shram’ if he promised (1) always to speak the truth: (2) not to fight or hate other people: (3) to eat only what was necessary to keep him healthy: (4) not to own anything that was not necessary. Who were the “untouchables”? What happened when they joined the Ashram? 26) Why did peace come sooner in the part of the country where Gandhi was 28) living than in other parts of India? Because Gandhi refused to eat until the fighting had stopped. Both Moslems a Hindus respected Gandhi so much that they kept peace. How and why did the young Hindu kill Gandhi? Gandhi was walking slowly from his home to attend a prayer meeting. The young Hindu pushed his way through the crowd and killed Gandhi because he thought that Gandhi had done harm to the Hindus by being friendly to the Moslems “The light has gone out of our lives and everywhere it is dark” Comment Pandit Nehru, a great Indian leader and Gandhi's best friend said these words on the radio to the people of India the night Gandhi was killed. He was lamenting the greatest man that India had ever had. He called Gandhi the father of the nation. He told the people that the best way to honour Gandhi was to carry on the beliefs that Gandhi had given his life to: for which he lived and for which he died.

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