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1. Ifa assures you that you shall definitely succeed in your life. Ifa says
that when you were coming from heaven, you chose to be a historian
of high repute on earth. What you are destined to do on earth
promotes harmony, encourages justice and community progress.

There is the need for you to learn in an extensive way the detailed
history of your family your community, your state and your country in
general. These will give you the necessary authority. This will enable
you to adjudicate over serious communal issues.

Ifa says that if you do this with impartiality, you shall not only live long,
but you shall equally be blessed with success and elevation.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens, two
pigeons, two roosters, two ducks, two guinea fowls and money.
On this, Ifa says:

Ika ba
Olobara ba
Olobara omo aja
Odo gbooro o ju ‘gbon-on
Bi won ba gbon-on, bi won o ba gbon
Won a maa gbon sori araa won
Dia fun Alabahun Ajapa
Ti nloo, j’onpitan fun won l’ale Ife
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ika ba
And Obara ba
Olobara is like a puppy
A deep straight stream is difficult to drain
If they attempt draining it without having the expertise
They end up wetting themselves
Ifa’s messages for Alabahun Ajapa, the Tortoise
When going to becoming the Historian in Ile-Ife land
He was advised to offer ebo
And he complied
2. Ifa says that you shall live long, in relative comfort and peace of mind.
You shall not toil or suffer in your life. Ifa says that your undertakings
in life shall be blessed and approved by the Divinities. This is the
reason why you must always do good things, speak good and act good
at all times.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea-fowls
and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ika ba
Olobara ba
Dia fun Opolo
Ti yoo wo’bi to tutu lo ree ba si
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E waa ba ni ni wowo ire gbogbo

Ika ba
And Obara ba
Ifa cast for Opolo, the Toad
When going to a cool and comfortable place to settle
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

3. Ifa says that you shall multiply in all aspects of life. All what you have
lost shall be regained in several folds. You will have cause to
celebrate and rejoice.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with eight rats, eight fish, eight pigeons,
eight hens, eight guinea-fowls, eight ducks, eight roosters and
money. On this, Ifa says:

Ika ba
Obara ba
Dia fun won ni Ika
Eyi to nrele Ibara loo foju kan’re
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Nje ire to ti nu
Ire de
Ika-baara o o, ire e de!

Ika ba
And Obara ba
Ifa cast for the inhabitants of Ika land
When going to Ibara to perceive all ire of life
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Now, all ire that had hitherto been lost
The Ire had returned
Ika baara o o, ire had returned!

4. Ifa assures you that all the prosperity and achievements of your
ancestors which had either gone down or totally disappeared are
coming back to you.

To succeed is not your problem, but to maintain that success is what

you need to work on.

Ifa advises you to first of all, use 600 cowries to offer ebo. At the
same time, you need to procure the following materials: four pigeons,
four guinea-fowls, four roosters and money. If this can be done,
there is going to be prosperity in your life. On this, Ifa says:

O ba f’egbeta run’ye
Ki n kifa enu u mi ko o
Ko daradara
Dia fun Olora ‘Moja-Akoko
Nijo Aje ile e won ti si lo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ba wa f’egbeta run’ye
Ki n kifa enu u mi ko o
Ko dara-dara o

You better procure 600 (cowries) for Ifa consultation
For me to recite Ifa for you
So that your life will improve for the better
Ifa’s message for Olora ‘Moja-Akoko
When all ire in his household had departed altogether
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
You better procure 600 for Ifa consultation
For me to recite your Ifa for you
So that your life will improve for the better

5. Ifa says that you are going to receive profit from where you were born
and outside your place of birth. In other words, there is nowhere you
go that you cannot succeed. You will become a great man in your life.
Your greatness will be known from far and wide. You will also be
respected in your native locality.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea-fowls
and money. On this, Ifa says:

Sikisiki laa s’aba aje

Jingbinni-jingbinni laa k;apo ileke b’orun
Dia fun Yaayaa
Ti nloo ba won mu’le ibudo l’oko
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje yaayaa, Awo rere ni o o
Mo r’ere ni’le
Mo r’ere l’oko
Yaayaa, Awo rere ni o o

With caution do one display money
And with grandiose do one adorn one’s neck with
expensive beads
Ifa’s message for Yaayaa, blade-grass
When going to look for a place of abode on the farm
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Yaayaa, you are a benevolent Awo
I gain profit at home
I am also profitable on the farm
Yaayaa, you are a real good Awo

6. Ifa says that when you are coming from heaven; you chose to be a
leader of people and opinions. For this reason, Sango promises to
assist you on attaining your destiny. You shall therefore become a
leader who will be both feared and respected. Your orders shall not be
ignored by your subjects. You shall be held in very high esteem.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two matured rams, 200 pebbles
and money. Ifa says that you shall be blessed with several
subordinates and followers. On this, Ifa says:

Ika ba
Obara ba
Igi oguro ko yaa gun
Yoo f’owo pa o
Yoo f’ese pa
Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Eyi ti nr’aye apesin pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Bambi, agbo meji ni o gba
Ile tobi o
Agbo meji ni o gba

Ika ba
And Obara ba
Oguro palm-tree is not easy to climb
It wounds the hands
And wounds the legs
Ifa’s message for Sango
When going into the world to assume leadership roles
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Bambi, please take two rams
The household is very large
Please ask for two rams

7. Ifa advises you to constantly offer the ebo of peace of mind and
comfort. There is not much comfort for you where you are right now.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four guinea-fowls, four pigeons
and money. You also need to feed your Ori with guinea-fowl and
pounded yam. The pounded yam must be prepared with freshly
fetched water. On this, Ifa says:

Ika bara
Awo Ori lo dia f’Ori
Ori nsunkun alainibudo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ori gbe mi de’bi ire
Ori i mi gbe mi de’bi ire
Ori ni adaye ba
Ori ni akunleyan
Ori i mi gbe mi de’bi ire

Ika bara
The Awo of Ori who cast Ifa for Ori
When Ori had no permanent place of abode
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ori, please lead me to a comfortable place
My Ori, please carry me to a comfortable place
Ori is adayeba, that which we came into the world to
Ori is one’s akunleyan
My Ori, please lead me to a comfortable place

8. Ifa says that you live to help other people as much as you can, but the
unfortunate part is that people pay you back with evil and ingratitude.
Ifa however advises you not to pay back evil with evil. Ifa says that if
anyone does anything that pains you against you, all that you need to
do is to hand such person over to Olodumare and Ifa. Do not take any
action by yourself. Do not take the law into your own hand.

On the other hand, Ifa warns you never to pay back good with evil.
You must ensure that when someone does anything good to you, there
must be a reciprocal from you to that person.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two guinea-
fowls, two pigeons, two ducks, two roosters and money. On this
aspect, Ifa says:

Ka mi ni bara
Ki n ka o ni sofin
Dia fun Egusi
Ti nlo oko alero l’odun
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Oore ti egusi se f’oloko
Kunmo, lo fi n gbaa

Harvest my melon seed
And I will harvest your onion in return
Ifa’s message for Egusi, the Melon
When going to the farm for annual planting
She was advised to offer ebo
All the kind gestures of the Melon to the farmer
It is with clubs and batons that she is being repaid

9. Ifa warns you never to do evil or show wickedness in your life. You
must always do good and be ready to help other people to grow and

Ifa assures you that anyone planning to do evil against you will have
himself or herself to blame because such evil will recoil and bounce
back against such evil perpetrator.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, two pigeons,
two guinea-fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ki Babalawo o ko’fa-ko’fa
De’bi ti yoo l’owo l’owo
Ki onisegun o k’oogun-k’oogun
De’bi ti yoo l’oro-l’oro
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti won ni ki baba o ko’fa ola
Ko ko’fa ire
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eni to s’ika
Oun naa yoo ba’ka ku
Ifa ola ni’fa a mi o

Let a Babalawo study Ifa extensively
To the point where he will be wealthy
Let a Herbalist study medicines extensively
To the point where he will be prosperous
Ifa’s messages for Orunmila
When he was advised to study the Ifa which brings
And those which bring all ire of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Those who are wicked
They will die a wicked and painful death
Mine is the Ifa which brings prosperity
10. Ifa warns that whenever you intend to marry a woman or even when
you plan to have an affair with a woman, make sure that you do not
seduce any married woman. It is totally against your destiny to do so.
This is for you to avoid untimely death or disaster.

Ifa warns particularly against a fair-skinned woman who is smallish in

stature. Ifa says that you must never have any affair with her,
especially if she is engaged or married to someone else.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two roosters, two hens, and money.
On this, your Odu says:

Ika babaaba awo Eku

Dia fun Eku
Ti nloo gba Pupayemi
Tii s’obinrin Ebiti
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gb’ebo ni’be ko s’ebo

Ika babaaba, the Awo of the Rat
He cast Ifa for the Rat
When going to snatch away Pupayemi, the Palm-
The woman of Ebiti, the Dead-fall trap
He was advised to offer ebo
All Ifa devotees
Please let those advised to offer ebo do so

11. Ifa assures you that if you are properly married, or if you are in the right
love relationship with a woman, the affairs will be blessed with children.
If there is any problem of childbearing, you need to offer ebo and feed
all Orisa/Irunmole available with Itoo melon soup.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four hens, four guinea-fowls, four
rats, four fish and money. After this, you need to feed all the
Orisa/Irunmole with soup prepared with Itoo melon. On this, Ifa says:

Ika bara muta

Dia fun won ni Ibarapa
Omo af’itoo bo oun gbogbo
Nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E waa ba ni ni wowo omo

Ika bara muta
Ifa cast for the inhabitants of Ibarapa
Offsprings of those who use Itoo, Melon to feed
Because of child-bearing
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children

12. Ifa says that if your wife gives birth to a baby, please do not let her
breast-feed the baby until she offers the ebo below. She must also do
the preparation which is listed below. This is to avoid a situation where
her child will face the threat of untimely death.

Ifa says that there is something wrong with your wife’s breast milk
which must be corrected before she can be allowed to feed the baby
with it.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two matured he-goats and money.
You also need to get bitter-leaves and squeeze the leaves in water.
Use the water to wash the two breasts of your wife before she can use
the breasts to feed her baby. If she fails to do this she runs the risk of
losing her baby. On this, Ifa has this to say:

Ika lo gun’yan ni o b’Olu

Olobara lo se’be ni o b’Awo
Igba egun ni nbe l’orun Ooni
Dia fun Yewa Ororo
Eyi a bimo ma ma l’omi l’omu
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Omu to roro
E ma ma je ko p’omo je o!

Ika prepares pounded yam without feeding Olu
And Olobara prepares soup without feeding Awo
The calabash of curses is on the neck of Ooni
Ifa’s messages for Yewa Ororo
Who gave birth to a baby but who did not have breast
She was advised to offer ebo
Please do not allow a dangerous breast to kill the

13. Ifa equally warns you that you must never place anything dangerous
close to where your baby’s feeding and upkeep utensils are kept.

All things that your baby eats, drinks, uses as cream, lotions, powders,
soap etc must be kept separate from all other things. This is to prevent
a situation where lethal substance is fed to the baby leading to death
or serious harm.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two matured he-goats. One of the
he-goats will be used to feed Esu.

Ika ba
Olobara ba
Olobara ma ba ti mi
Mo ti rubo nitori ajogun
Dia fun Elenu-yiyo
Tii s’obinrin Ago
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O loo yo’yo
Iwo lo yo o
Elenu-yiyo, obinrin Ago
O loo yo’yo
Iwo lo yo o!

Ika ba
And Olobara ba
Olobara, do not crouch beside me
I have offered ebo against Ajogun, evil principalities
Ifa’s message for Ekenu-yiyo, the woman with
slippery mouth
The wife of Ago
She was advised to offer ebo
You intended to take salt
You instead took poison
Elenu-yiyo, the wife of Ago
You intended to take salt
But you took poison instead!

14. Ifa advises you to offer ebo against the wrath of the Elders of the Night.
Ifa says that you must not wait until they begin to spoil your things
before you take steps to offer appropriate ebo against their evil

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, four giant
rats and money. The four giant rats shall be used to feed the Elders
of the Night. The internal organs of the he-goat shall also be used to
feed the Elders of the Night. On this particular aspect, Ifa says:

Ika bara muta

Dia fun won nilee Liki
Nijo ajogun Eleye ka won mo’le pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun o

Ika bara muta
Ifa cast for the inhabitants of Liki land
When the Witches overwhelmed them completely
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Before long, not too far
Join us where we offer ebo to overcome adversity

15. Ifa warns you to be exercising patience at all times. You also need to
listen carefully to all sides of any story before you take any action. Ifa
cautions you against taking arbitrary steps on any issue. This is to
avoid a situation where you will take steps that will lead to serious
embarrassment for you. You also need to be very careful not to use
your own mouth to attract and invite problem into your life.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two matured he-goats and money.
You also need to watch your tongues so as to avoid putting yourself
into trouble as a result of your utterances. On this, Ifa says:

Ika Awo Olujolu

Olobara Awo Olujosin
Olori-ire nii jopara ile Ido
Dia fun kekere Ijero
Omo alagogo enu p’ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Nje igun ni mo pe
Emi o p’ogun o
E ma ma k’apo
E ma k’ofa mo o
Igun ni mo pe
Emi o p’ogun o!

Ika is the Awo of Olujolu
And Olobara is the Awo of Olujosi
The Lucky one is the one given the title of Opara in
Ido land
Ifa’s messages for the Youth of Ijero land
He who uses his mouth as going to call on war
(against himself)
He was advised to offer ebo
What I intend to call in Igun, Vulture
And not Ogun, war and uprising
Please do not carry sheaths
Do not look for arrows
What I intend to call is Vulture
And not war and uprising!

16. Ifa states that you are very stubborn and you do not like to listen to
simple advice. This is an aspect of your life and character that you
need to change. You must not continue that way because it may
shorten your hopes, aspirations, and life.

Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two matured rams and money. You
also need to make a costume for Egungun, Masquerade. The
Masquerade must be made to parade your vicinity. On this, Ifa says:

Ika ba
Obara ba
Obara nba kunmo
Dia fun Eni-ti-a-wi–loran-ti-o-gbo
Ti yoo maa dun hun-hun-hun l’abe aso
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Ero Ipo, ero Ofa
E o ri’fa nse l’ooro gangan!

Iba ba
Obara ba
Ifa’s message for he who rejects wise counseling
Who will end up speaking under the Masquerade
costume (after he had died)
He was advised to offer ebo
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Can’t you see how the prediction of Ifa had suddenly
come to pass!

Aboru Aboye

1. Ifa – for support and success

2. Ori – for support and elevation
3. Egungun- for longevity
4. Odu –for success
5. Osu- for sound health
6. Sango – for victory leadership and victory
7. Osun – for child bearing
8. Ogun – for direction, victory and protection
9. Egbe – for leadership and elevation


1. Must never show wickedness – to avoid dying a wretched person

2. Must never pay back evil with evil – to avoid unconsummated fortune
3. Must never be too light-fisted – to avoid unconsummated fortune
4. Must never eat roosters –to avoid failure in love relationships
5. Must never be careless with naked fire – to avoid fire outbreak
6. Must never be careless with what you and your family eat, drink or use –
to avoid disaster
7. Must not allow your wife to breast – feed your newborn baby until you offer
the ebo – to avoid untimely death for the baby
8. Must not jump into conclusions – to avoid inviting trouble for yourself
9. Must not snatch another man’s wife – to avoid untimely death
10. Must never drink palm-wine or related alcohol – to avoid unconsummated
11. Must never use red and black dresses – to avoid unconsummated fortune


1. Historian
2. Commentator/Broadcaster/Presenter/Announcer
3. Ifa/Orisa Priest


1. Ifasegun – Ifa is victorious

2. Ifaola – Ifa of prosperity
3. Ifafore – Ifa says that it is ire
4. Ifaranti – Ifa remember everything
Aboru Aboye

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