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Nama: Aulia Lestari

Kelas: X MIPA 3

The Ants

Ants are members of insects that have more than 12,500 species (species) where the majority live in the
tropics. Ants are members of the Formicidae tribe with the Hymenoptera nation.

Ants are known as social insects because they live together or in colonies. A nest is formed regularly and
has members of thousands of ants in each colony with different tasks.

One ant colony consists of several tasks that are divided, namely queen ants, male ants, worker ants to
guard ants. A colony has a large territory and is able to support their life.

Ants have a relatively small body size, but ants are said to be the strongest animal in the world because
they are able to support a heavy load of fifty times their own weight.

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