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Name: Coleen Margarette A.

Yare Course and Year: BS Psych-1

Subject: Readings in Philippine History (GEC 12) Teacher: Mr. Kurt Casas

TORTYUR: Human Rights Violations During The Marcos Regime

Michael Charleston Briones Chua, better known by his stage name Xiao Chua, is a
Filipino historian, academic, and television personality. He is best known for his scholarly works
on Philippine history and for his many appearances on Philippine television as a commentator
on historical subjects featuring a consistent appearance on the People's Television Network's
news program "Xiao Time." At the moment, he teaches at De La Salle University. Yes, I do think
that Xiao Chua is a reliable source of information when it comes to Philippine history as that is
what he is known to be best at. As I read his article that was provided, he was able to provide
exact dates,he also mentioned names, and estimated numbers or statistics on the
cases/violations that happened during the Marcos regime in the said article.

Whenever I am asked to read about Philippine history, I check the sources that they
used for their articles, I look at the author’s credentials, I compare the information stated from
the information that I already know is reliable and review the article’s content to establish a
thorough understanding based on strong evidence used. But since Xiao Chua is already known
to be a trustworthy source of information on Philippine history, it is expected that the sources
that he uses on his articles are reliable or credible. For the people who shared their experiences
during those horrible times is such a courageous thing to do as it is not easy to share something
that has brought trauma and how it has impacted your life. It makes them a reliable source
because they had experienced it firsthand, explained what was applied to them and how they
got through it and from what had been discussed from the previous lesson is that they are
considered primary sources and they [primary sources] are considered to be the most reliable
sources of information.

My heart aches to the victims and to their family who had been affected by the dreadful
treatment and experience they had to live through. As a person who is apolitical, but aware
some of the matters that had happened during Martial Law, while reading the article I was very
surprised of how brutal the tortures were, that there were times where they would apply more
than one torture to the victims. Life, liberty, security, and property are our rights. We have a right
to a just system that is open, trustworthy, capable, and impartial, free from influence and
corruption, and where justice is administered swiftly, fairly, and equitably when wrongs are
committed. No matter how great people think Marcos is there is no doubt that the Marcos’
administration violated innumerable human rights and brought trauma, hatred to the Marcoses,
to these victims’ lives.

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