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Tracing polar curves

# 1-a) Trace Spiral of Archimedes: r = a + bθ

import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
ax = plt. subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Spiral of Archimedes: $r = a + bθ$")
import numpy as np
theta=np. linspace(0,2*np.pi,1000)
plt. polar (theta, r,'r.')
plt. show ()

# matplotlib is the whole package; matplotlib. pyplot is a module in matplotlib.

# pylab is a module that gets installed alongside matplotlib. pylab is a convenience module
that bulk imports matplotlib.
# pyplot (for plotting) and numpy (for Mathematics and working with arrays) in a single
name space.
# Since heavily importing into the global namespace may result in unexpected behavior, the
use of pylab is strongly discouraged.
# 1-b) Trace Spiral of Archimedes: r = a + bθ
import pylab
from pylab import *
ax = subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Spiral of Archimedes: $r = a + bθ$")
polar (theta, r,'g’)
show ()
# 2-a) Trace a Cardioid: r = 5(1 + cosθ)
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
from matplotlib. pyplot import *
ax = subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Cardioid: $r=5(1+cos(ɵ)) $")
import numpy as np
theta=np. linspace(0,2*np.pi,1000)
polar (theta, r,'g.')
show ()

# 2- b) Trace a Cardioid: r = 5(1 + cosθ).

import pylab
ax = pylab. subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Cardioid: $r=5(1+cos(ɵ)) $")
theta=pylab. linspace(0,2*pylab.pi,1000)
pylab. polar (theta, r,'r.')
pylab. show ()
# 3-a) Trace a Four leaved Rose: r = 2|cos2x|.
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
from matplotlib. pyplot import *
ax = subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Four leaved Rose: $r=2 | cos2x |$")
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
r=2*abs (cos (2* theta))
polar (theta, r,'b.')
show ()

# 3-b) Trace a Four leaved Rose: r = 2|cos2x|

import pylab
from pylab import *
ax = subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Four leaved Rose: $r=2 | cos2x |$")
theta = linspace (0,2*pi, 1000)
r=2*abs (cos (2* theta))
polar (theta, r,'r')
show ()
# 4) Trace a Circle: r = p, where p is the radius of the circle.
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
ax = plt. subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Circle: $r=3$")
import numpy as np
theta = np. arange (0, 2*np.pi, 0.01)
for i in theta:
plt. polar (i, r, 'g.')
plt. show ()

# 5) Trace Cardioids: r = a + acos(θ) and r = a − acos(θ)

import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import math
ax = plt. subplot(projection='polar')
ax.set_title ("Cardioids: $r = a + acos(θ) and r = a − acos(θ)$")
import numpy as np
theta = np. arange (0, 2*np.pi, 0.01)
# plotting the cardioid
for i in theta:
r1 = a + (a*np.cos(i))
plt. polar (i, r1,'g.')
r2=a- (a*np.cos (i))
plt. polar (i, r2,'r.')
plt. show () # display the polar plot
Tracing parametric curves.
# 1. Trace Circle: x = acos(θ); y = asin(θ)
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def circle (r):
x = [] # create the list of x coordinates
y = [] # create the list of y coordinates
plt. title ("Circle: $ x = acos(θ); y = asin(θ)$")
for theta in np. linspace (-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 100):
# loop over a list of theta, which ranges from -2 pi to 2 pi
#add the corresponding expression of x to the x list
# same for y
plt. plot (x, y) # plot using matplotlib. piplot
plt. show () # show the plot
circle (5) # call the function

# 2. Trace Cycloid: x = a (θ − sinθ); y = a (1 − sinθ)

import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def cycloid (r):
x = [] # create the list of x coordinates
y = [] # create the list of y coordinates
plt. title ("Cycloid: $x = a (θ − sinθ); y = a (1 − sinθ) $")
for theta in np. linspace (-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 100):
# loop over a list of theta, which ranges from -2 pi to 2 pi
x. append (r*(theta - np.sin (theta)))
#add the corresponding expression of x to the x list
y. append (r*(1 - np.cos (theta))) # same for y
plt. plot (x, y) # plot using matplotlib. piplot
plt. show () # show the plot
cycloid (2) # call the function

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